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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I just ordered two. $116.85 is, indeed, the price, but the headphones are backordered, and they don't plan on shipping until October 9-ish.
  2. Shelly, thanks, but I got it covered. I was going to get the V6s, but I think he'd like these better as overall headphones, and the kid (16) deserves new headphones his friends will be jealous over.
  3. I'd just convinced myself that I don't want them and it was good I'd missed out.
  4. I emailed Northern Lights and Sound for a price quote. If they are $116, I'll be buying a pair. My boss, who was killed a couple weeks ago in a motorcycle accident, was wanting to buy headphones for his son, who was just getting into music listening and also mixing on his computer, and asking me about different choices. I know he didn't have the chance to follow through, so I'd at least like to do that for him. I'll let folks know if that's a real deal or not.
  5. Wayne's an official dirty old man! Happy birthday, Santa baby.
  6. Happy birthday, Steve!
  7. I got that text message then forgot about it. I'll give it a try.
  8. Don't be trash talking small boobs!
  9. but what if the picture is looking at the cards?
  10. I don't think he has a particularly active sense of humor, so I'm guessing he was for real with that post. Don't you remember just recently the I can smell her breath it's so real posts when he was all excited about his new toy. He's over the top with everything. The best thing is that he'll be onto something new soon enough.
  11. Who are you?
  12. Reminding me to change my sig: one down....though...er....since it was in partial trade for a future pico slim, not sure if it counts. Yes! It does! One headphone gone, and the slim will be only portable amp with no dac that I'll own. Whew. That was close.
  13. I somehow think you'll manage.
  14. Happy birthday, Jim. Hope you have a wonderful day!
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. I find the reported sound differences a bit disturbing, mostly because I'm so impressed with the sound of my JH13s. What you're describing sounds more like my UE11s, and I wouldn't have spent the money to get slightly better UE11s. You say the tonality difference is not really an issue for you. It would be the number one issue for me. Mike, do you notice any difference?
  17. boomana


    Aura, I have no opinions on watches in general, but I like the way that one looks.
  18. no
  19. My fit was perfect first time.
  20. Well, I'm not sure I interpret their screw ups as good customer service, but at least they seem to be willing to fix things. If the sound weren't so amazing, they'd never get away with the number of seemingly unnecessary mistakes they're making. I feel badly for those who live out of the country with shipping and waiting.
  21. Sell it all and get JH13s and a pico amp/dac. That should have you covered in every genre. It's the best rig I've heard under $5000. Sell the 650s also, and if you want the full-sized Senn sound, pick up some used 600s as they do a bit better with less powerful amps.
  22. Closed: CD3000, L3000 Open dynamic: I guess Grado. If you can't get PS1s, go HF2. Best suggestion: 'stats. Talk to the Stax mafia about choices in a price range that works for you.
  23. Not if he tucks well. rpaul, the D2000s, in my limited experience, don't respond significantly to changes in amp or source. You'd be wasting your money. I've no experience, other than briefly at a meet, with the Beyers, but didn't like them all that much. Gotta go with the common recommendation here: Sell the headphones!
  24. Happy birthday!
  25. Not happening now. Here are some pics Doug took.
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