I finally did it. I ordered those things with a Koss Porta Pro for a friend's B-day. He like's his Shure e2c so I thought to introduce him to the KSC75s and portapros. The portapros were my first high end can when I was just 10 or 11. Back in the day it was those foam earpads for the walkman's. In any case, I never heard the KSC75s which is pretty funny since I owned: HD 650 w/SD v2, HD600, HD595, HD580, AKG 701, SR225, DT990, D2000, ATH-EC7, Koss Porta Pro, Sony MDR-V6, ER-4P, Shure E500PTH, e5c. But now I own: Grado HP-2, GS1000, RS1, HF-1 #248, 325i, SR60 w/copper grills, ER-4S, Shure e2c, ATH-W1000 (soon), ATH-ES7, Koss PortaPro, Sony MDR-M44, Sony MDR-EX51LP, Sony MDR-NC11. I ordered a KSC75 for myself as well to check them out. I'm kind of excited to listen to those KSC75s. It's by far the cheapest can I brought so far at 15.99 from Amazon with free shipping.
How many of you heard the KSC75s? I heard they are a great value for the price.
I'll post impressions when I get them in. I went free shipping and sometimes to Hawaii you get lucky with UPS