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Everything posted by boomana

  1. boomana

    slow forum

    Lord, wasn't that someone's avatar on hf for a long time? Wayne emailed me this a bit ago. Kinda interesting:
  2. Congrats, Mike! Today, got my hair did, found a gift certificate from one year ago and bought a new suitcase with it after my old one had zipper dramas, had some mediocre Thai food, and am now ready for an evening nap while reading. Nice day.
  3. Half of us can't remember what gear we've had, and you can't even keep track of others' gear-slutting ways. Good idea that's entirely impractical.
  4. Didn't listen long enough and had listened to too much that day to begin to make a comparison. Most headphones don't spark my interest, and these did. That much I remember. I would like to hear them again.
  5. I quite liked them at CanJam and per other reports, improvements have been made, though I have no idea what that means. I'm looking forward to hearing them. K3cT, I found the CanJam pair to be quite comfy, not as bulky or heavy as my HF2s.
  6. I'm in for a December meet and possibly for a November Tampa party, but that depends on when, as my folks are talking about coming down for a week sometime then.
  7. Yes, they do. I'm not going to go as far as to say that they sound better than my O2MK1s. They don't, but that's specifically in my rig. If we're going to talk price and value, let's look at the whole picture: O2MK1 (used) $1300, BHSE $5500, APL Phillips (used) $1300, ICs $60 = $8160. JH13s (CJ discount) $1000, iphone (had it anyway). The JH13s come amazingly close to reproducing much what I sold off most of my previously owned gear to hear in the O2MK1/BHSE rig. I haven't yet messed around with different amps/sources enough with the JH13s to say anything about their full potential, but imo, even with just an iphone, I can only think of a couple rigs that better the JH13s in pretty much every area that's important to me when listening with headphones (tone, imaging, attack, etc.), and those few rigs cost thousands more than the JH13s. I'm with tyrion on that one. Knowing me I'll be curious, but I can't see myself being disappointed in anything that I'm hearing in the JH13s, and as I've said before, when good enough is actually great, I'm far less inclined to leap into that last 10% or 5% or whatever. I'm more curious about source developments, watching technology like the HiFiMan 801 (which I loved at CanJam, but not yet what I'm looking for), to see where that goes, and how to bring out the potential of these little iems, rather than upgrading the iems themselves.
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. Who has said that?
  10. Really nice, John. Congrats on putting this together.
  11. As I'm listening to Neil Young's Live at Massey Hall 1971 right now with JH13s, my iphone, and no damn amp, all I can say is that I really can't wait to read all your thoughts once you get the customs.
  12. If I had no home rigs, I might be thinking differently, but since this is primarily a portable rig, I'm sticking with simple: iphone>JH13s or ipod>pico slim>JH13s. When good enough is great, I don't need more.
  13. We need pics!
  14. I heard John's Sig 30, but only a couple times and a long time ago. I also remember thinking it was fine, but didn't prefer it to the Zana Deux/F1 with the K1000s, which was also present at one mini-meet at his house. I really liked the Zana/F1, and although never got the chance to compare it side-by-side to other good K1000 rigs I heard, in memory, it was one of my favorites. Before I sold my K1000s, I was using a SP Extreme/F1 combo, and really liked it. Also sounds great and is in current use with my Abbys.
  15. If this is how you plan to contribute to this forum, it doesn't bode well. I could care less if you spent all your money on cables, but why start such a stupid thread? What are you looking for by doing that? Sympathy? Camaraderie? Advice? My advice is to read your welcome pm, and if you have a real question or something to contribute, do it then. And btw, I wouldn't be too proud of yourself for calling people "fags," and getting yourself banned for being that flavor of idiot. That's two more strikes against you as far as I'm concerned. Bragging about it makes a third.....hmmmm....
  16. As did I. Due to yet another unexpected change in work position/schedule, I was off three days, worked one, and am now off again for the weekend. I like it. So far today, I finished the laundry I started last week, cooked a real breakfast, went to the supermarket, and am off to the gym. Now if the cat would only clean the house while I was gone.....
  17. They look a lot like the HiFiman orthos. They also look a heck of a lot better than the LCD1.
  18. Stretch is on an audio binge! I'll have to live vicariously, and look forward to your report.
  19. http://www.head-case.org/forums/off-topic/3073-guns-fun-mmmkay.html
  20. We had a gun thread. It was even stickied for awhile. Lemme see if I can find it.
  21. Have a great time, and keep us updated!
  22. Hi, Miguel. Thanks. I'll let you know.
  23. That's a maybe. I'll look what I have. I don't even know if he has an ipod or another kind of dap.
  24. ooops, I missed your post earlier. Thanks, but I've got that covered as well. I have a Go-vibe Martini from CanJam I won't be using that I think he'll like.
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