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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Well, after another fruitless listening trip in which I decided I don't like anything, I'm rethinking the Audioengine A2 speakers. They're only $200, and I'm guessing they have to sound better than what I've experienced in the past two days. I also figure that if I don't like them, they're more salable than just an ipod speaker dock. I may still consider the Foxl for travel, but I'm doubting the bluetooth feature would sound good, and I'm not interested in spending more for getting nothing, even though I've been known on occasion to spend a lot to get just a little more if we're talking sound quality, but that is, of course, entirely different.
  2. The audioengine 2s are something to be considered since they're not too big, but I'm really looking for a one-unit type thing since desk space is limited (L-shaped with one side with a back shelf/cupboard thing and a huge freaking phone and computer already there, and the other side facing where supposedly people will sit and pretend to listen to me, so no speakers can go there), and unless I want to buy my own shelving (not happening) to get some separation and set them up somewhere behind where I sit, I just don't see it. That new Zeppelin at least isn't as hideous as the football they called good design before. The size is right. Wonder what they're using for a DAC, since the wanker in the video goes on about it doing "all the hard work." The size is certainly right, and my boss wouldn't object to its physical presence. Just wondering how much of the cost goes to pay video idiots and website designers rather than towards sq. It's also not out yet. Has anyone here heard the original monstrosity? Went to Target. No Tivoli. Went to Best Buy again (next door to Target), but was too cranky to listen to anything. At least no real rush for now. Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
  3. oooh. I want one of those anyway. That would be nice for travel. Edit: I was all set to buy this, had my cc ready, then saw that no more will be available until November
  4. I was thinking in the $200-$300 range, but you know me.... Hmmm. I like the idea of having a radio, too. Looks like Target sells them. I wonder if there's a chance to audition one. Might wander over there today. Things like headphones and closed doors (except for when seeing a patient) are not accepted. Largish speakers on the desk would also not be appreciated. I have room to set up a small seating area with some nice, comfy chairs, tables, etc and I also have room behind me to place a small table. It wouldn't be a problem to put an attractive, small ipod thing, but that's about it. Not allowed to connect anything to the network or to the computer at all. They only recently (in the past two years) gave us Internet access. There are lots of concerns over security issues, and due to the nature of the biz and confidentiality laws, as well as plain ol' ethics, that's not going to change.
  5. Welll...wait. It's sucks to ask people if something sounds bad after you buy it. That's the fail. Hear it for yourself. I heard Uncle Erik's at CanJam. There are certainly far worse headphones out there. They still sound like closed headphones and kinda bright. Not my cup of tea, but I can see why folks like them.
  6. My boss would disagree about that being a solution. It was definitely my first thought.
  7. My nice new office is horribly located, meaning the door right is near a hallway speaker, which pumps out gawd awful "soft" jazz 24/7. I can see only two survival options: A) Kill everyone Drown out the music I cannot use my computer for music, nor can I have computer speakers. Headphones are only an option for limited times during the day, so I'm thinking to get one of those smallish all-in-one ipod speaker dealios, but I have zero idea what's out there that may sound good. I've checked out two Apple stores (used to have setups and now don't seem to) a Best Buy (couldn't really hear anything with all the damn tvs going). I had one of those Bose ones years ago, which was fine for it's purpose (had it in a classroom), but I'm hoping that there's something a bit better. I'm looking to spend under $300.
  8. If you're wanting less isolation, then get the vent. Don't see a point beyond that.
  9. Happy birthday, Peter!
  10. Congrats on the F1. I have an F1 driving my Abbys, and it's one piece of gear I have no intention of changing.
  11. Thanks again, guys. It was a really nice birthday. It seems penger also had a birthday, so I'm hoping his was as pleasant as mine.
  12. Thanks, guys. It's been a pleasingly lazy day so far, and I'm looking forward to more of same.
  13. You stoner, it's already set for the 5th.
  14. Black ipod classic. 10% off at Best Buy. Right now, there's a 10% off coupon (the gal at the register had it there) for any one Apple product. I have no idea how long that deal is good.
  15. boomana


    If I saw someone coming toward me wearing that watch, I would know they had a serious personality disorder and run the other way.
  16. I can just see the hf thread I'll start: JH13 Mod! No fear, full-size headphone aficionados, as both the O2MK1/BHSE and R10/SP are superior rigs to the JH13s. They just don't travel as well.
  17. Doug, you have way too much time on your hands. Aren't you supposed to be PhDing somewhere about now? btw, still love my R10s. I'm just giving them a little break.
  18. That's what I'm also reading from my new Kindle. I'm a huge David Sedaris fan, and buy Holidays on Ice for most everyone at Christmas. I've having a little trouble getting into this one as much as his other books, but that could just be my mood, too. Also a fan, though I haven't read anything by him in years. Might be time to revisit.
  19. The old 125 wasn't really good, so I'm personally not interested.
  20. HiFiMan?
  21. Sorry about your finger, Nate. I hate finger cuts almost as much as any kind of head pain. Just seems to hurt more.
  22. Dan fixed it at CanJam for me, so I'm good. Unfortunately, the laptop has seen better days (now making horrible noises), and I'm hoping Apple comes out with that snazzy new thing everyone is talking about soon or I'm going to break down and buy a netbook to tide me over, though I really don't want to. Dusty, though I'm sure you've already thought of it and dismissed it being more of a geek than I, but if you can't find what you want, why not just get one of those wireless mice things. Doug had one when he was here, and it would seem to eliminate the whole trackpad issue quite nicely.
  23. Alex, I wasn't using my portable rig at all, the iems anyway, until I got these. Right now, they account for 60% of my headphone listening, with the O2/BHSE rig taking up 40%.
  24. Happy birthday!
  25. I disabled mine, but it wasn't on purpose. I think "broke it" might be a better way of putting it.
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