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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. I'm using the Constantine and DA10 in a bedroom rig. Amps are Lehmann Black Cube Linear and Stax SRM-T1W. I use a HeadAmp KGSS as my primary amp in another room, along with the Raptor and AT-HA5000 for dynamics. I haven't heard significant differences between various toslink optical cables I've tried.
  2. I used to own a Dialogue II and currently have a Constantine USB and Lavry DA10. I think the Constantine is much better than the Dialogue II, which was too warm and thick-sounding and lacking details. The Constantine also lacks details vs. the DA10, but it can sound very pleasant sometimes with jazz music or slow female vocals. I use an AirPort Express, MacBook optical output and an old Sony CDP as transport with the Constantine and DA10. Overall I prefer the DA10's clearer and more detailed sound over the Constantine. An Audio-Technica optical cable with mini-plug on one end and standard toslink on the other works well, no adapter necessary.
  3. I haven't tried many Stax amps, only the SRM-T1W and 006tII. The O2 is much better with the KGSS. Based on the difference, I have high hopes for the O2 and a better amp. I learned a tube-buying lesson recently. I bought two quads of Telefunken-labelled EL34 that turned out to be East German or Russian production, not genuine Telefunken. They have four crimps on the sides of the plates instead of five and a dimple on top of the tube.
  4. I don't have the A950LTD anymore. I think its pleather earpads are thicker and puffier than the L3000, W2002 or W1000 leather earpads. They are also more rounded at the edges.
  5. Another option: Soundcard (Chaintech AV710) optical out -> used Constantine DAC -> used amp -> used HD580, K501 or a Grado
  6. The W5000 earpads are slightly larger than the others. It is thicker with more padding and its diameter is a bit larger. The L3000, W2002, W11JPN, W1000, AD2000 and A950LTD earpads seem to be very similar in size, with some small variations in thickness or padding. I think the W5000 earpads can fit on almost all other ATs. I've tried them on the AD2000 and A950LTD, so those two are certain. I can try other combinations with the headphones I have on hand, plus the W1000, AD1000, AD900, AD700, A900, A700 etc. at local audio shops. I don't know about the A100Ti. The back part of the earpads where they wrap around the housing is stretchable and can be pulled with some force, though be very careful not to tear them. It's possible that not all earpads are available anymore from AT, though they should be able to recommend a suitable substitute.
  7. Yeah. C'mon purk, I don't have any good amps, you're basically my only source of amp info.
  8. The SR-Omega + KGSS sounds so good I'm wondering why I have other headphones, or need other amps. This is definitely the best-quality sound I've heard from a headphone, along with the HE90. I would rank the SR-007 a small step below the Omega and HE90 due to its darker sound. As good as the HE60, 4070, R10, L3000, PS-1 and K1000+Cary 300SEI are, those are the Big 3 for me. Well, the SR-Omega is discontinued and there's always the possibility that it stops working. Maybe I shouldn't listen to it often.
  9. Elephas


    I've refrained from calling Mikhail and will wait for him to contact me when he's ready. He's installing 45-step attenuators in my Supra XLR and ES-1. It happens when it happens. I'm currently enjoying the SR-Omega and HE60 with the KGSS. The sound is very good already.
  10. Ouch! I have a Zana Deux on order and a Supra XLR being modified at SinglePower. I hope the ZD won't be too inferior, I intend to use it as a secondary rig. I have several headphones to try, so it's likely the ZD will have synergy with something.
  11. Stax SR-Omega replacement earpads.
  12. I think I'm over 30 phones, but most of them don't count because they're not electrostats. I thought about taking a photo, but I don't think I have enough floorspace. The Meier amps seem reasonably priced to me. The CEC HD53R is inexpensive at US$325 and it can drive very small efficient speakers, though not very well. The Lehmann BCL is not bad at US$780, I think it's competitive vs. the Opera or Raptor. The Coriolan is 9500 Euro or about US$14,000. That makes the upcoming HeadAmp Blue Hawaii SE seem like a supreme bargain. I'm glad I ordered the last one.
