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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. I'm extremely happy with the way the SR-Omega sounds matched with the KGSS. It is more like the HE60 than the SR-007, relatively bright and fast. Looking through the outside grills into the drivers, I see some lines that look like "spokes" on the beige-color surface, and a black round piece in the middle.
  2. I bought the A950LTD when it was released, and sold it soon afterwards because I felt it would never get any listening time with the L3000 around. It is kind of a "mini L3000" in many ways, but it can't match the L3000's refinement. The W11JPN also sounds somewhat like the L3000. Unlike the A950LTD, I don't think it is eclipsed completely by the L3000. The W11JPN has its own unique qualities that makes it great-sounding and able to hold its own against the L3000, W5000 and W2002.
  3. Now Nik is saying the Denon AH-D5000 sounds great. Is there some kind of special amp or source synergy he's hearing? I assume Nik hasn't done the markl mod. I don't think the D5000 is anything to get excited about. I don't think it's as good as the W5000.
  4. Can I join the Stax Mafia now?
  5. Yeah, that's why I was disappointed. I bought this HP-2 from another member here. It is pristine-looking, with 100% lettering intact, so I don't think I can recable it. Mamma, mamma, I wanna new amp!
  6. Hehe, it's a secret. Not sure yet if I'll be able to get it. No way I'm telling you two crazies (Icarium & spritzer). For the record, I think those two and purk are completely bonkers. Makes me feel normal.
  7. I'm using the AT-HA5000, Lehmann Black Cube Linear and the RSA Raptor. The PS-1 sounds good with all three amps, it was just a bit disappointing based on my high expectations. I wouldn't say it sounds bad, it ranks fairly high on my preference list. It was recabled by Moon Audio with a balanced Black Dragon and Furutech XLR plugs, so I use an XLR to 1/4 plug adapter. The HP-2 sounds veiled and lacking in details or clarity with all three amps. I'm bringing them to local shops soon to try with their demo amps, such as Grado RA-1, X-Can, Corda Opera, Sugden Headmaster, CEC HD53R, etc.
  8. Oh, no! Wait! Please... don't tase me bro! I can give my SR-Omega as an offering... I don't think it's possible to hate the HE60 and HE90. Also, I don't understand heavy dislike of the SR-007. Saying it is a bit dark, yes, but other than that I can't think of anything bad about it.
  9. I would be interested in what Boomamma thinks about power cords. A powercord made what I thought to be a significant difference with the Chord DAC64, primarily expanded soundstage and improved separation. It wasn't cheap, but it a source upgrade wouldn't be either. The same powercord had little effect on the Accuphase DP-500 CDP.
  10. OP, some posts here have an extra helping of attitude, keep an open mind and don't take anything too personally. I've been a member here for about two months. My opinion of my RSA amps haven't changed, I still like the Raptor and don't think much of the Hornet and Tomahawk. My experience with amps is a lot less than many members, though, so I'm always interested in different viewpoints.
  11. Be careful, many members have dual personalities and are meaner here! I don't expect to receive my balanced Singlepower amp until June 2008. In the meantime, the L3000 w/APureSound V3 cable is sounding very good, almost as good as the SR-007 (oops, hope this isn't the Stax thread).
  12. I'll also use the tiered system to rank the headphones I currently own: Tier 1: HE90, SR-007 Tier 2: R10 (both versions), K1000 (driven by demo unit Cary 300SEI), L3000 w/APureSound V3, HE60 Tier 3: W5000 w/Enigma Oracle, 4070 Tier 4: W5000, L3000, AD2000, W11JPN, PS-1 w/Black Dragon, K701 w/Black Dragon, Airbow SR-SC1 Tier 5: RS-1, HHF-1, HP-2, HD650, HD600, K701, W2002 Tier 6: SA5000, MS2i w/Silver Dragon, HF-1, DT880-'03, Lambda Pro, Shure E500, PFR-V1 Tier 7: ES7, CM700Ti, HD25-1 Tier 8: KSC-75, PX100, K26p, SR-40 Three headphones I've sold: A700 = Tier 8, Proline 2500 = Tier 7, A950LTD = Tier 6 Amplification and source synergy obviously are factors, as well as type of music. I'm hoping balanced amplification will boost many of the dynamics and improve the electrostats even further. Maybe the rankings won't change much? I'm disappointed with the HP-2 and PS-1.
  13. Oh, my. I don't know what to think here. The HP-2, HD650 and HD600 fall in the middle lower group of my rankings.
  14. I have the album "No. 2 Meal," in my computer library, the only one I have by the band. Most of the songs are sung by a male singer, who sounds like ass. Only a couple are by the female singer. What a ripoff!
  15. I've been listening to the O2 and 4070 recently and not the R10, so the "rankings" might reflect that. I'm the unfortunate type who likes whatever headphone he happens to be listening to at the time. Your ES-1... I hate you.
  16. Yeah, "the Loud One" is good. I'm just glad Mamma isn't around, or she would slap him silly. I really like what I'm hearing with the APureSound recabled L3000. Soundstage, air, imaging and yes, treble is improved, the exact same areas where I've always felt the stock W5000 did better than the stock L3000, both driven by the AT-HA5000. I was listening to Budda-Bar IX with it and thought, "How can this not be in the Top 5? Of course it is in the Top 5." I have high hopes for the L3000 w/balanced V3 cable + Supra XLR.
  17. Update to the list, I've finally heard the HE90 and PS-1. My Top 5 (not necessarily in order (OK, OK, sort of in order)): HE90, SR-007, R10, K1000, HE60, 4070, L3000, W5000, PS-1
  18. Haha, you're being too polite for head-case, "passion and drive" sounds too good. I think it's more like "craziness and insanity." I'm sure some head-casers can come up with more colorful language. The K1000 is definitely worth the effort and saving up for.
  19. Haha, feeling some heat from the Stax Mafia, huh? Nah, you're doing alright, you don't need a Midol.
  20. Looks like Nan Quan Ma Ma (Pinyin), literally "Southern Fist Mamma." I don't know the tube, but I have a pair of Mullard M8136 / CV4003 that looks similar.
  21. As was mentioned, I currently use the AT-HA5000, Raptor and Lehmann Black Cube Linear amps, and the KGSS for electrostatics. I've never heard the DHA3000. I had the chance once to compare the AT-HA5000 and the AT-HA2002 using the W5000 and W2002, and thought the two amps sounded very similar. I prefer the O2 over the L3000 mainly because of the O2's superb details, sense of air, separation, soundstage layering, and its ultra-precise imaging. The O2's bass is great, but I think the L3000's bass is the best I've heard, both quality and quantity. The L3000 has a refined smoothness that is extremely pleasant and ultra-luxurious. I asked myself how could it not be in the top 5? And the W5000, matched with the AT-HA5000? OK, my new top 5 consists of the O2, R10, L3000, W5000, 4070, HE90 (honorary position, haven't heard), HE60, K1000, and maybe the PS-1 (gotta have a Grado in the list, right?).
  22. Here's a link to a Japanese-language page showing photos of an SR-Omega with W1000 earpads installed. http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/staxt2/diary/200611170000/
  23. I was in a camera and photography-gear shop recently and noticed that they sold vacuum boxes. Apparently many photographers use the boxes to store their camera bodies and lenses. I bought one to try out. Repeatedly pulling a handle pumps air out of the container. I think it's useful to store electrostatic headphones and other gear sensitive to dust and humidity.
  24. Uh, oh, I'm going to be stuck with an unsellable PFR-V1.
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