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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. X2. The race was just crazy. It was just fantastic to see them coming down to the wire on the final finish.
  2. Have a very Happy Birthday Tyll
  3. Chunky soup with crackers
  4. I've been watching the Olympics more than I have in the past. Since I've just DVR the events I watch it later. The opening ceremonies reminded me of the epic Chinese movies. I enjoyed watching the Women Volleyball match as there were 3 folks that played at the University of Hawaii on the team. It was just sad that a former US teammates father was killed in Beijing though. Of course I had to watch the US basketball team play China as well.
  5. I know this is off the subject of the Squarewave, but I just did order two NOS tubes from Mikhail and one of them was missing the black locator base . He is sending replacements, but I was pretty bummed after waiting like a month to get them
  6. Sounds like a beautiful bike ride. Working late, but listening to music so it's all good.
  7. Have a great Birthday
  8. Have a Happy Birthday
  9. Have a great Birthday
  10. Have a wonderful Birthday Todd
  11. Sherbet from Jamba Juice. Good stuff.
  12. I haven't watched Firefly yet, but I am eventually. I did see Serenity and I enjoyed the movie.
  13. A little too much info
  14. Have a Great B-Day
  15. Very interesting to see pics on the inside. Thanks for sharing the blog.
  16. Thanks Purk. Glad to see you back
  17. That is terrible. Glad your laptop wasn't damaged.
  18. When I listened to 4n6s 307A I felt that it was very detailed and resolving. It wasn't bright, like say a Grado in regards to the highs. Everything sounded very clear and amazing with my woodied SR225. Of course I loved the R10s with the 307A. Overall the 307a is a wonderful sounding amp. I hope more get to hear it as well. I did post my impressions of the amp in the 307a thread as well.
  19. Now we are totally banned Well since it's out there "The Dalai Lama Rocks".
  20. I'm sure I won't be disappointed as well . It is definitely in the cards one day for sure. Hope the dinner went well.
  21. X2. Those are great names for sure Thanks JP and 909 for the pics and impressions. I've always been quite interested in Craig's work for some time. I have yet to hear a tube amp from Craig, but I'm sure I will one day.
  22. Those two things sound really good. Let us know how you liked the recipes. Today I picked up a piece of furniture and put it together. I also got some sweet deals at Banana Republic. I really like their shirts since they are light and breath well. It's great for the summer weather here. I'll probably be eating out tonight and listening to music later .
  23. The more I read about the issues at SP, the more I think that SP might not ever recover the same amount of business it once had, but one never knows. As Blubliss mentioned about being open to other amps, I would be to as it's part of the fun of this hobby . Also, I'm in the same boat as Dusty where we got our fingers crossed with I'm sure others that their SP amps don't break too. I do like the sound of the SP amps I own. But it really is sad and disheartening how there seems to be a lot of unresolved issues at SP. I really give Aaron kudos and a thumbs up for letting members know the current state at SP so they have at least the info at hand to know what they are getting into if they purchase a SP amp right now. I feel there will be more members with stories about their experiences at SP in the next coming days, weeks, and probably months.
  24. As Jack mentioned go for it . It really does sound like a great opportunity. Wish you much success in this new endeavor. Go my new SP Extreme at work and also my new Audio Research CD7. Since my very own CD7 is here I boxed up my borrowed CD7 . Other than that it was a pretty exciting day at work since they installed some new furniture components by my work area. I also purchased some great used CDs. The sale is still on so it was 30 CDs for $12
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