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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. I only see in my library: Katie Melua - Pictures - Perfect Circle Evanescence - Justice - Orestes (A Perfect Circle Cover) Ozgur Sakar aka Misda Oz vs. Mercan Dede - Buddha-Bar X - Abi-i Beka If some Stax engineers visit the local distributor and shops, I'll have to find some way of telling them about the SR-Smegma.
  2. Hehe, I got a bit tired of it. As good as the Stax, HE90, HE60, Qualia, PS-1 and L3000 are, listening to that song four or five times a day for 3 weeks gets a bit tiresome. But it's still rated 5 stars in my iTunes library. I've found that some oldies I used to like a couple of decades ago sound better than they used to. Also rated 5 stars by yours truly and suitable for butt-wriggling exercises with the O2Mk2: Madonna - Like A Prayer (12" Dance Mix) Depeche Mode - Black Celebration (Black Tulip Mix) Sinead O'Connor - Mandinka (Jake's Remix) Erasure - Blue Savannah (Der Deutsche Mix II) Enigma - Principles of Lust (Everlasting Lust Mix) New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle (Extended Dance Mix)
  3. On my system, the O2Mk2 doesn't seem to lack deep bass or impact. Comparing it to the O2Mk1 with a few tracks, the O2Mk2 goes just as deep and has more impact, which can be more satisfying. I also tried the Real Traps test tracks. Some tracks I used: Diana Krall - Temptation Jennifer Warnes - Way Down Deep Enigma - The Rivers of Belief (Extended Version) Madonna - Frozen (Meltdown Mix Long Version) Cincinnati Pops Orchestra - Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture Sheffield Lab Drum & Track Disc - JK Drum Improvisation Burmester Vorfuhrungs CD3 - Yim Hok-Man - Poem of Chinese Drums
  4. Haha, Don Spritzer, the old Dons must be rolling over. "What's dat new boss called, Spritz, Spit, Sprite, whachamacallit? I've never heard of no wiseguy named Spritzer. Now, dat Noo Yawk guvnor, he was called Spitzer. But he was no wiseguy, he was friends with the previous Don."
  5. Do you think it will sell as well at that price? I also have a Lavry DA10. It is good, no doubt, and I think it is a great value. But do you think Dan Lavry would keep selling the Lavry Gold DA2002 (and use it himself at home) if the DA10 was as good as it gets? I've heard the DA2002, and it sounded sublime. I don't think the DA10 or Benchmark DAC1 are sublime.
  6. Elephas

    Battlestar Galactica

    Agreed. But they had to find something for Baltar to do and also stay relevant, and leader of a cult seems to be one of the better realistic choices. Now that they've arrived on Earth, presumably either far in our past or in our future, what's the significance of the 5th Cylon? With all the build-up and suspense over this 5th unknown Cylon, it better be very significant to the plot. I think the 5th Cylon is Starbuck. D'Anna said the 5th wasn't with the fleet, but can't she lie? It would explain how she "found" Earth while flying off in her Viper and the mental anguish she felt when the fleet was moving away. It's come to the point where I actually don't really care who is a Cylon. Adama? Shrug. Tigh didn't act any differently after he knew he was a Cylon, except attending the useless meetings with the other Final Four. It doesn't seem to make much difference anymore, since the storyline has moved towards a human+some Cylons versus other Cylons conflict.
  7. I agree the HE60 works well while lying down. The Airbow SR-SC1 (or SR-404) also works very well, with its rectangular shape and light weight. However, my headphone of choice while lying in bed is the HD650. I usually last five to ten minutes until... zzzz, loud snoring. The amazing thing is that I can fall asleep even wihile listening to fast-paced dance music. Must be getting old.
  8. Congratulations. Are we supposed to send gifts for Lily?
  9. That looks very nice, it seems aardvarks know how to cut foam. A bit overkill, IMO, for a mini notebook, an iPod and iPhone.
  10. Whoa, those housings are impressive. Maybe K1000 drivers would work better? Bending the headbands changes clamping force as well as the angle of the earpads/housings. You can adjust the headbands so that there is more pressure at the bottom and less at the top. But due to the design and the fixed, non-swiveling housings, there's a limit to the amount of adjustments one is able to make. Of course, other headphones have this limitation, but I think the O2 is one of the more sensitive in terms of the overall fit, clamping force, earpad shape, angle of housings, etc. affecting the sound. Both the O2 and O2Mk2 fit very comfortably for me and I only needed to bend the headbands very slightly.
