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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. Well, the local audio shop was unable to recable the R10. They got the earpads off OK. These were the old earpads I was planning on replacing anyway, so it was fine even if they messed up the adhesive. They were unable to open up the wood housings. I asked them to install the balanced APureSound V3 cable on the L3000 instead, which turned out very well. Now, I think I'll have to ship the two R10's for recabling, maybe one to APureSound and one to Single Power.
  2. No, the PFR-V1 is definitely not better than the K1000. I don't think it's even close.
  3. I like it! The PFR-V1 is a keeper.
  4. Hmm, maybe saying it is about the same as the MS2i might be short-changing the PFR-V1. It does some things different from other headphones. It throws a very unique soundstage and imaging is immersive and 3D-like. Treble clarity and details are good. I plugged the PFR-V1 directly into my 2G nano and it sounds OK. A bit thin and lacking in body, but still decent-sounding. Ear shape might be a significant factor. I have small ears that lie flat against my head. When I pull out my ears and move them around a bit with my hands, the sound changes.
  5. The "hooks" that rest over the outside of the ear canal has a hole where sound comes through. They rest lightly and I don't feel uncomfortable. My initial impression is that these are not bad-sounding. I would consider it a specialty headphone, not a replacement for a full-size headphone. Sound quality is roughly about the same level as the MS2i and below the SA5000, RS-1, K701, AD2000 or HD6x0.
  6. I like YOU. The PFR-V1's cord is very short, and terminated with a 3.5mm plug. I'm using a 6.3mm adapter and driving it with the AT-HA5000. Source is the Accuphase DP-500. Sound? Actually not bad. Good details, immersive soundstage, crisp treble, overall on the bright side, decent bass impact. It does remind me of the RS-1, SA5000, Airbow SR-SC1 and yes, the K1000 and even the HE60. I don't have an amp for my K1000 yet. I've been looking for one recently and tried it with a Cary CAD 300 SEI. The K1000 sounded very, very good driven by the Cary. I don't think the PFR-V1 is better than the K1000.
  7. Should I open the box?
  8. The HE60, stock cable modified with a Stax plug, driven by a KGSS. Source = Accuphase DP-500. Currently playing: Kelly Sweet - We Are One (Radioactive Sandwich's 1+1=1 Club Mix)
  9. Stax vs. Senn Round 2 Team Sennheiser strikes back in Round 2. The HD600 is whole again. This time, the HD650 wields a balanced Stefan AudioArts HD650LE Equinox cable while the HD600 fights with a single-ended RnB G52. The team is strengthened with the addition of the HE60. Its loyalties are a bit questionable, though, because it comes to battle with its stock cable tipped with a Stax plug.
  10. They recently recabled my K1000 with a replacement hardwired cable, so I think their skills can't be that bad. The R10 with less bass still has old earpads installed, which can be taken off and thrown away. I ordered another set of earpads from Audio Cubes. Two sets of R10 earpads and one headband assembly = damn expensive! :'( When they do the recable, I'll have the other stock R10 on hand to do a comparison. If the result sounds bad, I'll start screaming, biting, and kicking, and then maybe send some emails. I don't have a balanced amp yet, so an XLR-6.3mm adapter and single-ended amps will be used.
  11. No, I'm having a local audio shop do the installation. I decided to risk their incompetence vs. shipping the headphone. I'm a total DIY noob. If I tried to do the recable myself it would probably result in the R10 sounding like a Bose Triport.
  12. My Apuresound V3 balanced cable is done! It will be installed on the R10 with less bass/better midrange. http://apuresound.com/images/cables/v3/cable/
  13. I was thinking how I might follow-up with Round 2, which would require another broken headband. I looked for my Bose Triports, which has a broken headband, but couldn't find them. They might be a bit out of place with those other headphones, I think. Luckily I've been saved by Upstateguy. Here's an old photo of the Triport for your viewing amusement.
  14. Happy b-day to the one set of ears I trust more than my own!
  15. Yeah, that's what I mean by "coloration." I think the SC1 and 4070 can sometimes be too bland and make the music sound a bit flat and lifeless.
  16. The translation I got indicated the Omega was all original. Humidity levels caused a noise to appear in one of the drivers. The noise was intermittent. The seller said repairs might cost JPY 30,000.
  17. You were supposed to imagine the headphones animated and fighting each other, like the Transformers! I've belatedly realized the HD600 headband is plastic. The only other headband I've tried bending is the W5000, which can really take a lot of pressure. A local audio shop should have a replacement headband for me soon. The Airbow SR-SC1 is an excellent headphone, but I like my coloration. I would categorize the SR-SC1 together with the 4070, K701 and K1000 in terms of accuracy and overall neutral tonality. The SR-007, R10 and L3000 which I prefer are more colored as well as more refined. I still haven't heard a well-driven K1000, though.
  18. The SR-SC1, and presumably the 404, is very lightweight and comfortable. There's some clamping force and the earpads do get a bit warm, though. I can't lie to you, it was very easy to do, for one whose stupidity is combined with a fat head. I just finished watching The Transformers on DVD and thought I might listen to some Rihanna - Umbrella... ella, ella, eh eh eh. I grabbed the HD600, the Raptor (uh, oh, dangerzone) was switched on and I hit R on the keyboard, scrolled, and hit play. After about 30 seconds of bopping my head around, the blasted clamping force felt uncomfortable! I ripped off the HD600 and unthinkingly bent the headband the same way I usually bend the W5000 headband, except outward this time. Snap!
  19. The SR-SC1 is very clear and detailed. Open-sounding with plenty of air and excellent notes separation. Brighter than the SR-007, it seems more neutral and accurate and less "euphonic" to me. It's actually very similar to the 4070. Both lack some refinement, bass quantity and bass quality vs. the O2, though.
  20. Fing, my little rant wasn't directed at you, it was intended for everybody. I also have two pairs of R10 headphones. I've replaced the earpads on one of them, the one a later serial # and more bass. When I did so, I noticed the foam rings didn't look great, but they were still in reasonably good condition and not crumbling or deteriorated. I expect the other, older pair with less bass to have deteriorated foam rings. I'll try to find some kind of replacement when I have them recabled.
  21. Head-Case exclusive! The result of Round 1 of the Stax vs. Senn battle is not pretty. The HD600 lies wounded, in two pieces and sans cable. To add insult to injury, the Airbow SR-SC1 and Lambda Pro have taken the HD600 and HD650 boxes for their own use.
  22. Sigh, all right, I'll shut up about it. I don't think the R10 is suited for some fast-paced, hard-hitting types of music. It's too reserved. This isn't the same to me as too refined, because both the L3000 and Stax O2 can be exciting and energetic and also refined.
  23. I think objects should be singular unless composed of two distinct, separate units, like chopsticks. OK, I know this isn't important to everyone, but it has become more relevant to me since I've ended up with 2 units of 4 headphone models.
  24. New pair? Old pair? Can we refer to headphones in the singular, unless talking about two or more? What's with all the "my 650's," "my HD650s," "my K701s" "W5000's," "W5000s?" "My HD650," and "my W5000" sound fine to me, and non-ambiguous. Does this mean you don't get that with both R10's, or just one R10?
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