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Yep, I think the SR-Omega is close to the HE90 in many ways, including a larger soundstage/headstage and brighter sound than the O2. I have to say it is my favorite too. I don't think that the Aristaeus really drives the O2 very well. It's OK, but I didn't want to use it with the O2 anymore after getting an ES1. I think it's roughly about the level of a KGSS. There's quite a jump in the O2's performance, I think, going from a 717, KGSS or Aristaeus to the BHSE. Similarly to the O2, the HE90 driven by the Aristaeus and by the BHSE is quite different. It is much more dynamic matched with the BHSE.
Haha, all right, I believe you. No need to ship, I'll just take a look next trip to the "throne."
I prefer the HE90 over the O2 due largely to following characteristics: 1. Larger soundstage/headstage 2. Larger sound images, which leads to a more immersive listening experience for me. An analogy might be HE90 = movie theater, O2 = 60 inch TV home theater. The home theater is great, and the 1080p TV is superb, but it isn't the same as a movie theater experience. 3. Midrange. Arguably, the HE90's might be more colored than the O2's, but I think the coloration is very slight and it is very pleasant. An analogy might be makeup on a woman. The makeup just makes her more attractive, even though it isn't "neutral." Maybe full makeup is a bit too much for the analogy. Just lipstick, then. 4. Brighter sound, which enhances the headphone listening experience. It might not be exactly natural, or neutral-sounding, but an immersive headphone listening experience isn't exactly natural either. True, I probably don't hear the same crystal clear treble notes at a live orchestra performance, but that's a different type of experience anyway. I prefer the HE90's treble over the O2's, which is relatively dark and laid-back. The O2 is superior in some ways, such as bass impact, imaging precision and the details and definition of the edges of notes. Other factors are more or less close. And if you catch me at the right time when I'm listening to the O2mk1 or O2mk2, I'll probably say it's my favorite!
Ahem, please be careful and refrain from calling something a piece of shit unless it's absolutely unarguably true, such as when SinglePower is involved. Someone could say that about the 717, too. And 727, 007tII...
Sell the Aristaeus, keep the HE90! You will reach nirvana! I think it's possible that I may have one of the best-sounding HE90 systems in the world. Hee, hee. Are there other BHSE owners using it with the HE90? Team HE90+BHSE Rules! Who cares about Stax? I don't care what Spritzer says about the HE90 vs O2mk1, he sold his HE90 long ago and doesn't remember how it sounds, haha. How about the SR-Omega? Well, OK, sure there are people with better sources. I hate those D-03/P-03 people. And EMM Labs, mbl, dCS people. And those Berkeley Alpha people. I hate people with R-to-R sources too. Yeah, I hate a lot of people. There's also that WES, and maybe the A-10. Can someone confirm that the BHSE drives the HE90 better than the WES and A-10? I would like you a lot.
The system in the first picture is muddled, sluggish and veiled! Gah, the guesses are a bit too close for comfort.
It's Super Cool Baby Elephant's! I apologize for the inferior source! And the color came out bad. Here's another photo with better lighting and color and a better source. Please excuse the tubes, just pretend that they are Philips EL34 DD-getter brown base instead. Yay! I've managed to tame down the brightness in the system! I'm listening now to the HE90 with the DD-getter tubes, and it's pure bliss. Crystal clear sound, oodles of refinement, liquidity and smoothness, expansive and immersive soundstage/headstage, excellent realism, details, imaging and dynamics, accurate tonality and tonal balance, extended and crisp treble without harshness, etc. etc. blah blah blah. I've been questioning whether the BHSE is suitable for the HE90, and now I can report that the answer is a resounding yes! I haven't even changed tubes yet, I'm planning on sticking to the DD-getter for a longer period of time so I can become more familiar with its characteristics. What changed? It's a secret, but I'll say that it was cabling, and that the changes involved going down in price, not up! How's that for "placebo effect"? Anyway, whatever you think about cables, I'm here to report that the BHSE works perfectly well with the HE90. It could very well be my favorite headphone.
