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Posts posted by RudeWolf

  1. Well, it's the normal pedestrian 40/60 but I really hate the flux. Looks like it isn't evenly distributed in the wire so occasionally I get bigger blobs that sometimes make a mess. At least it isn't too aggressive and can be left uncleaned.

    One day I'll order one of them fancy silver/tin solders and probably regret it as it won't flow and the flux fumes will melt my face off.

  2. That splinter would've made a badass guitar pick, Steve!

    Stocked up on some Polish solder, nasty stuff but at least it isn't the one used for piping work. Fired up the O2 to see what all fuss is about. Using Pico as a source (I bet that makes some of you cringe) and the sound wasn't terrible. With my HD650 the soundstage is reasonably wide and all in all the sound is extremely clean. However the bass is very lean compared to my Dynalo making the overall signature very thin and uninvolving. Some might actually like it.

    Pics will follow in the DIY section.

  3. I see that vikings have natural resistance to Chinese torture. I only have had got dried spaghetti under my fingernails when I was washing a pot. Was more of a startle than a real pain.

    And yeah, running out of solder is like Earth running out of sand! I tried using pure lead as I have plenty of that but it isn't eutectic. It doesn't flow at all and gets all creamy when it cools down.

  4. Not helpful, but the sound of other people eating sends me into a rage. Thank god you're crazy, too. smile.png

    I have punched people for eating loudly. What maddens me the most is supping and chewing without closing the lips. When I was living in Iceland I had a roommate who had a habit of eating loudly. The only thing that kept me from horribly mutilating him were my HD25-II's. Then again even with headphones I KNEW that he was eating like a LOUD ESTONIAN SWINE!!!!!11111

  5. I was thinking of putting the relay board on the back panel but then it occurred to me that I'm at most saving about 7cm of wire. Also I just fired up the Visual Analyzer and tried moving the relay board towards the working transformers. Oddly enough only at 150-200Hz grew a small 5dB hill that wasn't previously there. And that's with putting the relay board directly on the EI-Core tranny. I'm starting to think that EM radiation from AC devices is a bit overblown. Sure, doing something silly like routing signal wires under a tranny might get some noise but to me it seems that my creations have a whole lot more other bugs that need squishing before I start making Faraday cages.

    In other news- next week I'll build an O2 to see what's the fuss about. Maybe even bring to some guys to do measurements and compare to my Dynalo and probably a two board B22. Most of the local electronics enthusiasts laughed their asses off when they saw the Holy Grail of headphone amplification.

  6. Thanks for the advice! I'm usually rounding up to the nearest full millimeter so most of the time I'll be getting about 0.3-0.7mm worth of play. And now I'm starting to regret that I choose those fancy Neutrik RCA's that need those extra screw holes.

    Regarding the layout - how hard should I fight for reducing the line signal wires? I have a JT attenuator that in theory could be mounted on the back panel with RCA's almost touching the inlets and total line signal path being under 70mm. Are low power (30VA) trannies noisy enough to cause any issues?

  7. For my 1*102W needs I'd build an End Millennium. Simple enough for me not mess up (yeah, right) and enough juice for 89db'ers. Some of the local guys praise the design and sound. Also none of the parts seem too unobtainable.

    Cookbook with less bullcrap than the article linked above.

    Just my two imperial septims.

  8. I might case up the damn thing in the following week if I manage to CAD draw the panels- however one niggle remains. I know that some of you are using relay based stepped attenuators- do you connect the ground (I prefer the term- common wire) of the controller board somewhere? I get 50Hz hum if I don't connect it to the PSU common wire.

    Btw, I keep hearing that the signal common wire should be separated from safety or power grounds. More than one way of skinning a cat?

  9. I was joking about the promoting. In any case I judge a reviewer from how many negative or neutral reviews/impressions has he made. That's the only thing that has kept me from dismissing guys like Headfonia Mike. Above all I promote a critical attitude even if I get called "spoilsport" from time to time.

  10. Its not that I don't like treble- I just have bad memories about being a Grado treble slave. Sparkle is nice but sibilance is what worries me the most. Also I have experienced treble happy headphones making some good albums borderline unlistenable.

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