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High Rollers
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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. Oh Hibiki . Yeah that would be great.
  2. don't blame you one bit. The more sake you drink the better the food tastes.
  3. Yeah sake and cooking is a good combination. I use Sake to cook food as well.
  4. That's interesting. I guess it's not tasty times for the Suntory . I'm always on the lookout for it at a Sushi bar that may have it so I could just order it and give it a try.
  5. I go for a Whiskey, mostly single malt. I have the 12 & 18 yo McCallan, Glenlivet 12 yo, had Oban, and I really like the Johnnie Walker 15 yo Green label but that ones blended. I also like the Balvenie Single Malt Scotch 12 yo. Has anyone tried the Suntory Whiskey? I've been curious about this one for a while.
  6. hehe. I got the pass so it's SAKE TIME .
  7. Thanks for the impressions. I'm gonna try em for running for sure. I'm curious about the 35 as well. I like the Portapros, they also have a nice midbass thump and metallic sounding highs.
  8. lol, sounds like a plan. We definitely need the L3000 to get the party started. ring ring jpak...
  9. There is an event that I'm checking out tomorrow called the joy of sake. There will be over 300 different Sake's to taste. hiccup Here is the site: http://www.joyofsake.com/
  10. Shhh.... Not to worry I'll post quality posts
  11. Thanks granodemostasa. Just curious to see why these are so well received. Now to wait for them to be shipped
  12. I had a ER-4P and now have a ER-4S. I also had the E500 and E5c. I feel that the ETYs tend to have more highs (very detailed) and mids, with not much lows. But the E500 and E5cs have more of a soundstage IMHO, and also have more lows as well. The highs are detailed but not as detailed as the ETYs. jinp6301 mentioned that the Shure's are dark. I could see them as being dark as times as well. Much luck to you.
  13. LOL. As long as he brings his HP-2 and W5000s then maybe....
  14. I finally did it. I ordered those things with a Koss Porta Pro for a friend's B-day. He like's his Shure e2c so I thought to introduce him to the KSC75s and portapros. The portapros were my first high end can when I was just 10 or 11. Back in the day it was those foam earpads for the walkman's. In any case, I never heard the KSC75s which is pretty funny since I owned: HD 650 w/SD v2, HD600, HD595, HD580, AKG 701, SR225, DT990, D2000, ATH-EC7, Koss Porta Pro, Sony MDR-V6, ER-4P, Shure E500PTH, e5c. But now I own: Grado HP-2, GS1000, RS1, HF-1 #248, 325i, SR60 w/copper grills, ER-4S, Shure e2c, ATH-W1000 (soon), ATH-ES7, Koss PortaPro, Sony MDR-M44, Sony MDR-EX51LP, Sony MDR-NC11. I ordered a KSC75 for myself as well to check them out. I'm kind of excited to listen to those KSC75s. It's by far the cheapest can I brought so far at 15.99 from Amazon with free shipping. How many of you heard the KSC75s? I heard they are a great value for the price. I'll post impressions when I get them in. I went free shipping and sometimes to Hawaii you get lucky with UPS
  15. ohhh extra raffle tickets.... Sounds yummy. Sorry I'm a noob, what is the raffle tickets for?
  16. Thanks for the update purk on the Ed. 9. Also, thanks for the welcome all. It's good to be here.
  17. Same here postjack. I heard the W5000, but would love to hear a L3000. I just picked up a W1000 and hope to hear them soon
  18. I just had a chance to hear some Ed. 9 this weekend with some other cans. Just like Purk I couldn't get past the midrange as well. I can see why someone liking bass would like those cans. The person had the Ed. 9s had a balanced D5000 and a JVC DX1000 stock. Honestly I thought they would impress me more, but I found that the 750s that someone else brought sounded a little better. I wrote that the 750s seemed to have more air around the instruments. Not sure if anyone experienced the same thing?
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