Hmm, Woo WES... This might sound crazy, and it does to me, but I'm much more inclined to buy another amp such as a WES than changing out the Esoteric source. The results are basically the same with either the DP-500 or the Esoteric stack. The O2mk1 and O2mk2 are the only ones that are not bright, and sound closest to neutral to me (very slightly dark). The others (SR-Omega, HE90, HE60, Jade, 4070, SR-SC1) are all brighter, at varying levels. Of these, I've had the most problems with brightness with the HE90. I assume other BHSE owners are using either the O2mk1 or O2mk2? Is anyone using the SR-Omega, Jade or either of the Senns? I would be interested in how you think they compare with the O2's, and which tubes you are using with each headphone.
Here's the BHSE taking the Zana Deux's usual spot, with the DP500. OK, there's less treble energy than the Esoteric, and there's good smoothness and liquidity. But practically everything else is worse, especially details, soundstage, imaging, separation, refinement, etc. It's no good. Might as well not use the BHSE at all, I could use another amp and get somewhat similar results. Notice that the front right tube is tilted to the right? The tube socket there is not exactly flat and therefore tubes in that position tilt to the right.
Driven by the BHSE, I do think the O2's have a nice soundstage. Sense of distance is good, and it has pinpoint imaging and superb separation. No problems in these areas. But I think that the illusion of the soundstage, where you are deceived and you think that sounds are coming from a distance (when they are obviously not, they are coming from the headphone drivers inches away from your ears), is less convincing due to the O2's small sound images and small headstage even though that soundstage is completely coherent. It's just that the sounds seem to be coming from miniature-sized instruments. Sure, calling it a black hole is an exaggeration. It's more like an orange sized ball of sound inside your head, or maybe a melon for people with large heads; Spritzer probably needs a watermelon.
Current source is Esoteric P-05/D-05/G-03x. Crystal Cable Reference XLR interconnects, Isotek Sigmas power conditioner, all components use Neotech NEP-1001 power cords. Yes, I have other sources. Accuphase DP-500 and Lavry DA10. I had a Chord DAC64 MkII but sold it a few months ago due to lack of use. I'm open to the possibility that another source will work better with the BHSE, but I'm afraid it might cost a lot. It will have to be a lot better than the DP-500 (used in bedroom) to replace the Esoteric stack. I use the DA10 on my desk with a pair of Dynaudio active monitors. One thing I could do is bring the BHSE and headphones to a few local audio shops and try it with some of their sources. At least it is reasonably portable, I'll start doing some pushups to get ready.
Is the BHSE a bright amp? Almost all my headphones sound bright with it. Actually, every one except the O2mk1 and O2mk2. The O2's are known to be relatively dark-sounding, I think this is undisputed? So if the BHSE matches the O2's best and is designed for them, does it necessarily follow that it is a bright amp and sounds bright with other headphones? I plugged in the Headphile-woodied Lambda Pro into the BHSE for the first time. I don't like it, so I rarely use it. Might as well sell it actually. Driven by the BHSE with DD-getter EL34, it is bright and piercing. It isn't as bad when driven by the Aristaeus, ES1 or SRM-T1W. The problem is similar to the brightness problems I'm having with the HE90 and to a lesser extent the HE60 and Jade. It is even sibilant, with the Ingrid Michaelson - "Everybody" CD. I know it's not exactly audiophile material but it isn't as badly recorded as most pop music. The disc sounds very good with the O2mk1 or O2mk2. But this Headphile-woodied Lambda Pro is basically unlistenable when driven by the BHSE. Sharp, rough and quite unpleasant treble energy. One reason I've been interested in tube rolling and tweaks such as the Black Diamond Racing cones and fuses is because of these brightness problems with all the headphones except the O2's. I think, if I can only tame the brightness down just a little bit, the sound would be close to perfect. Better, even, than the O2's in some cases due to my preference for larger sound images and a large headstage. I even prefer a slightly bright sound over a slightly dark one. But I haven't been able to tame the brightness down enough. Is it my Esoteric source? I would be somewhat surprised if it is. I don't have these brightness problems with other amps and headphones.
