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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. Happy birthday!!!
  3. Happy birthday, Steve!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. In the note in the package, Justin requested that we hang onto the amp for only a day or two. Since the post office is closed on Monday, I figured Tuesday is best. Of course, if Wed. is fine with you.....
  6. You're looking rugged there, David. Nice pics. I had a day of trying to get a lot of stuff done, and accomplishing very little. I did get a teaser pico slim in the mail, which I will sadly be mailing off to Mike on Tuesday, so all was not lost. I've been enjoying myself immensely all afternoon and evening.
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. My god, David Bowie looks like an evil old lady there!
  9. boomana


    Bah. Just went to grab the 404LE with that discount, and it's out of stock. Looks like I was too slow in getting these.
  10. I personally would not want a touch more upper bass.
  11. This American Life is the only podcast I get. Definitely getting the app
  12. so....maybe....but on the very slim chance I could join, I wouldn't get there until late Friday or early Saturday.
  13. Both my folks were for the Colts, so other than consoling themselves with the fact that Brees played for Perdue, my home is not happy right now.
  14. I went to the Apple Store in the Town Center Mall to have them help me with why I could get everything I didn't want to migrate to my new computer, but nothing I did want (itunes, contacts). Was 45 min into the transfer and my old computer's battery died, and had to start all over. What a freaking nightmare store. I got there right when it opened at noon, and you'd think it was the last day of holiday shopping. I was there for almost three hours watching people. Got what I wanted, but now want a nap. I do have to say that the tech guy was extremely patient and nice. Also likes audio gear. I told him about here, so maybe he'll show up.
  15. Happy birthday, Jeff!
  16. ooops. Missed this thread. Happy birthday to you!
  17. My O2s don't sound dark at all, and I actually get the comparison between the two.
  18. I loved the JH13s with the P1. Oh...and really nice write up, Al.
  19. I told you to read your welcome pm and get rid of your crappy source before deciding what your headphones sound like.
  20. boomana

    slow forum

    I rather like the idea of building prisons on the moon. Just think of all the good escape movies we'd have.
  21. That's a pretty good reason, and since I have no idea why, I like it even better.
  22. It's not a valid question to ask. The guy titled his thread "Fucking Moron with Computer Source" then posted up front he'd never used his computer as a source before. What stringent comparisons would you expect him to make? Same for anyone else. No one is claiming to have vast experience with computer audio software. They're posting impressions about what they have. What would you like them to compare? Should Al go buy a pc just to try out every possible software solution before saying he likes the way the amarra sounds in his rig? We're individual people in our homes sharing what we like and don't like with friends who can agree or not. So, why don't you arrange a whole meet of computers for us, all with different software solutions, then set up volume-matched rigs with identical amps and headphones and music that we've all used for a least a few months, so we're familiar with what we're hearing. Of course, you'd have to fly us in, and put us up in identical hotel rooms, guarantee we get the same amount of rest and same good food; have a physician examine us for equivalent good health, hearing acuity, serotonin levels, stress levels, rashes, mosquito bites, personality disorders, etc., and make sure that we're wearing equally comfy clothes and shoes and are not having bad hair days. Kick out the bums who don't measure well, and then let us get to the biz of comparing. I'd bet that within a few posts of our impressions, if someone happened to prefer a more expensive solution to something free, you'd be complaining that we didn't DBT, but if we couldn't hear a difference or preferred a less expensive product, I'd bet my bank account you'd claim our impressions were valid. Bah.
  23. Being angry isn't the same as being wrong.
  24. I want one. Have no use for one. Will I remain practical and grounded and not get it? Will I start inventing reasons to need one? What kind of reasons will I invent?
  25. I keep toying with wanting the 404LE and agree that it would be the perfect companion to the O2 in my rig. My first impressions of it in my rig at the last Florida meet made me want to check it out more, and I don't get hit with that feeling often anymore. The problem is I've now embraced the Team Minimal path completely, and can't see spending $1000 plus on something I just want to try out when I have I already have what pleases me.
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