  11. Yes, I'm using an adapter in order to listen to the balanced headphones with a Zana Deux. I've never heard a balanced amp. This LD amp is attractively priced and would be nice to have as an "appetizer" before the SinglePower main course arrives. Darkless, I haven't even ordered a balanced cable from APureSound for the Qualia yet, but I definitely will. Here's a pic of the adapter.
  12. Yeah, the depth is much too deep for the HP2. But it works fine, because the foam keeps the headphone pretty much in place. The scary thing about the HP2 is their lettering. I'm afraid of letting anything touch them, including silk cloth. Air dielectric seems to be safest. Right now, I'm actually keeping the HP2 in a Sennheiser box with the original foam inserts removed.
  13. I humbly request some ads, preferably on the left side where they will take up a lot of space and annoy those who are using mobile devices. It looks too clean and spacious now. Some flash junk on the top right, a strip below the control bar, etc. would also be good. This guy is a moderator here?! Gaah, I'll have to be more careful who I insult elsewhere.
  14. A helpful member has offered to help me. I promise not to call him "The Loud One" anymore.
  15. Can we have the Simple Machines forum back? This looks too much like Head-Fi, I'm afraid I'll be confused and make stupid(er) posts.
  16. I usually only bid on eBay items with PayPal payment allowed, but I was careless this time and bought some tubes from a seller who doesn't accept PayPal. I would appreciate someone in the US paying the seller on my behalf, with a money order or personal check. The amount due is US$106. I will pay you back by PayPal plus a "fee" for your trouble. Send me a PM if you are willing to help. EDIT: Someone has offered to help, thanks
  17. That case and those headphones sure look familiar. A monkey could have done a better job of cutting out the foam. Not that I claim to be able to do a better job, I don't even have thumbs.
  18. Dude, it's a fart, what is this squeak stuff? Is there a rat around? I'm scared of rats. No, the 4070 doesn't fart much. However, after it gets the "spritzer mod," maybe...
  19. I don't think live performances are the best or only way to evaluate a headphone (or speakers). It is one of several ways. Some jazz performances, acoustic vocals and other more intimate settings are excellent reference points. Some classical performances, if you have a good seat. And familiarity with the sound of a piano, a solo violin, a drumset, a trumpet, etc. But other types of music aren't as suitable, such as pop/rock concerts or dance clubs for dance music and electronica. A lot of music I listen to on headphones don't have a "live performance" reference point. Comparing two or more headphones is more useful in many cases. I've heard the K701 several times with a Prehead Mk2 SE. I think the K701's bass performance is better with the Zana Deux.
  20. I don't understand why there are both comparative and objective/correct impressions. The best way to evaluate a headphone IMO is to compare it with other headphones. An "objective/correct" evaluation of a headphone still needs a frame of reference, something to compare it to. You can compare it with your memory of a live performance or speakers, but I think direct comparisons with other headphones, as many as possible and with a large variety of amps and sources, is better. I like the K701. Its bass is actually not too shabby when driven by a Zana Deux; decent amount of impact and not too anemic. I assume that linear bass means that there's an equal amount of bass throughout the entire range, from the lowest up to the lower midrange. The K701's bass isn't one of its strong points, but I would assume that it is reasonably linear. Comparing them with test tracks and test tones is probably the best way to find out. The downloadable Real Traps test tones range from 010 Hz to 300 Hz.
  21. I just realized something (thinking speed slooows down the longer it has been since you've hung up posters). There's the Markl Mod for the Denon D5000 that makes it sound better than an R10. Is this the spritzer mod for the SR-007Mk2 that makes it fart?
  22. I'm trying, I'm trying, but Justin and Mikhail ignore me. :'( Maybe I can send the headphones to someone and they'll swap earpads and plug the ports for me. Hopefully they'll send them back. I don't even have any blutack. The last time I hung up posters in my room was over two decades ago.
  23. I'm scared of removing the earpads and I can't take apart the SR-007 Mk2 because I don't have thumbs. It's OK, it seems this mod is to make the O2Mk2 sound more like the O2Mk1, and I don't understand why one would want to do that.
  24. You're saying the SR-007 Mk2's bass is not linear by comparing it to the K701? Haha, hahahaha!
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