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Everything posted by Elephas

  1. Elephas


    Hahaha, I think I have better taste in TV shows than music. Proof: I liked Justified, House, Treme, Lie To Me, Dexter, The Wire, The Shield and Deadwood. I also like The Daily Show/The Colbert Report and Real Time with Bill Maher. The short HBO series Generation Kill, Rome and John Adams were good, and of course The Pacific and Band of Brothers before that. Not great but OK: Burn Notice, White Collar
  2. Elephas


    What the? Season 1 is already over, after only 13 episodes? What am I going to watch now? No more House either. Ah, at least Burn Notice is back now for S4. I'm not convinced by Boyd's epiphany, or whatever it is. Next season is going to be Boyd as the main super bad guy, for sure.
  3. It's possible to use the O2 with glasses if the arms of your glasses are very thin all around, or lie very flat. Not ideal, but possible because the earpads are thick and there's some room available. Get new glasses, you want them anyway. Super-lightweight glasses with super thin almost-not-there frames that just seem to float on your face and you practically forget you're wearing them. Then get the O2. Then worry about the amp.
  4. Yep, it's all good, doesn't really matter to me. You hyoomaans are all the same anyway, fragile two-legged walking sticks.
  5. That was a regular Lambda Pro woodied by Headphile. Yes, that was mine. Yes, it sounds like crap. I also have an Airbow SR-SC1 that sounds a lot better than that woodied Lambda Pro, but I don't really like it either, it can't really compete against the O2mk1 or O2mk2. Nooooooo, not you, who wants to fight all the time. Not Spritzer either, who thinks the O2mk1 and O2mk2 sound HUGELY different and can't tell the difference between real leather and fake leather earpads. I'm willing to send the Airbow SR-SC1 to a qualified someone who has a 404LTD. If he can get a regular 404 too, that'll be great.
  6. Wow, some Airbow SR-SC1 talk in this thread, finally! I would also appreciate Dr. Gilmore or someone enlightening us about the SR-SC1 vs. 404LTD vs. 404. C'mon, Head-Case Stax thread, there must be someone who can do a full SR-SC1 vs. 404LTD vs. 404 comparison review. What the heck are the differences? I expect no less than 3000 words.
  7. Elephas

    Audeze LCD-2

    All right, Se
  8. Katie Melua - The House I love the song "Tiny Alien"!
  9. Elephas

    Audeze LCD-2

    Omega 2! Or SR-007, or O2, or O2mk1 or O2mk2! The "Omega" is the SR-Omega! If the Omega refers to the SR-007, what are we supposed to call the SR-Omega?! Huh, huh? FTFY
  10. Cliques, dammit, it's cliques! What the hell is HC coming to now, are we becoming like HF?! Recommended punishment: watch Mean Girls. And sober too, no cheating by getting drunk first.
  11. Elephas


