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Everything posted by boomana

  1. I get that it was sarcasm, but it's unnecessary, condescending, and stupid, especially since no one here probably disagrees with you on your point about there possibly being cheap, and hopefully excellent, alternatives. You, on the other hand, seem to take the position that any computer solutions that just happen cost some money must be snakeoil, even though you've never heard what you're criticizing. What idiocy! You don't seem to have first-hand knowledge of the amarra, yet have no problem inferring that those here who do are all placebo-addled fools, void of developed listening skills as well as the intelligence to be self-reflective about what they're hearing and of forming thoughtful judgments. Why bother showing up here at all since we're all such bumbling earasses? Just so you can feel superior while using your ignorance as the measure? I don't use my computer as a source, care nothing about any possible solutions, and don't care to learn, so have no dog in the fight, as they say. I do care very much about stupid people posting here. There are other websites that embrace your form of snobbery. Go feel smug there.
  2. Yes, but you now have the problem that they don't sound as good as the O2s
  3. No one called the PC lowly. That's just weird. No one said you can't find solutions that could be as good or better for free or close to free. Go for it! I'm more than sure that everyone here would embrace that. What I don't get is the reverse snobbery of people who think that because others can afford something, they look down on those who can't (not true of anyone here I know), or that our senses are somehow polluted by money, and we now can't tell good from not so good anymore, but poorer people can. That's what I'm objecting to: the chip on the shoulder bias.
  4. I admit I haven't had my coffee yet, which may account for reading comprehension problems, but I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that because the amarra costs money, it sounds better to people, and that there might be something available that doesn't cost money that should be able to do same? If so, you basically said that amarra probably does make a difference, but people shouldn't have to pay for what it does. Since the amarra costs money, noticed differences are suspect, but if free, it's okay to notice differences as equal to the effects of products that cost. That's how I'm reading it, and if that's what you mean, that's as messed up as people who really believe that expensive always equals better. Okay, time for coffee.
  5. boomana

    slow forum

  6. Give us an update, Todd.
  7. Had my folks drop Ivan off at the vet for his annual checkup since I had to work. He got so stressed and worked up having to fight the vet and all the techs all day long that his blood pressure shot up to the point his eardrums started to bleed. My poor kitty. Thank god he did some damage to the evil ones in the process. Now he's home, drugged up on sedatives and pain meds. They're waiting for tests results on his thyroid, saying that kind of blood pressure in a young guy, no matter how stressed, just isn't right.
  8. I couldn't change my color. Maybe Nate's special.
  9. Listened to my R10s for the last time
  10. Yay to Fitz! and congrats to Miguel.
  11. Between yesterday and this morning, I have successfully tossed or donated two carloads of crappola that had somehow found a way into my closets and drawers over the past couple years. I clearly have poor taste and no common sense from looking at this stuff. Sadly, I don't even remember buying most of it. Must remember this moment before I ever head out shopping again.
  12. Buy a new house.
  13. I just tried to change the color of my signature so that it didn't blend into the post, but couldn't.
  14. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    Well, I called and the woman told me that it's because different types of rooms are available for that rate on different nights. Sometimes you get a double bed, and sometimes a single. What? Anyway, I'm booked for a king-bed room from Thurs., checking out Monday. Yay!
  15. boomana

    Canjam 2010.

    I just tried to register from the 3rd through the 7th, and it won't let me get the rate. Bah.
  16. I'm still stuck on "baby on the way," and have no idea what else you think you're talking about. Congrats, Wayne. I know you've wanted kids for a long time.
  17. Happy birthday, Dommie!
  18. Happy birthday!!!
  19. Since you managed to spam this forum with seven posts on your first day here, you need to re-read your welcome pm now.
  20. I still like mine. I have them at work, and don't listen to them often, but enjoy them when I do. I wouldn't keep them if I were looking for a main headphone rig, but these are great fun cans.
  21. Happy birthday!!!
  22. Not caving. Not this year. This is a gear-purchase free year.
  23. Damn, Nomad's surfaced. Howdy.
  24. I hope they're great, but I'm totally uninterested. I'm still enthralled with the JH13s every time I put them in my ears, and really don't want anything more.
  25. Can't we just hang out?
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