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Posts posted by RudeWolf

  1. Is it possible this is true?

    Well, it seems a bit blown out of proportion if these are really just guidelines that are not enforced. However the tendency is quite clear and a bit unsettling. We recently had a similar scandal in the media because allegedly some poems were getting censored out of the school textbooks. In the end it turned out that that the author committee had to choose which poems to leave in the books because of the space restrictions and the ones which didn't make it happened to be quite mature. I'm just saying that journalists love this kind of stuff because it plays so well with the recent spirit of general anti-establishment-ism.

  2. They give me an idea whether or not the listener/writer likes them. If I know what kind of sound the writer likes then I can make an assumption about how the headphones in question might sound. Sure, such an assumption is not necessarily correct but if I keep in mind the limitations of them, then I should be safe. I mean Headfonia is one of the rare review sites that still write unfavorable reviews. And from the conversations I've had with Mike he didn't strike me as a brown noser. Maybe this piece of text is too overenthusiastic but hell, if these phones sound that great then I can't blame him. Still he makes clear that this isn't conclusive and should be treated as such, if someone decides to ride the hype wagon because of this then... Too bad for them.

  3. Boy are those speakers old. I would look carefully at the surround on the woofer before spending

    any money on amps to drive them.

    These are not the actual units I'd be getting, but these speakers are known to have issues. In any case a friend of mine is using such speakers and could use some spare drivers as one of his middle woofers just went belly up. I have only visually inspected the actual units in question and both furniture and drivers seem intact. But with soviet products one can never know. Even if my grandpa knew which units were manufactured at the beginning of the five year plan.

    If these speakers don't end up singing in my room then I'll probably take the high efficiency full range path. I have full access to the tools needed to make the enclosures and I know a few good carpenters who would give me a hand if anything would go wrong. Just too bad these Audio Nirvanas are quite rare in EU. Maybe I'll be able to arrange something with an uncle of mine who does frequent overseas shipping.

  4. Seems like I have a chance to inherit a couple of RRR S-90 speakers from my granpa-


    31-20k, 8Ohm and 87dB sensitivity, therefore low power is out of the question for now. For powering them I will most likely get HifimeDIY T1 + SMPS300R. Won't be the best there is but it'll sure beat the heck out of my Creative 5.1 PC speakers.

  5. Don't mention it! When I was younger knowing Russian often meant not getting your nose broken, at least no right away. Tomorrow we are having a country wide referendum on whether Russian should be an official second language. Even theoretically there isn't enough Russians in Latvia to make that happen but still it's a good way troll Latvian nationalists.

    Not easy having a society made from two ethnic groups who used to be in war with each other. Both of my grand-grand fathers fell in war- one as a red army strelet, other- a Nazi Germany legionary. My grand-grand mother was sentenced for 25 years in Siberia because she gave food to Latvian guerrillas but got back after 3 because Stalin kicked the bucket. She forgave the soviets everything because that's the only way one can keep humanity in a situation like this. Unfortunately there's plenty of people around who will take their hatred in the grave. Good to know that time is on my side here.

    P.S. Never buy any soviet hi-fi equipment, it was all crap (no QC whatsoever) compared to what's made today. The only thing worth buying may be tubes and military electric components.

  6. I most definitely don't speak Russian, but the second word on the bottom sentence is Koralev, and the next word is to do with Cosmo(naut, or something). So it refers to Sergei Koralev, they guy who designed the USSR rockets that competed with the US in the space race in the 50's and 60's. On the top line is a word that is something to do with ModeI, so I suspect it is for a model or toy that is based on some early test rocket of Koralev's.

    That all seems pretty anal - for which I don't apologise wink.png

    The passage says- "From student's/pupil's models to space ships." Basically it's a soviet mural telling how great was their education system. And in some aspects it sure as hell was great.

  7. Call me paranoid, but I have little faith in those Chinese valve amps, there is always the part lottery and most likely circuit designs are from the mid thirties. Sure, they will sound "toobey" as hell, but with all the tube (actually the whole circuit is to blame) associated negatives.

    What about using a balanced Dynahi for such an application? From what I've seen it should have enough power, I'm just unsure if it will cope with such low impedance loads.

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