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Everything posted by RudeWolf

  1. Sorry for both of you guys. As for your daughter - 21 is a good age to skip a year (if there ever is one). After 18 and high school everyone more or less equalizes until they get families and kids of their own - none's gonna frown on you about being one year older in college. She just needs to do some studying of her own to not lose any of what she has already learned. It's not easy to be out of the loop for a year, but I reckon it beats getting crunchy ankles for the rest of your life.
  2. Some output stages are more fickle with this than others. That being said - it's a good idea to turn volume down when swapping headphones or just putting an XLR pigtail on the amp.
  3. It's the MOSFET output stage.
  4. Hold your horses a bit longer. Jason said that a certain amount of current production Fullas (Fullae?) have been manufactured with a wrong oscillator for 48KHz. I'd wait a bit until they get their act together.
  5. This is why you don't mess with a girlfriend of someone who is proficient at boxing.
  6. Good thing it comes with a paddle! How sound were these SinglePower beasts circuit wise? I was late to the party and all I heard was warnings about them demolishing your house at night with capacitor explosions.
  7. Yeah, it's one of the local startups. As the new marketing project manager it is my duty to show you what we have done so far. I tried the method on my LS50ies - and managed to get some extra low end and got rid of the midbass hump. But damn, I was bugging these guys for an interview for like half a year and then out of the blue they offer me this position. Felt good.
  8. Left my job at the news agency. Started working for a company that develops calibration software for studio monitors. Super excited!
  9. If you buy just one, then yes.
  10. I hope I don't get flogged too hard for it, but the image comes from the other forum.
  11. I use really cheap studio monitor stands. My only requirement was that they must have adjustable height.
  12. Build a pair of these.
  13. The large Maratac Pilot Red Crown is getting dropped for 244$.
  14. From my short trip to London. Not the best burger I've had, but certainly the biggest.
  15. Why not use a soft-start module?
  16. The plus has 2915mAh@3,82V or 11,13Wh worth of juice. The supplied charger is rated 1A@5V or 5W (dunno for how long tho). Hence the charge time is 2,26h not counting losses or controller tricks.
  17. Too bad there are no subtitles in this.
  18. The drop dove down to 244$. Massdrop offers Maratacs like once every three months or so, but this was the first Red Crown drop. Some hate the red accent, but for me it really freshens up the stiff military styling. My other choices were Citizen EkoDrive watches, but they don't have saphire glass and Maratac seems more rare and therefore exclusive. In EU at least.
  19. Caved in for a Maratac Mid Pilot Red Crown massdrop. Supposedly the movement runs on masturbation, which is why it's so widely used by the US govt. and the military. If I have to decide between a giant ball of nuclear fusion and a good fap for being an endless and clean (sort of) source of energy, my money's on the latter. Just need to put in the charging hand once in a while.
  20. I've heard the Beta22 with the Buffalo III being the source. Pretty much the most textbookish "endgame" DIY setup from back in the day you could find. Sounded very bright and brittle even on the HD650. I appreciate the technicalities, but couldn't live with a sound like that. Also the Beta22 is very sensitive to output shorting - I'd recommend using XLR's if you can. I found my sound in Sjostrom amps. Feels like I'm shilling for the guy whenever I can.
  21. Depends, how hot the signal is. Old glory, most likely. Then again - it's either that or the Dynahi, right?
  22. "Швелера и бетона" means "metal beams and concrete" in Russian.
  23. I used this guy - http://www.fetaudio.com/
  24. Yep, 1000 hours are a rule of thumb for planars. Most importantly - don't listen to them until then. If you do - the burning in is ruined and you have to do the full 1000 hour cycle over again.
  25. Judging from the "Schiit Happened" thread on HF, it might actually be based on the questions they get regarding their higher tier gear.
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