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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. Never liked them and only checked out their site when i was extremely bored or for their live blog while an Apple keynote is happening. Fact that they are owned/ran by the same dip shits at Gawker brings up the question "how anyone in their right mind think these people are respectable?" to me. i also never liked being linked to their porn blog from reading gizmodo regardless of their NSFW warnings (its not even a decent porn blog at that). I have liked Jason Chen's live blog comments though, he seemed to be a laid back funny dude but in his video with the prototype phone makes him look like a complete nutsack for even being involved in this. I love the Apple rumor mill as much as anyone else, its interesting to wonder and think what is coming out next. the Apple rumor mill reminds me of a conspiracy theoriest way of life..but what happened to this prototype iPhone is like a conspiracy theory coming true, which ruins all the fun in the rumor mill and it ruins all the wonder.. in other words what makes the rumor mill fun is NOT KNOWING AND WAITING. so as now i stand here just bored at this story, big whip! we all knew the next gen iPhone would have a front camera and better back camera with flash, this has been proven from the dev's digging into the 4.0 SDK. and anyone with common sense could of told you Apple was going to do a body redesign some how some way. Jizmodo is now trying to make themselves look good, even know they knew who's product this was and willing bought it. what they did from the purchase to naming the poor dude who lost it is not only unethical in everyway possible but proves how much of lowlife cocksuckers these people are. I hope Apple waits to see if there is any less long term financial damage from this and sue the shit out of everyone involved once the phone was lost. if Apple does fire the dude who lost it he will never get another job in the industry again cause Jiz had to name him and post his pics..seriously!?! why did they have to go that far? ugh low lifes really piss me off, esp when they have to screw with other peoples jobs and families. would not be surpised if Gizmodo never gets a keynote invite again.
  2. Maybe this wrks?
  3. seriously! Those download speeds on 3G? Am I reading this wrong???
  4. bhd812

    slow forum

    THIS IS AWESOME! http://www.popeater.com/2010/01/21/bugatti-veyron-mouse-conan-obrien/
  5. ok? AT&T new plans are up! no contract exn with the switch!!! woot woot
  6. word of experience... if you used the tethering hack that was available over the summer and then updated your iphone to 3.0 or later then remove the profile you downloaded from your phone! i removed it last week and found out visual voicemail and lots of texts didnt go to the phone since September!! i received 42 voicemails dating back from sept after i removed the profile that made tethering possible before 3.0 . and this is why i dont fukc with hacks.. you can complain about the service or our legit options all you want but finding out i will be paying $30 less a month is bad ass! thats almost 25% off my bill.
  7. AT&T Announces New Unlimited Plans - Yahoo! Finance iphone unlimited plan at $99.99 come monday! awesome $30 saving for me
  8. Apple January 2010 Event: May show higher-resolution iPhone Phone Reviews its old but i agree, Apple has more stake in the Cell market and Dap market with the iPhone/Touch then in this silly Tablet market. I am giving this a 50% new iphone and a 50% tablet...in other words i'm lost..shit
  9. why did i post that reply in half correct English?
  10. yelp seems this year is going to be about tablet's for sure! I remember hearing about Gates talking about Tablets.. Vintage Bill Gates Predicts Tablets to Be the 'Most Popular Form of PC Sold in America' - Bill gates tablet - Gizmodo if Apple can do what they did for the mp3 player and cell phone market to the Tablet market then this will be the year of the Tablet, say goodbye to netbooks and laptops! cause every company from google (chrome O/S being geared towards SSD), Microsoft (with windows 7 touch features) to the pc/netbook/laptop makers from eepc to HP and Dell. all these companies have the ability to direct their products at the tablet market. even Intel and AMD have sweet cpu's that can do the job and also SSD and smaller HDD drives being more and more easily obtainable. if Apple does release a Tablet like product running OS X lite (same iphone/touch os) then i would probably buy it myself, in fact i am waiting to see what happens before i upgrade my netbook. you give me a 7-10 inch Apple touch with 3g/4g while having decent storage and battery life i will easily flip over $1000 to you.
  11. who was that headfier in ohio who had lots of moth/eddie current stuff back in the day. i met him at the Ohio meet..? i forgot his username and name
  12. my computer is great with itunes, only once in awhile does it "checking itunes lib" when you start the app itself..but its usually for a few seconds.
  13. bhd812


