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High Rollers
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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. Have a great B-day
  2. Have a Happy Birthday
  3. Have a Happy B-day
  4. Happy Belated b-day Luis. Hope it was a good one
  5. Have a Happy B-day
  6. Have a Happy B-day
  7. I had a buckwheat pillow and loved it when I had one. I used a tempurpedic pillow for many, many years. Like Dusty I found that I had allergies and needed to wash my pillows so sadly I don't use them anymore.
  8. Have a great B-day
  9. That looks fun. I have a bike setup like that, but the RacerMate wold be great with it.
  10. Missed this one. Happy belated B-day Hirsch. Hope you had a good one
  11. I am very interested in the Nook. It seems like it is the best features from the Kindle and Sony Ebook reader models that just came out rolled into one and then some with the color screen, Android OS, and wifi. I will probably pick one up for sure.
  12. Really cool pics. Thanks for posting them up as well as the impressions. I hope to get out to Japan one day.
  13. Have a great B-day
  14. Have a Happy B-day
  15. I agree with Al as I have a K701, K500 and K400 and the P1 drives them without a problem with a lot of volume swing left to play with. I also have a HD650 and HD800 and the P-1 handles them without straining as Voltron mentioned. I do like the way my HF-2s and RS-1s sound from the P-1 as well .
  16. Have a Happy B-day
  17. That would be so sick playing WOW with 6 monitors. Too bad I quite playing a while ago, but 6 monitors on one card.
  18. Have a great B-day
  19. Have a Happy B-day
  20. Have a Happy B-day
  21. Have a great B-day
  22. Have a Happy B-day
  23. Have a great B-day Deepak
  24. Have a Happy B-day
  25. riceboy


    Thanks. I just ordered some
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