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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. The HD600 (also HD580, HD650, K601, K701) matches well with the Corda Opera. I didn't think the Opera's built-in DAC was as good as a Lavry DA10 or Benchmark, but it should suffice until you're ready for a source upgrade. The HD600 or other full-size Senns are difficult to compare with the PX100. They're very different. I don't consider the PX100 particularly bassy or thick-sounding, not if compared against the small closed portables. The AKG K26p is bassy and thick-sounding, as well as muddy and lacking clarity.
  2. I've never heard a Darth Beyer. I would assume it is somewhat an opposite to the K501. The K501 has decent highs and a superb midrange, but no bass quantity. It has to be the full-size headphone with the least bass impact, or runner-up. A recabled K701 with a full-bodied and bassy source+amp might do the trick. This could get expensive very quickly, especially the source+amp. The HD600 is another option. A used pair shouldn't be expensive, and it has less bass-emphasis than the HD650. It does OK with a variety of mid-priced amps such as the Lehmann Black Cube Linear. A recable isn't necessary, wait until you have the source+amp all set.
  3. Hi Mamma! Glad you approve! No, I don't particularly like the Raptor with Grados or ATs. I think the Raptor does better with the HD650, HD600 and K701. The limited number of other amps I've tried don't do better than the Raptor, though.
  4. I recall reading about vintage RS-1s sounding better and less bright/harsh than recent units. But the K501 with glaring treble? I thought it had fairly neutral and not emphasized, definitely not harsh or bright. Its midrange is superb, one of the best and in my memory always somehow better than the K701's. Too bad about its non-existent bass.
  5. I've been using an adapter for the XLR recabled PS-1 and L3000. The PS-1 definitely has strong bass impact and quantity. The first time I listened to it was a "Whoa, I'm getting pounded," experience. I've never thought of myself as a basshead, instead thinking that I value soundstage, imaging, details, air, separation, and other "high-refinement" type qualities. But after listening for a while, the heavy bass seemed to recede and smooth over as I became more used to the sound. The PS-1 also has very good details, separation and air. Imaging and soundstage isn't up to R10 or O2 standards, but the L3000's isn't either. This is with the Raptor, Lehmann and AT-HA5000. Hopefully the Zana Deux will be an ear-opening experience. If the PS-1 and L3000 get any better, they'll be competitive versus electrostats; the PS-1 would take on the HE60 and the L3000 vs. the SR-007.
  6. Nice Team Sony pics on this page!
  7. I only have a KGSS and SRM-T1W. Both the HE60 and O2 sound very good with the KGSS. With the SRM-T1W, they are more laid-back, softer-sounding, less detailed and less refined. This works better with the HE60 than the O2, I think the O2 needs a more energetic and powerful amp behind it. The HE60 is great with fast-paced pop or electronica. It is bright and fast, with plenty of treble details and crispness. The O2 can seem dark and a bit slow in comparison. But the O2 is ultimately more refined, and overall details are equal or better than the HE60. The HE60 can seem thin, lacking in body and lacking bass impact and texture in comparison. Both the HE60 and O2 are superb. I prefer the O2 over the HE60. But listening to the HE60 is always an exciting experience. My ranking of electrostats: 1. HE90 2/3. SR-Omega and SR-007 4. HE60 5. 4070 6. SR-SC1 The SR-Omega vs. SR-007 is difficult to decide. I don't have enough listening time with the SR-Omega yet, but based on my preference for a brighter and more open/airy sound, the SR-Omega might edge out the O2.
  8. Estimated delivery is sooner than I expected, mid-December. It will be a showdown between the Zana Deux and Raptor. I'm hoping the Grados will improve. If the PS-1 gets any better, it might even move past the L3000 on the "Top 5 List."
  9. Hi riceboy, your HP-2 is being handled and taken care of better than the PS-1. I won't let anything except air touch the lettering. Every time I listen to it I imagine a "virtual air dielectric field" around the housings. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound so good with the RSA Raptor, Lehmann Black Cube Linear or AT-HA5000, the three dynamic amps I have. I'm planning to go balanced, but this HP-2 is the one headphone I can't recable. So I've placed an order for a Zana Deux.
