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Everything posted by teufelshunde

  1. For those that actually follow the link to the SoundStage!HI-FI article "Understanding Digital Music -- Hi-Rez or Not?" and choose to download the Microsoft version of Sonic Visualiser - I've validated that the Windows XP 32-bit version can be run on Windows7 64-bit, as long as you install the executables in the (x86) Program Files directory. T.
  2. Dinny, Here are some additional relevant data points on this topic. http://www.soundstage.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=299:understanding-digital-music-hi-rez-or-not&catid=69:sound-reasoning T.
  3. Took a tip from Dan and tried the Sazerac thing - not bad.
  4. A small public service reminder (for those of us in the US) - given recent postings by Archosman and Hopstretch
  5. @Fitz As Steve has said, the impact screwdriver method (w penetrating oil) is probably your best first option. If you end up breaking off the head of the allen bolt, then it will be time to resort to the easyout option (again w more penetrating oil) I'm not a master carpenter like Steve; but I've rebuilt several Corvette engines and a Munice M-22 Rock Crusher, and had to resort to an easyout on multiple occasions - they can be coerced into doing their job. This might be of interest "Broken Bolt Removal" T.
  6. My wife concocted this as a variant of a Moscow Mule - she calls it a Jack & Ginger, I call it yummy
  7. OK - now it's after 6pm Left Coast time:
  8. Lest I be labled both a fanboi and an asshat - let me offer the following: Shelly is right on - There's clearly a checker on Ray's escutcheon with the whole "B-Stock" imbroglio, not to mention the A10 "debacle". I only mention the Predator 'cause I own one and can provide first hand feedback - it's one choice among many and by some estimations not the worst (based purely on performance) However, as with all purchasing scenarios - caveat emptor BTW - Shelly, the helping hand is greatly appreciated - as a token of appreciation would be happy to loan part of my collection of wooden puzzles, among which are some Edward Hordern IPP winners by Brian Young
  9. The following will permit you to go USB out of your Asus G73 and permit you to go mobile with a laptop or other portable source when you're away from your G73 - I know you didn't ask for this specifically but you may want to consider it. Recomendation: RSA Predator - why (because I own one and can provide empirical data) --> Able to drive various cans w 3 way gain switch, great noise floor, good battery life, highly portable, typical Ray Samuels house sound = decent sonic signature w good bass but overall slightly warm. I'm going USB out of an Asus P6T2 motherboard into this amp and I feel as if I'm getting my $475 dollars worth. Big lower board capacitor = fairly sizeable burn-in. http://www.raysamuelsaudio.com/products/predator Several Other Potential Choices that are generally considered to not suck (n.b. do not own and cannot provide empirical data): non-inclusive list in no particular order --> HeadAmp Pico USB/DAC http://www.headamp.com/pico/index.htm as has already been indicated TTVJ Slim Portable https://www.ttvjaudio.com/store/comersus_viewItem.asp?idProduct=34 iBasso D12 Anaconda http://www.ibasso.com/en/products/show.asp?ID=63 NuForce Icon HDP (for this one use the Head-Case Amazon sponsor link) http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2F&tag=headcaseorg-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957 and search on NuForce-High-end-Headphone-Preamp-Black
  10. What Mikey said: I'm switching to the good stuff
  11. I was reading "brewed coffee, cold" - not "cold brewed coffee". Big difference. My bad.
  12. Dan, you using Cafe du Monde (given your background) or something native like Trung Nguyen? French press, American drip, or espresso shots? Enquiring minds want to know.
  13. I have a TravelPro Computer roller that's seen a ton of domestic travel abuse and has held up beautifully for 7 years - it's never been broken so I can't speak to warranty servicing by TravelPro, but the general buzz isn't that good for them. Amongst really hard core travel types, Briggs and Riley is often considered best-of-breed. Not the cheapest by any stretch, but this is one of those decisions that begs to err on the side of quality. http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/travel-products/702133-best-luggage.html http://www.briggs-riley.com/category/productDetail.aspx?id=24-inch-Expandable-Upright-Spinner_U524SPX&col=baseline&cat=spinner luggage
  14. "Dogs" is a term that Marines used in the early 70s to reference Army personnel. "Squids" is what we called the Navy pukes.
  15. Having read the "Head-Case noobs click here for your own good!" I thought it best to lurk the chat room and get a better read on the local peeps. Dan was in there last night, asked me about my screen-name, and that was my entre (if you're a noob, never speak unless spoken to). Since he and I are both former military, he showed mercy to a comrade-in-arms (even though he's a doggie and I'm a jar-head) and granted me permission to engage in the conversation. Thought I should try to repay the kindness.
  16. Dan - try some Peychaud's Bitters in Seven-Up. It's a mild nod to the hair-of-the-dog, and it's a common mix used by bartenders to soothe the stomach (although you'll most often see it made w Angostura Bitters). If it's the headache thing - try a Claritin. Headaches from congeners (perhaps an overabundance of rye whiskey or red wine for example) can be caused by histamine-1 and/or serotonin receptors in the brain triggering vascular dilation. For this, a non-sedating histamine-1 blocker like Claritin can be a real boon.
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