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Posts posted by RudeWolf

  1. I got the angst as well. Just got my first set of optical glasses and therefore the HD25-II must go. Currently eyeing the SE535 and the Westone 4 in HF classifieds. Too bad that I can't audition them locally...

    Which one has the most unoffensive treble? W4?

  2. That wasn't poor. It's that I just read that moonshine indeed could be distilled in upper nineties. Our shiners never go that far up, the usual is about 40 or even lower. The only thing I like at 80 proof is absinthe but usually the stuff I can get around here is pretty bad. Nonetheless inhaling burnt absinthe vapors has made some pretty interesting stories that include me and some philosophy studentresses. Nowadays I only mix absinthe together with energy drink and champagne. The mix pretty much competes with Long Island Ice Tea in stopping power. Once I even added Jaegermeister for extra kick.

  3. Don't know really. I apologize if I have offended any of the true 'shiners, it was just the local self distilled. Was quite good despite the distinct yeast aroma as it didn't give off any burning after taste. I always seem to guess the correct proof because when it goes beyond 50 the back of my head always goes itchy. And usually no one goes beyond 60, must be too much hassle.

    And all the listening tests for today have also been tainted by Georgian wine and cheap rum. I was actually quite disappointed by the wine because for the price I was expecting something more sophisticated but got a half-decent dessert wine. So yeah, here goes the second attempt at doing listening tests.

    My main main beef is the bass. It's too boomy. Tests like these make me appreciate the work put in by Sennheiser engineers even more. Also the treble seems either too monitory for my tastes or just plain peaky. Or it must be Havana Club.

  4. Installed an ethernet cable through the attic and into the kitchen ventilation duct. Mom needs her cable TV! I had almost forgotten how exciting it is to be covered in mineral wool dust. Once took a leak with my wooly gloves on... Highly exciting for a few hours.

    Also ordered a Galaxy case for my Dynalo. I was torn between 170x330 and 230x330, in the end went with the larger one. After all it still is my first stab at building an amp.

  5. I'd love a Honda like that however these kinds of bikes around here are ultra rare. The whole time period before the nineties is filled with crappy soviet bikes (keep in mind that this was The Social Republic of Soviet Latvia) that need two days of fixing for every day of riding.

    And I've tried the Vespa. Really nice but needs more torque for me.

  6. Still- most headphones don't employ crossover circuits, right? Damping factor has always been a source of mystery and confusion for me. I have a bad feeling that there's something fundamental that's lost in the simplification that allows to talk about damping as it's done in popular circles. As far as I know there is mechanical and electric damping, loads can be resistive, reactive and inductive that may or may not change at certain frequencies. And then there's people who like driving orthodynamics on a SET amp.

    Go figure.

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