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Everything posted by RudeWolf

  1. Also this... http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/home_en.nsf/root/private_headphones_mp3_expression-line_505573 Frequency response 16 - 22000 Hz Impedance 18 Ω Sound pressure level (SPL) 120 dB THD, total harmonic distortion < 0.3 % (1 kHz/100 dB) Not sure if I like the color. Also the 18 Ohm driver seems strange, haven't seen 18 Ohms outside IEM's. Maybe I'll just buy the drivers someday.
  2. Most likely the price will drop to 700-800$ in the coming year. Won't be the first time. It's a real looker tho!
  3. I have the Bastion OST and they sound like the original vocalists. That game reached out to me in a very deep manner, doesn't happen that often nowadays.
  4. Yeah... And exit like Hendrix.
  5. Pleats... Pleads... In Latvian "plīts" means "oven". So they should sell well to the fairer sex.
  6. Mini Maggies? I'd love them for my desktop. But now I'd settle for M-Audio AV-40.
  7. RoHS is the main cause of whisker risk in EU. And the funny thing is that soldered parts makes a very small part of all lead waste in landfills. At least they could have let the small manufacturers free of this directive.
  8. In your vast research how many circumaural folding headphones did you actually find? Foldability usually is for smaller ultraportable supraurals, think Koss PortaPro. If you mention bass then the open Sennheisers would not be a viable option, at least the HD598 does not have much bass quantity. The quality is ok, though. I'd say- just get a HD25-II or those V-Moda M80 that everyone is raving about. HD25-II should offer more isolation but soundwise they are quite comparable. Merry Christmas and check out InnerFidelity.
  9. Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! ...from Latvia! And thanks to Birgir who told me about this place!
  10. That's what happens when one's financial cojones find themselves between the digital anvil and hammer. This is a good sign for e-boycotters that things can actually be changed.
  11. My condolences to Mike. Even if I don't know him, I feel that every death is a loss. So, yesterday I left the land of the ice and snow and through Copenhagen flew back to my fatherland- Latvia. Visited two electronics stores on the way and had a good talk with one of the clerks in the store at Keflavik airport. And in Copenhagen finally got to listen the infamous Beats. Well... At least my HD-25-II in addition to reproduce beats can take them as well, all of these Beats felt like toys. Today fired up my old rusty soldering rod and put back the voicecoil to one of the contacts on my HD25-II. That'll teach me to not repair stuff without proper tools. The SR-80i is going to a dear friend of mine, a music journalist and true mellomaniac.
  12. I have two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Which headphone should I get Tyll?
  13. I'm not sure if the current needed to drive dynamic let alone IEM type headphones is sufficient to cause an electric shock in an ear. Hmm... Maybe he experienced some kind of a static electricity discharge?
  14. And I thought that only anacondas are long and strong! Seems like good kit from Beezar. I'll wait for some impressions from around here until I pull the trigger. Also by that time my wallet will recover after Christmas. P.S. I like the layout! Long amps let me save on cables!
  15. THOSE EYES! Now I remember!
  16. Still a week until I get to some nice bacon. I like Iceland but I really hate the food that is sold here at the supermarket.
  17. I guess that the beer pressure and the rate of freezing must reach some magical ratio. And that surely is a win, sure beats cleaning brown sticky snow from all the frozen stuff.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0hS1Aw1K30 Proud to be Latvian.
  19. I'd say that the key word this time might be- "believe".
  20. What do these boxes do? Looks like some kind of resistors for impedance or something. Well, if you jam more of them on a cable you can actually save on cable stands!
  21. Well, marketing headphones as luxury jewelry is pretty convenient- saves them from objective arguments about sound quality. Then again I had pretty high hopes for AKG, they are German after all.
  22. The additional enclosures shield against neutrino particles.
  23. Fuji X100 seemed a bit too idiosyncratic to me. A great capable camera but too hampered by some clumsy design decisions. UI wise mostly. Also I don't understand why they decided to implement focusing-by-wire.
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