The more I read about the issues at SP, the more I think that SP might not ever recover the same amount of business it once had, but one never knows.
As Blubliss mentioned about being open to other amps, I would be to as it's part of the fun of this hobby .
Also, I'm in the same boat as Dusty where we got our fingers crossed with I'm sure others that their SP amps don't break too.
I do like the sound of the SP amps I own. But it really is sad and disheartening how there seems to be a lot of unresolved issues at SP. I really give Aaron kudos and a thumbs up for letting members know the current state at SP so they have at least the info at hand to know what they are getting into if they purchase a SP amp right now. I feel there will be more members with stories about their experiences at SP in the next coming days, weeks, and probably months.