  10. I thought so too. He seemed to me an arrogant, crotchety old man complaining about everything.
  11. I'm 2 years old. http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,2433.0.html
  12. The HE90 is one of the best, if not the best, headphone I've heard. I'm currently using a Stax plug adapter to connect it to a HeadAmp KGSS.
  13. I can? I didn't know that... But someone told me when I joined head-case that I needed to actually be listening to the headphone in order to post about it, and I wanted to be cool respected member and have a high post count, and there were all these cool members making cool posts and saying cool things about headphones, and I wanted to participate and feel cool, too, and...
  14. Getting back to Team AT, maybe we can discuss the differences between a stock L3000 and a recabled L3000. Can't do this in the Stax thread. Haha, take that, Stax Mafia (I was demoted to Associate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia#Structure).
  15. I like these cream puffs because they aren't too sweet. Some Beard Papa shops in Hong Kong have counters right on the street or are in busy subway stations. I've never had the experience of "transporting it to a suitable place to be sampled slowly." I ate them the instant they handed over the box.
  16. Thanks for the photos, it's nice to see a glimpse of an amp work desk, and good to know there will be more of your designs.
  17. Apologies, sir! Stax Mafia will retreat to the Stax thread. I'll sell you your ES-1 for a Qualia 010 with SinglePower headband + money. - I don't have a balanced amp yet. I have a Zu Mobius female-XLR cable, so I can use the HD650 and HD600 connected directly to the Lavry DA10's XLR outputs. They sound decent, but not great, and not necessarily better than single-ended drive through the Lehmann Black Cube Linear or Raptor.
  18. My HE60 was reterminated by Alex with a Stax plug. I believe he also cleaned the driver housings. It works perfectly with the HeadAmp KGSS and SRM-T1W.
  19. No way! Mullard EL34 xf2 for $50 each, I would buy hundreds of them! I hate this out-of-production stuff, why can't current production be as good (including headphones, except the SR-007 and W5000 of course). Alternatively, I'll just never listen to an ES-1 or Blue Hawaii, stay with the KGSS and wish that I'm a solid-state guy.
  20. Heh, I should've known Mamma is a Mac person. I use Firefox on WinXP, WinVista and Mac OS X.
  21. I realize the Blue Hawaii SE hasn't been launched yet. Given HeadAmp's excellent reputation and my own KGSS's excellent sound quality, I would assume the BHSE to be a top quality amp. I passed on it a couple of months ago, thinking I would stay with a KGSS and focus on a balanced amp for dynamics. I only had an SR-007 at the time. But now, I find myself also with the HE60, HE90, SR-Omega, 4070, SR-SC1 and Lambda Pro. Electrostatics have become high priority and I listen to dynamics less and less. I would be interested in what people think about the BHSE versus other electrostatic amps, particularly the SinglePower ES-1.
  22. If the SR-007A is Japan-only and the SR-007MkII is for export, there might be other places besides the US to get the MkII.
  23. I focused on the Mullard EL34 xf2 and Telefunken EL34, already have several sets of those. These tubes are expensive! Hmm, maybe I can sell the ES-1 and go for a Blue Hawaii SE.
  24. I'm planning to get either the SR-007A or SR-007MkII, depending on the price differential. I passed on Justin's Blue Hawaii SE a couple of months ago and I'm beginning to regret it. I've been building up my tube collection and have several EL34 sets already. No GE Fat Boys yet. Here's proof of my self-sacrifice and dedication to ascertaining if the L3000's are, as they claim, the best-sounding playing "Umbrella (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Radio Edit)" click thumbnail to view
  25. The L3000's say they sound the best with "Rihanna - Umbrella (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Radio Edit)" and electrostat bass sucks. I don't know if I agree, I'll have to play the song another 20-30 times (current playcount: 27) and trying various headphones to be sure.
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