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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. Those look really nice. They are sealed I'm assuming. I'm really wondering how these will sound Thanks for the info Fungi.
  2. Well it seems you get them straight from the man himself John Grado The last one was $3400 I believe and this one is $600 more which IMHO is pretty impressive for these economic times.
  3. Have a Happy B day Hope you have a good one.
  4. I have both books and I like the 1000 Recordings book a bit more. Both are fun books to have though.
  5. Exemplar 3910
  6. I like this idea. Nothing to lose and the persistence might pay off
  7. CSI Las Vegas. Good season opener
  8. Yeah sorry to hear that Ken. I am with Voltron with the telephone concept thing. I hope something better comes along for you.
  9. Wow that is crazy. Now with the economy the way it is there are a lot more domestic disputes and crazy incidents nationwide and locally for me. I'm glad you are okay.
  10. Watched some football, grilled some T-bone steaks up for diinner, and brought a new CD player
  11. Nice . I like to use Acronis for my disk cloning. What software were you using before xxClone? Like you got it upgraded though.
  12. Thanks everyone . I am curious as well to how it is going to sound opposed to my ARC CD-7 that I just sold. I can't wait to hear it. Now I can play some of my SACDs and DVD Audio stuff that has been sitting on the shelf for some time. I had a stock Denon 2900 before so I like to see how the mechanism is on this model as well. I'll keep you all posted.
  13. Hi Everyone. I'm a proud new owner of a Exemplar 3910. Here is what is in the machine just in case the ad is gone: • Includes Siltech wiring upgrade • The power supply rectifiers are upgraded • Several critical caps are replaced with Blackgates • The AC power input is hardwired with upgraded wire, replacing the 3 mechanical connections in the stock unit • 5 new independent high performance shunt regulators are added to the unit • The stock clock is replaced with a TENT ENGINEERING re-clocking circuit powered by one of the new shunt regs • A new active loaded, shunt regulated tube stage is added along with a new set of high performance stereo outputs • ALSO includes the critical "post-DAC mods" (Post-digital-to-analog converter). NOTE: Many Exemplar 3910s do not include this essential upgrade ______________________________________________________________ Thanks for everyone's suggestions and help. Hope you had a good weekend too
  14. Have a Happy B-day
  15. Hi Everyone. Thanks for all your help and suggestions. I've contacted the seller and await his response . Thanks again all.
  16. I'm wondering if anyone has heard a Exemplar 3910? I know some of you have the 2900 Exemplar and feel it is a great redbook player. Here is the link of the sale I am looking at: AudiogoN ForSale: Exemplar Denon DVD-3910 Thanks for your help and input
  17. I own two Sonos stations and they are great. Also, they have good customer service and tech support too. Wishing you luck again Ken
  18. Have a Happy B-day
  19. riceboy


    Thanks for the link. I hope they come back in stock soon
  20. She is adorable Nate
  21. Wishing you luck
  22. I can see why you don't like them since they were up 4 to 5 until last night when playing the Steelers. The QB protection showed when the Eagles were blitzing like crazy and hitting Ben and sacking him 6 times in the 2nd quarter. Our teams both need to revamp our O line big time.
  23. So it was the Skins over the Cowboys and Buffalo off to a 4 - 0 start. Wow. My team didn't do so good. If you are hurried 26 out of 29 pass attempts then don't count on the offense doing well . I hope the Niners can figure out how to protect their QB more. The Bengals have a similar issue as well.
  24. Purchased another Sony CD3000 and a Pico again
  25. I liked Paul Newman as an actor, but most for his generosity when giving from his food business. It was estimated that his food business generated close to 90 million or possibly more for various charities and causes. He will be dearly missed.
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