Headphile woodied Lambda Pro? I believe that both Asr and Headphone Addict were intimately acquinted with its massive superiority over plastics. I'm just joking, actually I don't think it sounds very good, I think the SR-SC1 is better. The Jade is doing very well. It reminds me of the HE60 in some ways. I really enjoy its spacious presentation and large headstage, it is a nice change of pace from the O2's "black hole" presentation, that seemingly squeezes all the music down into one tiny point inside your head. In fact, it's time for another award! Yeah, I know, I'm throwing around these awards like they were free. Anyway, I can't not give an award to the Jade + Philips DD-getter combination when I gave one to the SR-Omega with the same tubes. But instead of a "Class A" award this time make it a "Class B." There are some small nitpicks, such as some lack of bass impact and a tipped up treble. Overall the sound is very good but with these nitpicks it can't be a Class A. Same with the HE90 + GEC KT77 award I gave out earlier, it should be a Class B instead of A. It's too bright. BTW, I think this "Class B" Jade + Philips DD-getter EL34 in the BHSE absolutely kills the AD2000 + Zana Deux. Details, speed, tonal balance, notes separation, soundstaging, it's not much of a contest. Replace the AD2000 with the HD800, and it's more of a fight.
C'mon, be serious, if the BH needs anything it is more tubes, like eight EL34! -- AD2000 > SR-404LE > O2?! This is crazy stuff. I like the AD2000 too, I use it with a Zana Deux, AT-HA5000 or CEC HD53N (balanced). Maybe, on a good day, the AD2000 can beat the SR-SC1. I'm not a big fan of plastic Lambdas. But against the Jade or HE60 the AD2000 is outclassed, it is slower, less detailed and has less precise imaging, among other things. I wouldn't want to put the AD2000 up against the O2mk1 or SR-Omega.
Eh, O2+717 is OK, I guess. Somewhat listenable, barely decentish, if you like cute little SS amps with your O2's. Yawn. Anyone wanna talk some EL34?
Hahahahaha! I like jantze. The slim line casing looks great.
My Ingrid Michaelson CDs are here! I posted earlier about "Everybody" but I confess that I was listening to 320 kbps MP3 at the time. Shameful, I know. But now the problem has been rectified and it is full speed ahead 924 kbps ALAC! I think 320 MP3 is not bad, but a BHSE system should be optimized, right? The O2mk1 and O2mk2 are sounding so good I don't feel like using the Jade or HE60 anymore. The poor Airbow SR-SC1 is completely out-classed here. I thought it managed to at least keep up, even though it placed dead last, driven by the Aristaeus. But now with the BHSE it just isn't competitive. One thing about the BHSE that is a bit sad, the list of "listenable" headphones gets smaller.
I removed the stock spikes and put three Black Diamond Racing Mk4 cones and Mini Pits under both the amp section and power supply. The flat part of the cones are against the amp and the Mini Pits are serving as cone bases. I think the sound is better so I'm going to keep this configuration. -- Where are all the EL34 impressions? A free quad of Treasure 6CA7 to the first person to post an EL34 shootout! Make it at least four types, please, and using at least two different headphones. Yeah, it should be with a BHSE, of course, you guys with the two or three EL34 integrated amps don't count here.
I have a pair of Treasure CV181-Z, I got them along with the 6CA7-Z for use with the SP ES-1. I think they're not bad, like the 6CA7-Z. But, also like the 6CA7-Z, I don't think they're as good as many of the well-regarded Old Stock types. I don't believe that the Treasure tubes sold in N. America are any different than the ones sold in China or elsewhere. Matching? Well, how much more closely can they match? The test result readings are labeled on the tube boxes and on the stickers on the tube bases. The CV181-Z is more expensive than the 6CA7-Z. It's also huge, much bigger than the 6CA7-Z and closing in on the 300B. Drilling two holes on the cover of of a T1 or T1W to let a pair of 6SN7 through seems feasible, and might even be aesthetically OK. But you'll need giant holes for the CV181-Z.
It's too late, old stock tube prices are already high no matter what anyone says. NOS NIB from established tube vendors are very expensive. I don't think we really need to use NOS NIB in the BHSE. I'm keeping some in storage that I can't bear to actually use. But I'm also getting older and probably losing hearing acuity every day. Hair is almost gone and the waistline is relentlessly expanding despite countermeasures. So I'm using good-testing used old stock tubes. Sure, it feels a bit selfish listening to and watching four Mullard xf2 made in 1965 burning up on the BHSE. Well, they are used tubes. Has anyone tried replacing the stock spiked feet with something else? I've had good results with Black Diamond Racing cones and pits with other components, I'm thinking of replacing the spiked feet with BDR cones.