  13. I don't have the Ultrasone Edition 9, and am not very interested in it. The W5000+HA5000 is very good, but can't compete against the O2/HE60/4070 + KGSS. I don't have the SR-404, so haven't tried it with the KGSS. The SR-SC1 benefits less from the KGSS and I think it does reasonably well with the SRM-T1W. I would consider a 404+006tII system a step below the W5000+HA5000, while the SR-SC1+KGSS should be roughly equivalent. Note that the 404+006tII system I heard was at a shop and the source was a Lavry DA10. I doubt slwiser heard the same W5000+HA5000 as me. I use an Isotek power conditioner, a custom 100V step-down transformer, selected cables, and either the Chord DAC64 or Accuphase DP-500 as source. I believe he has the Lavry DA10, which I also have and which I don't use with the W5000+HA5000. I don't believe my W5000+HA5000 system is "best," but I think another W5000+HA5000 system will require a better source and a lot more time and money spent on experimentation to beat it.
  14. Go for a source upgrade first. Both the Opera's built-in DAC and the 1212m's DAC are not so good. Try using the 1212m's digital out with an external DAC such as Lavry DA10 or Benchmark. It should be a significant sound quality increase.
  15. I agree the W5000 doesn't have a lot of bass impact, especially compared to the L3000, PS-1 or SR-007. It doesn't fare too badly though compared with the SR-SC1 or SR-404. This may result in me getting demoted again in "this Stax thing of ours." I think the W5000+HA5000 is competitive vs. the 404+006tII or SR-SC1+T1W. The W5000 has very good details, speed, air, imaging, separation and soundstage. Notes three dimensionality is also good, with realistic attack and decay. Smoothness and sense of liquidity is better, and I think the W5000 is more refined. I also think the W5000+HA5000 is more sensitive to source material quality. The range between horrible-sounding and sublime seems greater.
  16. No need to feel bad. The K701+Opera isn't at the level of the O2+KGSS, but it isn't horrible either.
  17. I think the 006tII is OK. It's not bad matched with the SR-404. A used SRM-T1 or SRM-T1W is a good option. The T1W is a good match with the Airbow SR-SC1 (modified 404). I would go for a T1 or T1W plus SR-404. The T1W does better with the 4070 and SR-007 than the 006tII, when the times comes to upgrade headphones.
  18. I think equalization is fine, no matter how it's done. I've never been a purist; anything that makes the music more enjoyable is OK by me. A standalone equalizer seems best, though I've never tried one. My assessment is not only based on headphones, it includes other factors. I say you're crazier, along with Icarium, spritzer, foome and the K1000 crazies, etc. You guys make me feel good about my "relatively reserved" level of craziness. I'm sure most people will agree with me. Wait, are we arguing about who's crazier on a site called "head-case"?
  19. Er, I've also got "Let the Music Play (Full Intention Club Edit)" by Shannon from the disc "Best of No. 1 Hits 2003."
  20. I found "Two of Hearts (Extended Mix)" by Stacey Q from the disc "Dance Traxx Vol. 2" in my library.
  21. Thank you for the recommendations, I'll go find "Let the Music Play" and "2 of Hearts."
  22. Hey, this isn't some kind of competition. It's craziness and insanity, and purk is definitely crazier than I am. "King" sounds stupid, anyway. I'll humbly accept "Master of All Head-Case." I believe Head-Fi member "cwilson" in Hong Kong has the L3000G, he's active on the HK-based Mingo forum. It might look good, but does it sound better than an L3000 w/APureSound V3 cable? Wah, go ahead, ignore the rest of us, I'll just go sit by myself in the corner. I don't think headphone amplifiers should have tone controls. That's what another headphone and another amp is for.
  23. Everybody has better amplification than me! :'(
  24. I've tried the K1000 with a Cary 300SEI. It sounded very good, but not better than various Stax, HE90, HE60 or even the L3000 and PS-1. This was a stock K1000 with a 3rd party tail-end cable. Maybe a fully-recabled K1000 and another 300B amp will perform much better.
  25. I'm over the 3 months mark waiting for an already maxed Supra XLR to be modified slightly. Over 2 months waiting for an ES-1 to be diagnosed for upgrades. I haven't even decided on any upgrades yet. The good news is these amps are at SinglePower in Colorado, so selling them to US-based people would be easier. You think buying SinglePower is expensive? Try sending your SinglePower amps for upgrades and while you're waiting, buying a Zana Deux and HeadAmp Blue Hawaii SE. I'm betting the Zana Deux and BHSE will arrive first. An R10 versus your Qualia, any takers?
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