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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. riceboy

    Palm Pre

    I agree Reks. I really hope that the Pre does well in the marketplace. Thanks for the initial impressions Tkam and I'm glad you're liking it.
  2. They are more in the link below. They look pretty cool. Silhouettes made from Vinyl Records | Toxel.com
  3. riceboy

    Battlestar Galactica

  4. Sorry to hear you and Stretch aren't feeling well. Glad to hear you are making a recovery and I hope Stretch feels better soon. Right now just chilling on the deck, relaxing and having a cold one.
  5. Thanks for posting this up jimmyjames8. I purchased some too. Thanks to everyone that posted up their selections too [url=http://www.head-case.org/forums/members/jimmyjames8.html]
  6. riceboy


    Thanks blessingx. I just picked one up
  7. Yup. When XP was still being sold and Vista was going to come out, the retailers would send you the upgrade disc to Vista and you could upgrade to Vista or do a clean install. There was a leaked memo from Best Buy that hit the tech news sites on Monday that mentioned they would start to offer free upgrades to any computer that was sold from June 26th to the Windows 7 release day on 10.22.09. Not sure if the memo that was leaked was official, but eventually they will offer free upgrades if you purchase a Vista or probably even downgraded Windows XP Pro to Windows 7.
  8. Welcome
  9. Cool. Thanks for the info. I'll be sure to check this out
  10. Oh damn. I should have noticed that before I posted it up. lol
  11. Yeah. Sorry guys . Here you go [url=http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/cordless-mouse.jpg]
  12. I thought some of them were pretty funny and of course weird The World's Weirdest Mice - PC World
  13. I like Ian's response But seriously enjoy the engagement period. Best of luck in school too
  14. Congrats on your new family member
  15. Working late at work. This is late, but congrats Ian on the new job. Congrats Jay. I wish you both much happiness. Now wedding planning
  16. Beautiful work. Really, really nice.
  17. Yeah, heard it this morning. Sad news.
  18. Sorry to hear about your issue Vicki . That makes me sad to hear this.
  19. The more I read your guys impressions, the more I can't wait for them to come in. Glad everyone is enjoying them
  20. Here is the official website for the game: The Beatles: Rock Band It mentions that every song in Beatles Rock Band comes from the Abbey Road master tapes. The Venues are cool as well. I wouldn't mind playing at the Cavern Club, Ed Sullivan Show, or Shea Stadium The game looks great from the trailer. Can't wait for it to come out Also the trailer: http://www.thebeatlesrockband.com/inc/img/press/video/TBRB_Trailer.mov
  21. Just saw that they are even on sale at Acoustic Sounds Sennheiser - HD800 Headphones - Reference - Headphones Thanks for all your impressions guys. Can't wait to hear them.
  22. Love those type of meetings. Hope it gets better, if not then
  23. Thanks for the pics and quick impressions Steve. Have a great time everyone that could attend
  24. Well, it seems after some time being in beta Vista Service pack 2 is available to download. With any big update I would wait a few weeks to a month or longer for them to patch any issues or bugs that may crop up. Also, this service pack can be used if you have Windows Server 2008. Here are the links to 32 bit and 64 bit versions: 32 bit Download details: Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2 - Five Language Standalone (KB948465) 64 bit Download details: Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2 - Five Language Standalone for x64-based systems (KB948465)
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