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Posts posted by RudeWolf

  1. Rum


    Roasted almonds

    Instant coffee

    White ice cream


    Next time I'll try using natural ground coffee. Also I was very surprised how much rum it took before I could taste the alcohol. Feeling the effects however was another thing entirely- be very cautious to not pass out in the sun.

  2. Don't listen to them Trident, they're just jealous!


    1. Pad the walls of the enclosure with large resistors.

    2. Hook them up to the PSU's to get rated power consumption.

    3. ? ? ?

    4. Profit!

  3. Going electrostatic is my next years objective. This year I went orthodynamic. Need to squeeze in a good DAC somewhere as well.


    And yeah, big gratulations to GeorgeP. It's hard to describe the feeling when you see those LEDs light up for the first time, everything gets warm and hopefully no smoke comes. Then you plug in the phones and everything is silent, no thump when plugging in (hence no DC) and then music.

  4. If there's something broken a simple EMU-0404 ADC/DAC card will do nicely. You just have to whip up test loads and most importantly- know what to look for.


    Software wise there is more than plenty to use. Just be sure to calibrate everything properly.

  5. We also occasionally have to make tough financial choices to finance our hobby.


    P.S. Thanks for the info on negative feedback. Looks like I still need to do some more research on this.

  6. THD of .0015% @ 3 watts into 32 ohms.  how about 9 watts into 50 ohms. And how much feedback is there, what

    is the intermodulation distortion, because with a thd that low, there has to be oodles of feedback.


    Why do you consider negative feedback a bad thing? Provided it's correctly implemented, of course. I know that Douglas Self, for example, considers feedback (both local and global) to be essential to attain high performance.

  7. Went to my friends house by the sea yesterday and ever since I've been living off cheap rum Cuba libres and bbq'ed meat and sausages. Then I wen't home on a bike with 15kg of photo equipment in a backpack and realized that I haven't actually drunk any water for the past 30 hours. I did clock 15km in half an hour but now I'm feeling really bad. Turns out there is no real substitute for water.


    My kidneys and liver must be having the time of their life! 

  8. It's always about the implementation. ES9018 is one of the popular choices for DSD playback and notoriously hard to implement so that it doesn't sound like a bunch of hornets playing sitars in an empty grain silo.


    I am told that the main hurdle of properly designing the IV stage for 9018 is the high output current for the summed channels when operating in stereo- 16mA per channel or so. Also ESS have a bad rep of being very secretive about any data they give out on their products. I have read at least one report of the given data being inaccurate or downright erroneous.


    However when done right the ES9018 is capable of distortion figures I have never seen anywhere else. However I'm afraid that the level of construction quality needed for squeezing such performance is nigh unattainable by common DIY efforts. Think- 6 layer PCB's and all SMD construction.

  9. I had matched input JFETs and LEDs on my Dynalo and it was possible to dial it in so it had about 1mV offset. The servo has saved my ass on one occasion tho- when my DAC output stage was misbiased and outputted 0.5V of DC.


    In any case matching the LEDs is trivial. And in the case of Dynalo it was easy to get matched input devices as well.

  10. Looking good! I do like my Dynalo, but lately I've found it to be a tad rolled off at the extreme ends of the spectrum. At least compared to other amps I've listened to- Beta22 and simple hybrid amps. After I'm done with my speaker + amp project I might do another headamp. So far the Sjostrom QRV08 has been quite interesting to me.

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