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Posts posted by RudeWolf

  1. On a more serious note- in addition to my academic pursuits I have also worked since age 15. Not that I had to but getting extra buck was always welcome. So I'll make the leap and say that I've seen what it's like on both sides of the trenches. And I'm not talking about white glove office work- for 5 years I worked as a construction laborer with all sorts of people- ex cons, druggies, Polish immigrants and other unlucky souls who just couldn't jump higher.

    If there's one thing the rugged clinteastwoodish [real] reality sailors lack- it's innovation and the ability to deal with nonstandard situations. Sure the star-eyed cloud-dwellers try to reinvent the wheel whenever they can but it's the job of good leaders to direct that innovation where it's most needed. Nothing can replace a good academic foundation, experience helps- but only if you know how and when to use it.

  2. I'm pretty sure they do. At least it isn't that hard to... ratiocinate what is meant by that.

    I call my Uni "Alma Mater" and "Magna Mater" as well. But tbh the quality of education has gone way down, sometimes I wish they'd liquidate the faculty of philosophy altogether. It has no use whatsoever as it is now.

  3. A society may contain someone other than friends. I'd say that that it's the respect that counts and one may respect someone even without liking them. But enough about that- I'll make sure that I stop by some of you when I get to the states. May be some time though, hehe...

    And yeah- time to find something to eat and drink. I've had nothing but cheesecake for lunch.

  4. Behavior wise- sure, this is one of the more "human" forums and for that I admire this place. However, I really don't know about the demographic- most of us are guys over 20 with an obsession about high quality living. There is an odd Mac'n'Cheese in the food thread but mostly it's really good quality stuff made by people who value that kind of thing. I'll make another wild generalization and say that most us value our time.

    Hence the need of brevity in posts.

  5. Yah, this probably isn't the place to whine that people don't listen. Except when it comes to welcome messages.

    Well, HC is hardly an exact mirror of society. And for the welcome message provide a link for an audio version which leads to... "You suffer" by Napalm Death.

  6. Seems like Tyll and Steve has kicked the hornets nest on this subject.

    In any case Wmcmanus nailed it- whatever makes us happy is good. I'm not a recording engineer- I'm here for the music. Sure, music is sound and the average level of sound reproduction has gone down, however I'd rather blame it on us being primarily a visual society.

    And the fact that listening has gone out of style doesn't help much either.

  7. Judging from the description the A series use a X-Art tweeter while in the F series "only" an Art tweeter is used. I guess if you value the X in your tweeters then by all means go with the A series.

    I have also been eyeing those Adamses for my desktop. Seems like a good alternative for AirMotiv if you live in EU.

  8. Well, if it really somehow manages to turn out to be a decent DAC at that price, then why not... Sure, I'd buy it. What bugs me is the terrible logorea behind this thing. Heck, maybe I'll find a used Pico instead, they keep turning up in HF lately.

  9. Saw the thread about these monitors about a month a ago on overclock.net and I am still a bit suspicious. First of all there are the dead pixels/dust under the screen/etc. and then even if you manage to score a perfect panel I'd still be afraid about the reliability on the long run.

    For that money I'd rather go for a 24'' Dell IPS, more reliable and won't need two cards for gaming. Oh yeah- maybe I'm mistaken but some of those units are not equipped with a scaler.

  10. I've been using a Karcher vacuum with water filtering system. The only gripe I have with it is that one must use a defoamer with it otherwise you end up getting water into the filter system. All parts are easily taken apart for cleaning or replacement. After vacuuming you just pour out all the goodies you picked up into the toilet, rinse the container and leave it to dry. I guess that it isn't too handy for quick vacuum jobs due to complex setup.

  11. Speaking of the Senn dynamic duo- have any of you compared the older version versus the silver driver one? I seem to have a pretty good offer (for EU) for a used HD650 which seems the older one. Supposedly those are slower and even more darker sounding. Is there any truth to such claims?

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