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High Rollers
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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. Have a Happy B-day
  2. Have a great B-day Todd Thanks for all you do
  3. Thanks Old Pa. That sounds fantastic
  4. Have a Happy B-day you two
  5. Fantastic news Al. I'm very happy your amp is working again
  6. X2. I would like to see a bowl pad in this fashion as well. I would be very interested to see your product if you move forward fatman711. Good luck on the design as well
  7. Have a Happy B-day Dan
  8. Great Cd. Brought that Cd about 18 years ago and still one of my favs
  9. X2. But glad it is up now. Now to order moar
  10. Hi Todd. I just used it to buy some things off of Amazon yesterday? Just wondering if it worked and you got some notification on your end
  11. bookmarked and saved
  12. Went to a family picnic with the family. There were tons of games and my son won 5 hot wheels, play-doh, football, and tons of others prizes. He had a great time and I did as well
  13. I wondered the same thing when you sold them to me and then I sold them to 4n6 . I actually got another K1000 later and have kept that one for now
  14. He's just trimming the herd . God knows I did that a few months ago and I still need to do that Congrats on your purchase
  15. 2 Bottles of Distillers Edition Lagavulin 1991 Plus Bookers, Bakers 7, Knob Creek, Woodford Reserve, and Basil Hayden.
  16. X2. This is just wonderful news Al. It sure brought a big smile to my face .
  17. Have a Happy B-day
  18. Sorry to hear this
  19. Did you know that the Onion is discussing sale? Onion discussing sale
  20. Sounds like you had a great nite . Mojito's are great
  21. Happy B-day
  22. Thanks Morphsci for pointing me to this thread again There is a bunch more to try for sure. I'll be sure to give some of those in that thread a try soon. If anyone has any other new suggestions I'll be open to try them. Thanks again
  23. Okay, just got them today and early impressions are really, really good. I don't want to say too much about them yet as it is still early, but I can say that out of the Luxman P-1 and Maxed out SDS it sounds great. I even tried them with the EC/SS and GS-X at work and I was really impressed with them. I'll try them out with the other amps later, but so far I'm enjoying these much more than the HF-1s which I owned 3 times.
  24. Well, after reading posts from Tyrion, Grawk, and others I decided to dip my feet into some bourbon. I tried some Maker's Mark, Gentlemen Jack and Jack Daniels Single Barrel. I didn't like the Gentlemen's Jack or JD Single Barrel, but I thought Maker's Mark was okay. I then decided to purchase these today: Knob Creek Woodford Reserve Basil Hayden Baker's 7 Just got done trying the Knob Creek and now I am on the Basil Hayden. What really intrigued me to Bourbon was Tyrion mentioning that he started off with scotches, but now reaches for bourbons. Since joining HC I've purchased a crap load of Scotches which I do very much enjoy. I prefer Islay over Speyside, but both are great. So far this new venue in bourbon is going great (hiccup) . Thanks again Headcase
  25. Same here. I like looking through the "What are you listening to thread" as well. Found many great artists there. I'm actually listening to a bunch of jazz the last few months.
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