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Everything posted by riceboy

  1. Have a great birthday
  2. Wow X2. Like Icarium said you got a pair already? If so congrats. I hope it is fitting well.
  3. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Stripped-Christina-Aguilera/dp/B00006CXXU/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1229770495&sr=8-1]Stripped[/ame] by [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Christina-Aguilera/e/B000APG5RC/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel]Christina Aguilera[/ame]
  4. Very true... :Shutters: at Skullcandy
  5. For $480 I would've probably picked them up and I agree that they are worth it at that price for sure. I thought the CNET article was okay for production cans and like Postjack mentioned I thought it was going to be worse.
  6. Yo Yo Ma - Classic
  7. Wow Sweet. I would totally see her if she comes down here for sure. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. Oh drat. Sorry about that Al. Don't want to spoil your surprise. Yes, open the PM later . I really do like the Jazz discs. It is definitely up my alley. I just finished listening to Lucinda and it was great. I really like it a lot. If you like Lucinda I think you may like this album as it is one of my favorite blues album. Have a good one. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Just-Wont-Burn-Susan-Tedeschi/dp/B000AA7GWA/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1229475481&sr=8-3]Just Won't Burn[/ame] by [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Susan-Tedeschi/e/B000APXXYK/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel]Susan Tedeschi[/ame]
  9. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Little-Honey-Lucinda-Williams/dp/B001DXF9JU/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1229462967&sr=8-1]Little Honey[/ame] by [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Lucinda-Williams/e/B000APA640/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel]Lucinda Williams[/ame]
  10. I got my discs from Voltron just yesterday . Great stuff. I got the 100 years of Jazz Guitar and Lucinda Williams - Little Honey. Thanks again and I really hope you like your disks too
  11. Yup Jacob can hook you up with his special accommodations Welcome Red. Like Wrecked said just read through the forums. There is a lot of great stuff there.
  12. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Esperanza-Spalding/dp/B0014HC56K/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1229106783&sr=8-1]Esperanza[/ame] by [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Esperanza-Spalding/e/B001LHLC8K/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel]Esperanza Spalding[/ame]
  13. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Standard-Hiromi/dp/B00168X0RK/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1229029134&sr=8-1]Beyond Standard[/ame] by [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Hiromi/e/B000ARBHSW/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel]Hiromi'>http://www.amazon.com/Hiromi/e/B000ARBHSW/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel]Hiromi[/ame][ame=http://www.amazon.com/Hiromi/e/B000ARBHSW/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel][/ame]
  14. On the other site someone is claiming that they got an email from Sennheiser that a new can called the HD800 will be coming out early part of next year. New Sennheiser Headphone - HD800 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio Here is his post: I e-mailed Sennheiser to ask them if they were developing/releasing a new headphone. 3-5 days later I got this response. Thank you for your interest! Yes, their is a new model The HD800 coming next year... They planning early next year. I wil keep you inform since I have a few who adressed me their interest. Best regards, xxxx xxxx Woooooooo!!! I'm super excited! Good thing I decided to hold off on getting a used HD600
  15. The GS-X is really, really good. I enjoy it everyday at work. I had two amps at work for a long while and now I only have one. The GS-X FTW
  16. Well my team last week broke the trend of West Coast teams being 0 - 15 when traveling to the East Coast. This week they beat the Jets who are 8 - 4 and the Niners at 4 - 8. I think this win will probably give the nod to Singletary to be Head Coach next year. They really are playing to the end more than they used to under Nolan.
  17. There may be customs fees. If there is customs won't release the headphones unless the fees are paid. I'm not sure if there are customs fees, but I just got something from Japan and for the first time I got hit paying close to $40.00 for a $600.00 item. I'm not sure if/what the fees would be. If he puts it as a gift there may be less of a chance customs would put a fee on the item if there are fees from U.S. to Japan. I hope someone can add more insight here.
  18. Ain't that the truth
  19. Apple In-Ear Headphones hands-on, ears-on, and impressions - Engadget Here is more impressions on the Apple Ear buds from Engadget with pics by going to the link above . I've pasted the story below (everything below is written by Engadget): We've been wanting to get some extended face time with Apple's In-Ear Headphones (yes, that's the product name) ever since we spied them at the company's Fall "Let's Rock" event. Of course, they didn't exactly hit the scene on time, and we were starting to get suspicious. Tack on the rumor they wouldn't be compatible with iPhones, and we felt downright indignant. Imagine our surprise, then, at the discovery that they not only sound really, really good (warm lows and crisp highs, a distinct lack of that modern, pushy mid-range), but they do work with the iPhone (the 3G we've got here, at least). Regular playback is a charm, and we had no problem making and receiving calls with the buds and attached mic -- though strangely the remote doesn't seem operable on the phone, thus deflating our excitement ever-so-slightly. Regardless, the sound quality is pretty boss for the price (besting other, more expensive models we've checked out), and they're a huge step up from Apple's previous offerings. Check out some looks at the beauties in the gallery below. Update: It looks like the remote can be used for answering and ending calls on the iPhone, as well as pausing, playing, and advancing tracks. No volume control though -- very odd!
  20. Absolutely . I didn't think you were going to open it up . I do appreciate you taking your precious time to help though
  21. Thanks Mike for helping CJ and Ken for offering assistance on how to open the amp. Please let us know how it turns out.
  22. Chicken noddle soup
  23. Thanks for the heads up about this guy. Sad to see things like this happen
  24. Thanks CJ for the update. Please let us know what he finds. Once again best of luck on your finals.
  25. I agree. I don't understand why it doesn't work with the Iphone.
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