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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. I'm currently using the AT-HA5000, I think it matches well with all the AT's. Sometimes I also use the RSA Raptor.
  2. I've got the SR-Omega, the Qualia is the last headphone I'm looking for. But they're not all black. There's reddish-colored wood there, you know. You can go for the A950LTD. I'm burning in the ESW9 now, but it's more refined and has a larger soundstage than the ES7. Also bass is more well-integrated and not as boomy as the ES7's. Neither can compete against the full-size AT's though, but they're great for portable use. I also like the Senn HD25-1. Both the HD25-1 and ES7 are more closed-in and congested vs. the ESW9.
  3. Yes, I've watched a downloaded Umbrella video, but the video or photos aren't the reason why I'm listening to this song. I don't know the reason. I'm listening now with the KGSS>SR-Omega. I feel so happy and I can't stop wriggling my butt. La la, la de la la, ella, ella, eh eh eh, it's pouring rain...
  4. I can't stop listening, somebody help, please.
  5. *looks innocent, mamma is watching* Whatever do you mean? I only have a Bose Triport and Ultrasone 2500. These photos are Photoshopped, and my posts are just repeating stuff I've read on Head-Fi. I might tell you the truth if you sell me a Qualia cheap. Not so cheap is OK too. Somebody slap some sense into me, I can't stop listening to Rihanna - Umbrella!
  6. Oh, no, another spanking. Here's the ES7 and the ESW9. The ES7 comes with a cloth pouch while the ESW9's is thicker pleather. I keep both in black zipper semi-hardshell cases. I also got some replacement 3D Wing foam pads.
  7. I confess I didn't use the search function. Am I to be punished now?
  8. My Rihanna - Umbrella Remixes CD is here! The "Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Club Remix" sounds really good with the KGSS > HE60. Ella, ella, eh, eh, eh
  9. I picked up the ATH-ESW9 today. Out of the box I think it's better than the ES7. No one interested in the ESW9?
  10. Yes, I agree they're priced too high. The target market is also unclear to me. It is fairly compact, comes with a carrying case and a short cord + mini-plug, as if it were designed for portable use. But it's completely open, so it needs a very quiet environment and can't be used in many portable situations. I suppose it could be used at home with a portable Playstation or DAP.
  11. I think I've seen those photos before. The seller replied to me: "Hello! The serial number is 11XX.I am curently on a business trip. I'll reach back home on Saturday. Be sure I will provide more photos to the winning bidder if he/she will request. Don't worry. The headphones are mine and are in my possesion. Good luck bidding! Best regards, Ben" There's another R10 on eBay. Item number: 140179483071
  12. In that case, I think you should be Moderator, too. A big one, bigger than those Global Moderators. My hiney is still sore from those spankings you gave me. -- Off-topic I know, so... The PFR-V1 has a unique soundstage, different from regular headphones. It is lightweight, but the outer part of my ears can become uncomfortable from the hooks. I think the PFR-V1... I can't remember anymore... blah blah blah
  13. Yes, of course, you may have... Eeek! I just noticed you're a Moderator. Er, I'm scared of Moderators. Mamma, protect me!
  14. Justin, you have email.
  15. C'mon Alex, they're not that bad. You can compare them against the R10 I'm sending you. They might have more bass! OK, they're not that great either. I wonder why I haven't been listening to them. Fitz, I would give them to you free, but you're Team Vintage AKG, so I can't.
  16. Yes! I'm definitely interested. I feel really bad now about passing on the BHSE, I'm stupid.
  17. I haven't listened to the PFR-V1 since I last posted about it here. When was that, two weeks ago?
  18. True, not enough bass, but then the K501 has even less? At least there was some improvement. That $270 price is incredibly good. It seems any headphone that is distributed in the large, competitive and efficient US market has the lowest price there.
  19. Understood, sir, yes sir! Regarding gear impressions, I don't think admins and mods have more credibility, but I think they do have more authority when it is about forum behavior and attitude. For example, no member could have posted the "would you like me to delete your account?" I find it very hard to believe most members here could become sheep/yes men. For example, Icarium is so completely bonkers no one will follow him and he has no one to follow.
  20. Without considering the K1000, I think the K701 is not a bad effort from AKG. It improves on the K501 in many ways. Soundstage and midrange are its strong points. Tonality seems neutral enough to me. It can compete against the HD600 and HD650, and I would place them in the same level. Recent US street prices seem to be very low, less than US$300? That's a great price, and very difficult to beat.
  21. OK, maybe that might have not been as funny as I intended. I think its unfortunate the HE90 and other "high-end" headphones are so expensive. The ever-higher prices for discontinued headphones are a disturbing trend for enthusiasts who lack unlimited funds, which is all of us. However, prices reflect the market, and headphones are a product subject to market supply and demand. The presumably large influx of new headphone listeners in the past two to three years seemed to have pushed prices higher. As good as the HE90 is, I still listen to other headphones. I'm keeping the K701, HD650, HD600, HF-1, etc. and I listen to them. To me, the issue isn't as much the high cost of some headphones, but the fact that the K701, HD6x0, HF-1 and other sub-$400 headphones sound so good. I think the pressure is on the discontinued headphones to justify their market pricing versus current production alternatives. The seem to be more than holding their own recently, but it remains to be seen if historical trends will continue. Some prices are getting a bit ridiculous.
  22. I realize there's a bit of "anything goes" here, and the general sense that people who can't stand the heat should leave. The reason I asked about forum policy is because you are an Administrator. I think people tend to read posts by Admins and Moderators a bit differently than regular users. I recall moderators on Head-Fi stating that they are members first and moderators second. They insisted on the right to post their own views and not be restricted in any way. This may be the case, but the fact remains that some people may view their posts differently. Whether the moderators intend it or not, their posts can often be perceived as more "official" or to be "more authoritative" in some ways. My view is that new members are more likely to become agitated by hostile posts from Admins and Mods. They are more likely to feel unwelcome and leave. Since this seemed to have happened, and you are an Administrator, I ask if there is an official policy regarding who is welcome and who is not, or any kind of criteria?
  23. Does this forum have an exclusionary policy? I've read some of the guidelines and rules threads, but I haven't seen anything specific about the criteria for membership here. Presumably having a thick skin is one requirement. Being called a shithead by an administrator does tend to test one's patience and temper.
  24. Haha, another newbie. Would you like some headphone recommendations?
  25. I don't understand how anyone can sell an HE90. For that matter, how can anyone sell any headphone (unless it's an Ultrasone).
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