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Posts posted by RudeWolf

  1. Got a chance to listen to a RS2 (buttoned) and to be honest I was not impressed. At the moment I'm rocking with my male genitals out with a SR80i and I never did think that there's so much fun to be had for 99$. And it was the same with RS2, the sound was great but to my surprise the only improvements over my trusty eighty were more natural highs and a blacker background. I know that in audio sooner or later I hit the price/perf. peak after which the improvements are slight, but with Grado I feel like I've hit that peak right now. They were amplified so juice was plenty, and only weak spot was the source from my laptop, but still... I feel sad because because I was expecting more and maybe that let me down.

    Music wise I guess then all Grado hp's are the same more or less. Anything 60's, that's my motto. Jazz, Rock, Blues. But god forbid, if anything you play is bright or "loud." In that case There Will Be Blood.

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