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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. Ika. Yum. But that mouth looks freaky
  2. Oh snap. That is awesome you have it. I will have to pick it up once it comes out. Glad you are liking it . I hope to participate when my HF-2s come in.
  3. Thanks Al for the info the impressions. I will certainly get that album. When Diana Krall came to Hawaii I really enjoyed watching Anthony Wilson and John Clayton play with her. I know they have played with her on various albums, but I love the Live in Paris album with all of them. They sure sound great together BTW Anthony Wilson is coming out with an album in July 21 [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Jack-Hearts-Anthony-Wilson-Trio/dp/B0026B6X1Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1247444506&sr=8-1]Anthony Wilson - Jack of Hearts[/ame]
  4. Thanks for the impressions Al. I was wondering if your Anthony Wilson Trio is the same Anthony Wilson that plays with Diana Krall? I really how he can play the guitar. I'll be interested in hear your impressions with the Luxman P-1.
  5. Thanks Tyler. I agree. I love Mono for the Beatles. To me it just sounds right.
  6. I just noticed you could order the mono and stereo Beatles box sets on Amazon. I just put my order for the mono box set I liked the mono tracks when they released them on Capital a while back. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Beatles-Mono-Box-Set-LIMITED/dp/B002BSHXJA/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1247366630&sr=1-4]Beatles Mono box set[/ame] [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Beatles-Stereo-Box-Set/dp/B002BSHWUU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1247366427&sr=1-2]Stereo box set[/ame] I do notice that the mono box set is more expensive than the stereo. Not sure if they are making more stereo box sets? Does anyone know how much they are making for both?
  7. Wow, I remembered owning and using an 8 track
  8. Great initial impressions shellylh Thanks for the pics as well. I've owned the W5000, L3000 and AD2000. Your impressions are very helpful.
  9. Gotta love satellite radio
  10. Thanks for inventing the radio which I still use every day
  11. Is Google's claim about the OS security idiotic? Article about Google's security OS claim One more article: Will Google's OS Make the Desktop safe?
  12. This is the first netbook in a while that I seen take the top spot on PC World. It is a Toshiba netbook model NB205-N310. The battery life is super long at 9 hours and 53 minutes. It also offers a pass through USB port that lets you charge USB devices. Another feature is the internal accelerometer to protect the hard drive in case it does fall. Toshiba back in the day used to be one of the very fw companies that had really small laptops. Here is the article about it. Toshiba NB205-312
  13. Glad to see you are okay Stretch. Sorry to see the damage though.
  14. I thought this article asking questions about Google's Chrome OS was pretty interesting: Eleven Questions About Google's Chrome OS
  15. Seems like Audio Technica is releasing an update model to their ATH-ANC7 called ATH-ANC7b. Audio Technica said the improvements made to the model include new electronics (not sure if they meant drivers, noise canceling or both), redesigned earcups for better comfort, the battery is easily accessible, and the package now has long and short cables. It should be available by August for the retail price of $220. New ATH-ANC7b QuietPoint headphones
  16. I thought it would be great to have a thread that has new or cool tech products. I'll start off with the new touchscreen Sonos CR200 remote control. I've had a Sonos for many years and that music system just works and I've been very happy with it. Now they have a new touchscreen controller which looks very cool. Sonos CR200
  17. X2. I liked this album out of all of the earlier McCartney albums for sure
  18. Just did one of those recently. I hope it went well and you get a good rate
  19. Oh IC. Yeah, what a
  20. Jim Hall n Ron Carter - Alone Together
  21. Jim Hall - Concierto
  22. Happy Birthday Mike
  23. Have a Happy B-day
  24. X2. Thanks for your impressions and I'm curious on trying it out now too.
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