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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. bhd812

    slow forum

    WE ARE ALL BRACK PEOPLE! ain't that the truth!
  2. bhd812

    slow forum

    seen them live years back, did not know their video's were so bad
  3. bhd812

    slow forum

    nope they have some weird sex scenes for model railroads on that site but my linko no worko.. that whitepeoplelike link is awesome!
  4. bhd812

    slow forum

    ... Euro Model Trains
  5. very comfy
  6. bhd812

    slow forum

  7. bhd812

    slow forum

    i love matte cars, seen a slk55 with a dark silver matte look...nice and different
  8. bhd812

    slow forum

    more from a pageback reply.. Odin the swimming white tiger Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://embed.break.com/306652@@AMEPARAM@@306652 crazy and amazing to see them in life and up close but it also pisses me off to see them behind bars and not in their natural world.. i remember last year or so seeing a polar bear at the zoo when it was like 90 degrees out, it was cool to see but not right at the same time...oh well
  9. holy fuck its true! a part of me says its not rite but a part says "omg i must have" questions.. what if we dont like it? returns? if i send you a grado ext cable can you use that instead of the regular wire and set it up in balanced? i can send you nuetrik xlr's.
  10. bhd812

    slow forum

  11. bhd812

    slow forum

    no not at all
  12. bhd812

    slow forum

  13. that's an amazingly awesome response!
  14. bhd812

    slow forum

  15. bhd812

    slow forum

  16. bhd812

    slow forum

    they need to bring those girls to canjam 10!
  17. CarlSeibert do you have access to the breaker box? if so just have an electrician run a dedicated line with a nice oyaide outlet, its easy and the best power upgrade you can do! amazing difference running the line is not hard, if you have conduit running in the walls then running a new dedicated line won't take more then 20 mins..seriously one reason why i love Chicago, its building code to wire with conduit!
  18. bhd812

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwy4R8DfOT4]YouTube - See, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs can get along![/ame]
  19. ok i am going to do my best-ester job at this thread cause wow i am mind fucked by the advice... first off dusty, your first reply is more then enough to convince me to go the icore7 route for sure! thats pretty crazy they are not doing FSB anymore, hell even my friends who rebuild computers and can fix almost anything did not know that. i will go with the Asus P6T as you and John said too. it has everything i could want in a motherboard! (woot one part picked out!) memory: it really matters to max it out with these new chipsets huh? Memory is plenty cheap enough these days to load in 12gb's easily!. i am planning on powering a 50 inch lcd 1080p tv. what i dont understand about cpu's and video cards when pairing with a 50 inch tv is..doesn't take a shit load of power/memory to light up 50 inchs of real estate compared to a 24inch monitor? or am i thinking of the whole video thing wrong? rite now on my p4 with 3.24gb of ram and a 256 AGP video card the computer locks up on anything High def (even youtube videos) powering a 32inch tv...thats why i am so worried about needing enough power from the video card to light up a 1080p on a 50 inch, again i may be thinking of it wrong though... also which cpu is best for the future. the icore 920 or the $200 more 950? i priced out on newegg the following items.. gd01 case $140 pt6 Mother 250 gtx 285 vc 345 850tx ps 140 i7-950 cpu 569 12gb ram 189 4 seagate 1tb at $389 total cost is $1,975 which really fits in the budget cause i really was not counting on the blu ray drives or operating system to be part of that cost, its a guarantee item and more importantly an item i know what i am going with already..just like the 50 lcd which is not in the $2000 budget. the main point of the budget was to get the main stuff i didnt know much bout first then i could always add the other stuff later (like the lcd and drives). i dont mind going with a beefier power supply, as long as it does not suck 850 watts all the time. i rather put a few dollars more out now and not have to upgrade it later on. Kevin i will be going with a blu-ray burner and maybe a really nice dvd reader that gets some good EAC user reviews. the secondary drive will mostly be used to rip my cd's with EAC. i also learned i have to make sure the video card and lcd is HDCP passed or they wont work together.. as far as going with the video card john recommended would i ever see the difference in the picture in the next 6 years on the big screen? as far as movie playback at 1080p..
  20. sorry i missed this crappy...had fun with you in LA man happy birthday..fuck it celebrate it again today, if anyone says anything piss on their face!
  21. bhd812

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmm3JoE3fq8&feature=player_profilepage]YouTube - Fresh[/ame] future wife...seriously
  22. fuck that.. i just wrote my rep Daniel Lipinski an email saying to vote it down.. damn i wrote my rep, shit i am getting old..and cranky
  23. i always thought they did, who does the radio stations pay? edit: no one huh>? maybe the writers? its a fair deal for the artists now cause they make the money in concerts and selling the music..but mostly in the concerts. the radio is used to advertise their product for people to listen to and then like or dislike..which then affects the concert ticket sales and music sales. i seriously don't see how a radio station can pay every artist from the back up singers to the front men to the person who hits the cowbell in the song for every song and every time the radio station plays that said song...the radio stations don't make that much profit from commercials. these artists better think twice about this, cause if it was not for free radio play then artists like Led Zeppelin would not of made the money from music sales and concert sales from the song "stairway to heaven" as it was never released as a single until it started getting radio play, or even "road house blues" from the doors which was meant as a B-side..and that's only two examples of how radio play can directly make a artist money by not being charged, just imagine how many other bands have had super hit songs discovered this way...if the bill gets passed would a radio station still play an unknown song from a band knowing they have to pay for it yet it might cost the radio station listeners if the people don't like it? probably not.. is it fair to the artists on how it is right now? yes...they knew what they signed up for when they signed the contract with the label and recorded the song. its like coming into work and demanding more money for coming in on time yet it was always part of your job in the first place.
  24. i always thought they did, who does the radio stations pay?
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