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Rob N

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Everything posted by Rob N

  1. Are Teflon sockets available for all versions of the BA? Didn't know about the meter and adjustmant knob
  2. So is the TS RP 6SN7 is a better sounding tube than the TS 6F8G?
  3. What would you consider a fair price for TS roundplate 6F8G's?
  4. 300B or 307A which is best?
  5. Are any of the Woo amps 'warm'?
  6. What about the EML 300B mesh plates?
  7. Were theses the solid plate EML's?
  8. What didn't you like about them? I haven't used them enough to make any firm comments.Also I have only compared them to the stock Shuguang tubes that came with the amp
  9. I have the Shuguang treasure 300BZ's at the moment
  10. I thought EML had had reliability problems as well?
  11. Has anyone has experience of them?
  12. Artemis Labs PH1. 6N1P followed by 2x ECC83 and 2x 5687 as output
  13. They sound clean and are low noise
  14. Spark inside the rectifier could mean a bad tube. I had a similar incident with my AMR CD player.One of the 5687 tubes sparked during warm up (when the HT had just come on) and it took out the LH output board
  15. Price is 4200 euros. Headphone socket can be put where you want it It appears the 812A's are run conservatively 480v 35ma Build time is only around 4months
  16. Is this in the amp box or the power supply box? There might enough room for some Squarewaves in there
  17. Has anyone looked inside their SDS-XLR yet?
  18. Has he got his own plane;D
  19. Perhaps they think he's set a low reserve and thay will get it cheap:)
  20. I see the DAC 5 is on Ebay Audio Note DAC 5 Signature NIB on eBay, also, Processors, Home Audio, Electronics (end time 19-Jan-09 22:42:33 GMT). "Available for audition in Denver, Colorado. Please ask any questions, we will respond within 4 hours during daytime MTS (-7 GMT) 8:00 to 20:00." My last response was on the 06/01/09! Also he's taken the time to do some decent pics of the DAC5 when all I've had of my amp is one fuzzy pic which he sent me on 18/11/08 He keeps his Ebay feedback at 100% positive pity he doesn't do the same for his non ebay customers
  21. Sounds like typical Mikhail stalling tactics
  22. The pics of the tubes listed look like same as his Ebay pics
  23. I believe this is SP as well AudiogoN Seller items: Audionotelover or someone has used his pics.
  24. But he has a tube tester? How could he send a second lot that didn't work
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