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Everything posted by RudeWolf

  1. Dre's signature looks like two breasts with milk squirting out.
  2. I have a hard time trying to remember the bad episodes of Black Adder. I guess that has to count for something.
  3. Black Books.
  4. Exceptional guitarwork as seen on:
  5. Aren't you mixing up efficiency with impedance? I was thinking that 32Ohm and less headphones are getting popular because of the fact that most built-in amps have a hard time supplying voltage.
  6. Still- most headphones don't employ crossover circuits, right? Damping factor has always been a source of mystery and confusion for me. I have a bad feeling that there's something fundamental that's lost in the simplification that allows to talk about damping as it's done in popular circles. As far as I know there is mechanical and electric damping, loads can be resistive, reactive and inductive that may or may not change at certain frequencies. And then there's people who like driving orthodynamics on a SET amp. Go figure.
  7. Yeah, only the really crappy solid state designs have output impedance on the high side. My local electronics guys have a few interesting ideas about building an amp with switchable outputs- one super clean solid state with suoerb damping factor, other with higher Zout and a third with a simple tube output for even order harmonics. P.S. I recently took a look at some Russian DIY designs and I must say that these guys are pretty damn advanced. Especially the DAC's.
  8. Ok, I bit. Damn you, ebay!
  9. My preferred suppliers would be Farnell and Elfa Distrelec but none of them seem to carry it. As I said two of the local electronics stores have them but I have a bad feeling that they get them from ebay. Some of the local diy-ers who bought transistors from them got fakes. In any case I'm in progress of doing a full transistor test on my Dynalo.
  10. No, he's still selling. 8$ a pop.
  11. For the Dynalo circuit would there be any meaningful difference between GR and YTA designations?
  12. I'm pretty sure this is how this business works. If shipping won't be too long then I'll bite. Edit: Damn, shipping is more than two weeks. I'll pass. One of the local guys had bad luck with this seller.
  13. Is this too good to be true? http://www.ebay.com/itm/50pair-OR-100PCS-Transistor-TOSHIBA-TO92-2SA1015-GR-2SC1815-GR-A1015-GR-C1815-GR-/270978998458?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f179b60ba My local suppliers are almost out of these transistors. And the ones I got so far from them seem to be somewhat unstable.
  14. Luckily only the output stage seems dead. Some desoldering braid and two dozen BJT's should do the trick. Maybe I'll swap out the bypass electrolytics as well. What's worse I actually heard how the amp sounded. Hence the rush that lead to this.
  15. I reversed wired the PSU to my Dynalo.
  16. Darn it! I have my eyes on an ampless Pico DAC and now it seems that it just won't cut it.
  17. Them ellyt caps don't blow THAT bad...

  18. Are you using the Pico as a DAC only or can it be used as an amp as well (provided it's the amp version)?
  19. Currently- On a side note- was I the only one who was disappointed by Sigur Ros Valtari album?
  20. Dumplings stuffed with smoked pork. I had higher hopes to be honest. Tasted like french kissing with ladies who like to smoke a lot.
  21. Surely you used a powered USB for the Pico, yes? In any case this is great! I'm eyeing the S3 as my next phone.
  22. I guess that's the price of doing these rational interventions.
  23. Please elaborate. And don't forget to add for how long and on what equipment have you heard the said headphones.
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