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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. No! I was just blabbing there, not being serious, of course. I'll go watch Godfather 1-3 back to back followed by the Sopranos right now...
  2. Yeah, it would be nice for the herd to be together, but at the moment I'm not planning to go. Except for the Qualia, I already have every headphone I'm interested in. Regarding amps, maybe ignorance is bliss, and safer for the wallet. - The W5000 is one of my favorites: detailed with superb imaging, good soundstaging and plenty of air. Tonality, body and warmth are its weak points. It is very sensitive to recording quality and the source, and can sometimes seem too thin and sharp-sounding. Under optimum conditions, I think the W5000 w/Enigma Oracle + AT-HA5000 can compete with electrostats (HE90, HE60, SR-Omega, SR-007, 4070, SR-SC1). Er, I hope the Stax Mafia isn't around, I'll be kicked out of the gang.
  3. It's been a couple of months. These aren't new amps but upgrades, so they are probably lower priority. I don't mind waiting, the longer the wait the more I'll appreciate it when it arrives. If I don't receive the Supra XLR or ES-1 from Mikhail by April 2008 I might as well go pick them up myself at Can Jam 2008.
  4. I bought a used Supra XLR from KenW, it's at SinglePower waiting for upgrades.
  5. I only have the Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Radio Edit, 208 kbps downloaded mp3 for now. Err... umm, actually there was also another one... click thumbnail to view
  6. But I've already prepared a special "There's Some Ultrasone for Mamma" package! - Based on my results with the Lambda Pro and HE60 with the KGSS and SRM-T1W, I doubt the Lambda Pro can elevate past the HE60. But if the Lambda Pro+ES-1 is a similar case to the HD650+SDS-XLR, I'll be very happy. Or maybe purk has a magical Lambda Pro. The HE60 is very, very good, it can sometimes make the SR-007's treble seem rolled off and too dark and slow.
  7. Er, ah... ahem... actually I prefer the SR-Omega and SR-007 over the L3000 w/APureSound V3 cable. Both STAX are more detailed, have better clarity, air and notes separation, better imaging and soundstaging. They also equal the L3000 in terms of refinement. Bass quality and iquantity is close, but the STAXes concede this category to the mighty L3000. The 4070 can't match the L3000's refinement or bass quality, but it is more detailed. Amplification is probably a factor, I'm looking forward to hearing the balanced L3000.
  8. I never heard or knew about this song until someone posted about it on HF and said he couldn't stop listening to it. Now I can't stop listening to it... downloaded mp3's for now, until I receive this: click thumbnail to view
  9. I don't want to talk to Mikhail, I want to listen to "Umbrella Remix" with the HE90/Omega/SR007/HE60/4070/SR-SC1/Lambda Pro + ES-1! Hey, this thread is a lot more interesting than that other Stax thread. Who cares about the SR-007 MkII?
  10. I don't have a lot of listening time with the HE60, HE90 or SR-Omega yet. I'll post more about them as I try different types of music with them, thought I think my impressions might not be as useful or interesting without the SinglePower ES-1. Does anyone else have all four: HE90, HE60, SR-Omega and SR-007?
  11. I really like the HE60+KGSS, it has a bright and fast sound that's great with electronica or fast pop music. The very slight treble emphasis makes it seem incredibly detailed. Yes, I've been listening to "Rihanna - Umbrella (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Club Mix)" again. I would say it is a level below the HE90, SR-Omega or SR-007, though, and lacks just a little bit of refinement versus those three. All four have excellent bass impact and quantity, I don't understand the "electrostatics lack bass" impressions. Versus the L3000, I also think the HE60 loses in refinement, but it wins in details, air, imaging and speed. The L3000 is better in bass quality and quantity, fullness of body and that undefineable special something it has that nothing else I've heard has. It just oozes with refinement and sophistication. Note that I like the L3000 recabled with APureSound V3 more than the stock L3000.
  12. No, no, this is an AUdio-Technica thread, the L3000 absolutely has to be in the Top 5.
  13. No way! Lambda Pro more amazing than the HE60? I would be very happy to experience that. I've got a Headphile-modified Lambda Pro that doesn't do too well compared against the HE60. The HE60+KGSS is very clear, fast and detailed. Aaargh, I also have four 3D21A tubes and adapters sitting in the closet along with a bunch of 6SN7's and Mullard and Telefunken EL34's. I probably won't receive the ES-1 until May 2008, especially if I tell Mikhail "I want my ES-1 to be better than purk's." :'(
  14. I've never seen a W11R for sale. If I did it wouldn't be for sale anymore. Update to the Top 5: HE90, SR-007, SR-Omega, R10, K1000, HE60, 4070, L3000 w/APureSound V3, W5000 w/Enigma Oracle, PS-1 w/Black Dragon
  15. I'm using a HeadAmp KGSS with the O2. I do think it is a bit dark-sounding, but thin? Not to me. It has a fuller-bodied and thicker sound than many other headphones. I also use an SRM-T1W with various electrostatic headphones. In general, it is smoother and more laid-back than the KGSS. I think the "good ones" include the O2, SR-Omega, 4070 and Airbow SR-SC1, as well as the HE90 and HE60.
  16. Gaaah, exposed by my own blabbing! I thought you might've missed that one, because it wasn't listed in the Stax or headphone categories. Should've known better.
  17. I'm using Kempelton on Firefox (Windows)
  18. Hehe, mine fits perfectly, with just-right clamping force. I can shake my head vigorously and it won't slide off. The secret: brand-new plastic headband piece
  19. I'm trying the SR-Omega with the SRM-T1W now. It's not bad. The Omega has a superb 3D soundstage, very large and encompassing. Playing "audiophile-type" recordings, it seems like sound is coming from all directions. Imaging isn't as pinpoint precise as the O2's, though. I think the O2 has the best imaging and separation among the Big 4 (HE90, HE60, Omega, O2), which basically means it's also better than all other headphones I've heard. The K1000 might be an exception.
  20. These things are scaring me, I want my mamma.
  21. The earpads are dark brown. They look to be in good condition, I would've assumed they were replacements from just a few years ago. Comfort is actually not bad, despite the earpads' relative stiffness overall. Lifting up the bottom part of the right-side earpad, I see the same type of label. It looks like: 94 * 11 * 4 HH
  22. I'm alone here again. Is there anything I can do to surprise the admins when they come back? Where's spritzer and other Euro-dudes? Mamma?
  23. I found a Japanese-language page about the SR-Omega with photos of the plastic and aluminum spokes. http://staxt2.hp.infoseek.co.jp/stax1.htm Mine are the clear plastic spokes. I think the earpads are original SR-Omega pads, though they might've been replaced some time ago, of course. The pad material is kind of stiff and feels more like the stiff and hard type of leather on some armchairs. They do become a bit warm, but overall the SR-Omega is very comfortable to wear.
  24. But your member names are so similar, starts with a "J", ends with a number.
  25. Ah, do you mean the pieces where the hex screws go through, that separate the outside grill cover from the main body? They seem to be black plastic.
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