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Everything posted by jellybones

  1. Think I found the picture.
  2. Found out the glossy look is from a light coat of Varathane applied by a previous owner.
  3. I have. I've been doing a lot of searching..haven't been able to find much info at all.
  4. Just bought these on HF. Wondering if anyone has any experience with these. They are the darker wood (obviously) and have no serial #. Also, these look to be pretty glossy..think they were refinished or something?
  5. anyone have any impressions with a vintage RS2? Darker wood..no serial.
  6. Stripes
  7. This thread makes me feel warm inside.
  8. I'm calling it right now..people are gonna line up to send him their 'phones.
  9. Anyone got an RS1 they're looking to sell?
  10. I was ready to put down over 70% and told him so.
  11. oh man...come on. the post is totally about headphones..
  12. I know what you mean..I could understand that. Just so frustrating. I was dead serious.
  13. Ah, forgot the other super shitty part..I've had my K340s up for sale..and had someone that wanted to buy them. But I didn't want them to send payment until I found an RS1..so, as soon as he said they're yours and sent me his Paypal info..I sent a Pm to the K340 buyer to go ahead and send the payment. So, now I'm headphoneless.
  14. So, this happened on a different headphone forum to go unamed... I've been looking pretty hard for an RS1 for a while..And I see one pop up so I immediately shoot the guy a PM saying I definately want them. Explain how hard I've been looking for them and so on. So, he replies with his Paypal address. I shoot him one back saying I'm waiting on a refund to come back into my account and if he would mind waiting for me to send the payment until tomorrow. (This whole time I'm talking to a friend of mine from the same site over AIM..he's been trying to help me find an RS1 also.) So the friend I'm talking to says he'll lend me the money to just pay in full tonight, so the seller doesn't have to wait an extra day. I immediately PM him with that information and he replies "sorry, they've been sold." So, was I completely wrong here? I thought it was still under discussion..I mean, he sent his Paypal address. Really bums me out, as I've been looking pretty hard for an RS1.
  15. I think it's just a question of how the metal band is bent. Mine were a bit loose when I first got them..but after a few adjustments they fit perfectly.
  16. this is my favourite head-case thread evAR
  17. This is fucking crazy to me.
  18. All this from the guy who just made over a grand profit on reselling his vintage RS1s. Amazing.
  19. Probably the best guide you'll find for ripping a CD: http://www2.firehose.us:81/~jiggafellz/eac/index.html I recommend lossless, but if you need the room then V0 Mp3.
  20. You guys want bliss? Try the Edition 9 balanced through the Apache. zomg..
  21. he did. and everyone gave him all kinds of shit for it.
  22. Seriously, fuck em.
  23. well, i guess there is only one way to find out. Just sent payment for it.
  24. Looking to add in the Ack Dack 1.2e using my EMU0404 as transport..with my n_maher M^3 w/steps amplifying my W5000's or K340's. Any idea how it will do in my system? I haven't heard one, but I've read good things. Any opinions are appreciated.
  25. Can I join!? Loving the W5000.
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