Ouch, you really need some spike pads! These are the ones I use, by Isoclean MUSICDIRECT - ISOCLEAN - TIP TOE BASE SMALL (SET OF 4) You can also use Black Diamond Racing, I use them under the Aristaeus MUSICDIRECT - BLACK DIAMOND RACING - BDR MINI PIT MK4 (EA) I think the SR-Omega has more treble and bass quantity than the 4070, but both have less bass than the O2's. The O2mk2 is the one with the most bass quantity, mostly in the mid to middle-low bass area where drums have a lot of impact. You could say that it is particularly bassy. I think it has a bit more bass emphasis than "neutral" but it is very good quality bass and with a lot of music it can be a strength, making it more fun or involving and potentially more satisfying. Matched with Mullard xf2 it is arguably not too bassy. The SR-Omega with the same tubes sound thin, bright and screechy. I can imagine many people preferring the Mk2 over the Mk1 with faster-paced music. I'm actually not crazily swapping tubes, I'm doing a maximum of one tube change a day. I usually let the amp power on and the tubes settle for 20-30 minutes before listening. Some tubes drift, especially ones that have never been used, so I set bias about 10 minutes after power on and then re-check and make adjustments an hour or two later. Then I recheck again four hours after that when the amp is running very warm. With good tubes, I don't think a lot of rechecking is necessary, they stay pretty much within 1V. All the tubes I've tried so far are stable in the BHSE. I check and adjust bias after every change. The two bias settings closest to the back usually don't need to be turned much, the two closest to the front need to be moved more. The GEC KT77 are very very good. Now, knowing how good they are, I'm hesitant to use them and wear them out and I've swapped back to the O2's and Mullard xf2. Compared to those KT77, even the xf2's seem more expendable.
These are the types I've tried so far: Old Stock: Mullard xf1 Mullard xf2 00-getter (haven't tried 0-getter yet) Philips metal base Philips DD-getter, brown base (X=Sittard and L=Brussels) Telefunken 5-crimped plates, Ulm RFT 4-crimped plates, East Germany (often labeled AEG, TF or Siemens) Tesla clear glass, overlapping 00-getters, welded plates Ei Yugoslavia disc getter, 3 round holes, tip on top 6CA7 GE 6CA7 Sylvania GEC KT77 overlapping 00-getters, short brown base New Production: Mullard made in Russia (the stock tubes) Svetlana 45-degree saucer getters, brown base (I believe these are now called SED Winged "C") 6CA7-Z Shuguang Treasure
Is anyone using the SR-Omega with the BHSE? The HE90 isn't the only one that I'm having problems with brightness. Using the Mullard xf2 00-getter, which are particularly well-suited for the O2mk1 and O2mk2, the SR-Omega is also too bright. I also think it lacks body and bass impact is a bit anemic. The Philips DD-getter is a better match with the SR-Omega.
Haha, yeah, I feel sorry for those NHK technicians forced to wear the 4070 all day. Wait, no I don't, they get to wear headphones all day! Houston, we have liftoff for the HE90. Chalk up another "Class A Recommended" combination for the HE90 and GEC KT77. The sound is still brightish, but treble energy seems tamed down. With good recordings, the highs are smooth and crisp. Bass quantity and quality is not bad. I think the best part is the midrange. Currently playing: Ingrid Michaelson - "Everybody" from the album Everybody. I love everybody, love love love, I love Justin and KG, la la la de la, I love everybody!!!
A-ha! So you know what I meant! I don't know how we can have it both ways. If the SR-007 is neutral then the 4070 isn't. If the 4070 is neutral then the SR-007 isn't. Driven by the BHSE, the O2mk1 does move closer to the 4070 in terms of tonality, tonal balance, brightness, warmth, etc. compared to other amps. But it's still warmer and darker and has more bass emphasis than the 4070. Or the 4070 is colder and brighter and has less bass emphasis. How can both be neutral? Neutral ~ Highlander: There can be only one. The 4070 is also colder than the Airbow SR-SC1. OK, I'm exaggerating about the 4070's excessive "monitor" qualities. I think it is somewhat similar in terms of tonality to the K701 or HD800, which are not headphones that I dislike. All right, I admit it, what really annoys me most about the 4070 is my weak, thin neck.