Oh really?
Thanks for joining Head-Case. I'm glad you're here. Glad to be here That said, you should be aware that this isn't your typical internet forum. Good, I don't want typical We're not here so that you'll have another place to sell your stuff. Could have fooled me with the thousands of for sale threads We're not looking for people trying to pad their post counts, or demonstrate their ability to find witty things on the internet.Good because I couldn't give a fuck about either of these things This is predominantly a place for friends to discuss music, audio gear, and whatever else tickles our fancy. So I thought until I found all the threads I wanted to read had been deleted We are sometimes quite rude, often irreverent, and regularly abusive. Again, don't give a fuck what someone over the internet thinks Think of it like the corner bar where everyone knows each other. Don't mistake our familiarity with each other as familiarity with you, even if you've seen our names in other locations before. Spend some time reading before you start to post. Reading now and can't find what i'm looking for. Actual information on products Get familiar with what is going on, and who the various people are. Will do Don't just jump right into the fray.This is your only warning, but I hope you can participate. I hope so to There's a lot of good information, and more importantly, good people here. Can I have a link because i'm struggling to find it