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Posts posted by RudeWolf

  1. The funny thing was that the other guy wanted to get it for bass-heavy electronic music. Was about to order the 400$ O2+ODAC combo from Epiphany so I thought I could help the guy out. After all there was nothing to lose for me- if he somehow likes it then I'll just put an ODAC in it and sell it off for little more than parts cost. He didn't like so I get to sell him the FiiO E10 as it is rather bassy. A win-win. As for the O2- I may have two takers who'd like for studio use. Probably need to rearrange the gain as the input stage will clip easily from typical 2Vrms signal.

  2. I may have hosted the first Latvian headphone meet! 3 headphones, 3 amps, 2 DACs and two guys. So technically that was a headphone meet! Saved another soul from the pseudo objectivist nonsense that's been going rampant these days. Turns out that nothing beats a good listening session and surprisingly- Dynalo mops the floor with O2.

  3. Hmm... Maybe I had some mistakes converting vrms into power. In any case I still love my Dynalo and have a feeling that utility wise it would overlap with the KSA 5 (both being current happy).

    Still too lazy (and afraid what you'll say about the wiring) to do a proper post at the DIY build thread.

  4. Hmm... How suitable actually would this be for speaker duties? Most likely it would require a considerable bump in heat-sinking. Maybe even some meatier resistors.

    I could build one for computer speaker duties. Maybe get me a pair of those Hsu's.

  5. Simple impedance testing can be done without an actual multimeter. Get a 9V battery connect wires to both poles and one wire to one of the ground wires. You can try using a led and a resistor for indication but a tongue (or some other soft skinned body part) is perfectly sufficient. If there is any connection between the ground wires you will feel current with you tongue. Basically any "tastable" voltage will do if you don't have any 9 volts.

  6. I spent my Halloween carving cardboard for my Dynalo front and back plate mock-ups. Suffice to say that these mock-ups revealed some fuck-ups that may have cost me a new front panel. Some final adjustments and they might go to CNC tomorrow. Fingers crossed after that.

    Regarding the new Headamp logos, I did like this one- http://99designs.com/logo-design/contests/logo-wanted-headamp-audio-electronics-172729/entries/5 I'd simplify it a little though.

  7. So after a 3 hour talk with one of the editors of the biggest Baltic news agencies I got his recommendation for a new job I'm looking to get. It may or may not pay as much as the one I'm doing now but it will be immensely more interesting. Market analysis and database administration was a huge leap from manual construction labor, but in the end I realized that ultimately I will never be able to be well motivated at it.

    If all goes well (and telling others about it won't jinx it) then I might land a press secretary position at the biggest tech university in Latvia. The best thing is that it won't be all press releases but also editorial work for science papers. That may finally give me the chance to really flex my lobes. And get paid for it.

  8. You could alternatively get a Pico DAC. They seem to go for cheap on the other site (or at Justin's site). I got mine in a minty condition for 150$. Love the sound and I'm pretty convinced that it's the last USB powered DAC I'll ever buy.

    Also no one will mistake it for a small sex toy.

  9. Yep, the HD650 cable is pretty decent for the price. Actually I'd happily choose it for recable jobs on other dual entry headphones. It is reasonably sturdy but stays free of microphonics. Also the Y-splitter is pretty well done which I can't say about the otherwise fine Grado cable.

  10. I'm not sure if this counts as a deal but here's a pretty good case for the price- http://www.ebay.com/itm/2107-Full-Aluminum-Power-amplifier-Enclosure-headphone-amp-preamp-case-DIY-/120945750823?pt=US_Amplifier_Parts_Components&hash=item1c28edb327

    My thinking was to get two for a Dynahi build. It might take some careful planning to stack both amp boards but it might actually work. I'm sure most of you have other ideas about what to stick inside such a box. Class-A monoblocks come into mind.

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