    Yeah, I liked Deadwood too. Olyphaunt seems to be the type of guy who looks "right" wearing a cowboy hat. Without it on, something seems off. The actor who plays Boyd Crowder, Walton Goggins, was great in The Shield as Detective Shane Vendrell. I hope they do more with the other Marshals, though.
  12. Given the high price and assuredly high profitability, I imagine Stax is kicking themselves for not coming up with leather earpads sooner. Yah, yah, as if I'm going to believe anything someone who thinks some things are real leather when they obviously are not says about earpads. (I didn't mention O2 earpads, n_maher can't touch this!) can too
  13. I just put a set of 404LE earpads on the 4070. Man, that double-sided glue is sticky! The Stax instruction card on the box blithely states, use your fingertips to rub off the glue. Gah, the skin on my fingertips practically rubbed off too! The mesh driver protectors are separate from the earpads, and have to be centered manually over the earpad opening and then the double-sided tape is applied. It can get a bit messy, and I don't think I aligned everything up perfectly. People with more OCDness than me will have a lot of fun with this. The sound? Wow, it sounds so much better now! Ah, it feels better now, too. Real leather earpads FTW!
  14. I remember that so-called "Superpredator." Oooh, so scary. Predator my ass, there was an avatar fight and I flattened the chicken-looking thing by sitting on it. HC people really know how to go off-topic. Hey, I have to patrol my threads, you know. OK, I better say something on-topic. I think 45th Anniversary or whatever big anniversary is coming up is going to be an open headphone, not a woody!
  15. OK, now how about ranking all these from the most recessed mids to the least? I'm just kidding, I don't expect anyone to be able to do that. People can be more blunt here than elsewhere and maybe even "excessively direct about what they think" but I think that's mostly a good thing.
  16. Dude, he's talking about some comparison from last summer. As in almost a year ago. I'm constantly amazed by some people talking about how this or that headphone sounds based on their experiences a month, three months, six months or even more incredible, a year plus ago. IMHO, the best way to describe how a headphone sounds is when you're actually listening to it, in real-time. Next best thing is within a few hours of listening, then a day or a few days after. But longer than that? Not very doable for me at least.
  17. I read this about the Shuguang Treasure KT88-Z tubes from Audio Asylum (Audio Asylum Thread Printer) Maybe I was too hasty in trying and dismissing the Shuguang Treasure 6CA7-Z tubes? 300 hours is a long time, I think I only used the Treasure for a total of 20-25 hours.
  18. You got the EL34 cheap, didn't you, because of the "Shita" branding! Don't tell me they're 00-getter, I can't stand too much jealousy. I received a Dell U2711 monitor today. I've been using dual Dell 2407 for a long time, and wanted something bigger. Originally I was thinking of the Dell 30" 3008WFP but it is an 'older' model and I ordered the newer 27" instead, hoping I won't regret it. Well, now that it's here and I'm using it side by side with one of the old 2407, I regret not going for a larger monitor sooner. This thing is very nice. The extra screen space over the 24" is a big difference. Text sharpness and colors are also better. I still don't know if the 3008WFP would've been a better choice. And given the large screen real estate of the U2711, I'm questioning the need for dual monitors.
  19. Hey, the HE60 is quite good. I recall seeing someone selling a 404LE and keeping the HE60. I have the Airbow SR-SC1, not the 404LE. I prefer the HE60 a lot more than the SR-SC1. Man, the HE60 looks so cheap and plasticky, and some people complain about the HD800 materials quality. But the sound, wow, the HE60 sounds great. The pleather outer surface of the headband of my HE60 is peeling off, I've replaced it with an HD650 foam headband part, it slides right in.
  20. Hey, the 4070 is quite good! I haven't used it much, favoring other headphones instead, but after reading some positive things about it recently I decided to try using it exclusively for a week. I've previously said that it wasn't one of my favorites, and how it is the headphone for people who want to feel like they're a DAC, receiving some kind of "digital feed." Well, apparently I'm one of those people! With good recordings, the 4070 sounds absolutely glorious driven by a BHSE with Philips EL34 metal base tubes. I can hear everything! I'm inside the music! It's like my outer ears grew another eight inches in diameter, the eardrums doubled in size and the number of detecting hairs tripled. I don't think I have good hearing, I would say I'm probably a bit below average due to age (Aargh, 40! It's the Middle Ages!). But with the 4070, you don't need good hearing to hear everything!
  21. Dood, I saw the photo of the 'back-of-the-head smiley man', that's not a shaved head, that's a bald head. Hmm, I kinda agree with this. The 4070 equivalent might be the Qualia. Tonality and tonal balance seem similar to me. The Qualia does have a larger soundstage though. And I demand to know, where was Blutarsky during all this?
  22. I wanna know too! Shut your mouth! Ah, no, that's not me, a cute baby elephant wouldn't say such a thing. For some weird reason, I almost spewed my red bean soup onto my keyboard after the second "Shut your mouth!" at Spritzer. I don't know why I thought it was so funny. Hahaha, just what a "regular BH" owner would say.
  23. What exactly is this Stax Mafia people keep referring to? Can we have a show of hands, who are members and what is your rank? I promise, I'm not affiliated with site enforcement, I just want to know who I can ask to "take care" of a certain someone who used to run an amp business and has since "disappeared."
  24. Where do people find all these funny pictures? C'mon, at least give Spritzer a chance to offer to recable my HE60 for free. Everybody is suddenly ordering Mk2 earpads... what, finally everyone realized that the Mk1 pads are fake leather? (n_maher is not reading this, n_maher is not reading this, n_maher is not reading this... oh, if you are, isn't it about time again to sell me a laptop for cheap?). Hmm, all this makes me feel left out. I guess I have to stop by the local shop tomorrow to pick up a pair of Mk2 pads.
  25. Hey, that looks like an HE60 with a Stax cable! My HE60 is only reterminated with a Stax plug, it still has the original flimsy cable. Spriiiiiiiiiiiiiiitzer!
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