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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. Yup, backup drives FTW
  2. Have a great Birthday
  3. X2. I remembered when that song came out .
  4. I agree. I like using a NAS opposed to a simple external drive. I'm also very familiar with the Buffalo Link Station and it's easy to setup.
  5. It seems like a rave party in Moscow left some rave goers partially blinded. It seems like someone that operated the lasers was powerful enough to be seen in the night sky aimed it down at the ravers Party laser 'blinds' Russian ravers - tech - 14 July 2008 - New Scientist Tech
  6. Some remastered stuff from Luis
  7. I agree with Jack that it would be good to try them out with flats and bowls. Also, as Grawk pointed out you can find the SR225 for $150 with flats. I do like the SR225 in the Grado lineup as well. Best of luck on your search.
  8. riceboy

    First Post

    I'm glad you are onboard the Head Case train as Deepak put it. Have fun on the train ride I know I am Once again thanks for the impressions on your Atlanta meet too.
  9. Good thinking
  10. Congrats Reks
  11. riceboy

    free slurpee

    It might keep them hydrated for 30 minutes in the sun. Thanks for the free Slurpee info. Free is free
  12. Congrats on the new amp. Enjoy
  13. Yikes. Well I'm glad I got a older SP Extreme unit. I hope it doesn't fail. So far the SLAM and my other SP amp is still in good working order (knock on wood).
  14. Went to the water park with the family. My son really enjoyed going down the little slides. The keiki (kids) area they have is just awesome. Lots of water guns, water shooting up all over the place, and shallow enough for him to walk around. Great fun overall.
  15. John Lennon - Mind Games Ultradisc II 24KT Gold CD Thanks Reks John Lennon - Plastic Ono Band Ultradisc II
  16. Thanks Boomana .
  17. Had my family over for a T-bone steaks on the new grill. My nephews had fun playing Guitar hero all night long and challenging me .
  18. I'm saddened at the whole situation at SP. I have talked to Mikhail on the phone a bunch of times and like many others I consider him a nice guy. I did have a bunch of tubes on order with him, but I don't think I will see those any time soon. It's just worries me that if anything does go wrong with my SP amps I would have to find someone locally to fix it. I hope that it never comes down to that though. I hope that threads like the long one going on at HF will really wake him up and decide how to make his business model better. I can hope as I do like SP products.
  19. Okay. I just wanted to update everyone on the source I got for my R10. For a couple of months I've been enjoying the 840C for my R10s. Though they sound fantastic, I just heard another source and I just picked it up. The Audio Research CD7 is just amazing. The recording sound so real, natural, and warm all the same time. I mean a lot of my discs that I played through it sound like a live recording. I'm just so happy with the player. Right now 4n6 has been so gracious and kind to let me borrow his for a while until my CD7 comes in sometime late next week. I'm thinking that I'm going to settle on this source for a long while . Thanks again to everyone that helped me get to this point of my audio bliss.
  20. Thanks Reks
  21. Right now I have the SinglePower Dragon, Beta22, SinglePower Slam, Stello HP100, SinglePower Extreme, and GS-X. I just brought this too. My wallet is surely lighter now: It is a Audio Research CD7 and it's black.
  22. SinglePower Extreme
  23. Thanks morphsci . Yeah, I know I'll be happy with it. I can't wait to hear all the SS goodness from it. This is also my first balanced amp, so I'm venturing into new territory.
  24. Thanks Nate . Can't complain about the deal for sure. With just the opportunity alone to own/hear Justin's offering is just great.
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