    last i remember U.E. uses a uch larger port then any Shure, so by stock ways the shure olives should not fit. i have expanded the olives myself to fit on larger port iems before (the crossroads iems) and loved the sound and fit! you might wanna try expanding the inside tube in the olive to stretch over the larger U.E. port, if you use some heat and are slow about it make work. just make sure you don't stretch them too much cause the last thing you want is to get a olive jammed inside your ear! maybe someone has some old olives laying around so you can see if the stretch is possible? still i remember them U.E. ports being much larger then the shure, it would be a hell of a stretch if it works
  14. it's fun to work and push it, like working on a car in your garage while trying to squeeze out more hp and torque. actually i am having a ball playing with this computer like this, from the start of this thread to now its been a bunch of fun..learning more about something i never thought i could, playing with it to see what makes this or that do this or that, and of course understanding more about how a computer works more then i ever have. two things i did in my life i never thought i could were learning to drive a manual and building this computer. my goal was having a working system with the ability to over clock, once i looked at my stock temps for awhile and knew the system worked good with nice air flow then i began ocing. my first goal was 3.2 and my final goal was 3.6, but the temps were so low at that speed i decided to kick it up a bit. i am done with 4ghz and now i want to stress test the piss out of it. my next goal is to bring better air flow at a lower db level (insert Noctua fans here). i have one thermal take 120 in front of the hdd's as an intake and one 23cm fan at the top rear as an exhaust now. i will play with plugging in the rear 120 in again to see if the temps are worth the noise. i plan on adding a 120 noctua in the rear soon and maybe one on the side as an intake. i can also add another 120 on the cooler in a push pull config, but the chance of fan tubulance between the two is keeping me away.
  15. i still remember that girl who wrote that..i had no idea she was going to do that though. not sure what happened, i never get calls on the bar phone..only my father does. i use something he has never heard of..a cell phone.
  16. YAY!!! dusty says i can so now i can! what about these ramm timings? i am at 9-9-9-24..can i mess with this? should i mess with this?
  17. otay i do this later! real temp has a "distance to tj max" thingy, at first i thought it was a google maps thing but maybe its the tj you talk about? (im joking) my tjmax is at 100, so if i am full load at 65c then my distance to tj max is 35c...
  18. but i dont wanna go down in baseclock!!!! cant i just run the prick at 4 not prime testing? until i get moar fans? i mean it only gets in the 40's watching a itunes 720 movie..
  19. WTF? are you sure you called the right bar?
  20. i ran 8 for 5 hours, should i go longer? what the hell is a temp delta to tjunction? my room temp is about 71 degrees.. thats the max temp it gets.. i looked everywhere and they say thats not bad? oh noes im going to blow my chip! i hope not.. lets have some fun this beat is sick, i wanna take a ride on this intel chip!
  21. update: i swapped the Thermal take v1 cpu cooler out for the Thermal right 120 extreme. i added 6 more gb's of 1600 ram (12 gb total). i also installed a memory card reader in the 3.5 front bay. i taken out the 230m fan on the side and a 120 on the back is unplugged.. i am currently running the cpu at 4 Ghz getting 35c temps at idle and 65c under full load (prime and real temp used for testing). i didn't do much but bump the voltage up to 1.25 on the chip and adjusted the RAM to 1603 (auto setting took it to 2000+). just a simple base clock change and a bunch of prime testing in between.. the stock intel cooler had the cpu running at 50c at stock speeds (2.67) just idling,, thinking about adding Noctua 120 or 80 fan on the side and installing one in the rear later on for better air movement inside the case. any advice? itunes opens up great! its my only real program i use alot...haha
  22. bhd812


    free apple itunes HD download.. truth in 24 iTunes Store - Keith Cossrow & Bennett Viseltear - Truth In 24
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