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Everything posted by bhd812
So thats where the smell in the area is coming from... Enjoy Chicago man!
after the first two games and esp after the last i would say Philly deserves to lose! going out and playing like a bunch of assholes in the first period wont win you games, putting Carcillo just wasted a line up spot for philly, they should of put someone with more talent then Carcillo running his useless shit filled mouth off. yes it is important to let the other team know your tough but to do it so blatant and still not win makes the team look stupid in the end, he was there to get under our skin and that type of play won't work with the Hawks. also how Philly didn't score in the third period after the Hawks just backed off offensively shows the true scoring capability Philly really has. the first game was a great game on both sides but Philly got lucky with no penalty calls, still both sides were amazing! I hope for Phillies sake they dont come in the third game acting/thinking like they did in the second, Hawks always have a game were they just daze out and not play for the puck, it happens every couple of games, they play like their high..just skating around and letting the other team run crazy most of the period, if the team cant score when the Hawks play like shit then i wouldn't bet the Flyers will do any better when the Hawks turn their game on and work. after watching the two games i really not worried by Philly, well Pronger and ASSham are to be watched but other then that it should be a fun game 3! Its good to see Hossa finally step up, as i predicted...woot!!! Hawks 1st line has not done much yet, cant wait till Buff finds his way but Pronger is good, actually he is really good so Buff has his work cut out in game three! its a good seires but im pissed Philly didnt play better in the second game..they should of!
Oh i know this, i met you twice-ish and you always had my attention..seriously though if you gander in any of the actual Chicago neighborhood bars your asking for trouble (esp the Southside). personally i dont care what anyone wears and you should if its your fav team, just a warning to you and your good time here. Hell die hard Baseball fans will give a cubs shirt on the southside trouble and a sox shirt trouble on the Northside, and these are Chicago Teams.. It's not Billie, its Billy, Pretty P, Beelly, or Ms. Jackson if you're nasty!
considering the local team would be playing the Flyers in a big game at that very moment i think its a real "look at me, i want attention" move, but rest assured since your going to a Headphone meet with a bunch of tech geeks i really dont think you'll get the attention. btw not sure if you would be willing but if you and a few people wanna do a trip to my bar on Saturday night i would advise against wearing that jersey..its asking for trouble, and people that ask for trouble are not allowed in. Though if you do decide to come up with something else on and Dustin Byfuglien scores then i'll buy you a few drinks! probably won't be willing cause CJ will have its parties and stuff..then again my bar is open till 5am Sunday mourning. now you're talking about my golden days of Hockey, really loved the sport back then and went to alot of home games (Old man Wirtz would not allow the home games on local tv..what a jag), i remember Chelios, Roenick, and the Chicago Stadium..what a great time for Chicago Hockey. last two year for Chicago Hawks fans have been awesome though, strong resurgence cause of Rocky Wirtz (the son) taking over and bringing the Hawks alot closer to the fans..Chicago loves this man!
the only team that gets me really worried is the Wings, maybe the sharks a bit also, other then those two i just take it game by game and see what happens. i see the Flyer's did wake up late in the year so i am hoping they bring it to the Hawks, we play better against good teams..Hawks seem to come out more hungry on the good teams then teams they think are easy. The Hawks have two ways of playing, laid back or hungry, sometimes they come out like they are just taking it easy and skating around (you can tell how they skate for the puck) but there are times they come hungry and will do anything for goals..to say the Hawks are an inconsistent team is truthful
The 4G iPhone: Wal-Mart (WMT) Cuts Price Of Current iPhone 3GS By Half – 24/7 Wall St. reporting FAIL! Iphone "4G" as some call it means fourth generation iPhone, not 4g data.... "4G" is not the official name by any means.. someone email this dude and tell him he sucks at his job, or maybe just attach a "orly" owl pic..always loved those
lol niether do i..haha
The way he skates with the puck in life, that's all.
Chicago has alot of great players to watch, Kandy Kane just has the finesse with the puck handling i have not seen since i seen Gretzky (he is amazing to watch live in person). also everyone in Chicago likes to get on Hossa as the jagoff of the team cause he takes stupid penalties in horrible useless times but no one can deny him of the talent he does have.. he just has not found his click with the team yet (i have a feeling the next series will open Hossa up a bit). Versteeg and Eager had the hard hitters, watch them play.. they will just go on a checking binge and just check everyone in site. toews, sharp, kieth, Seabrook are the all over talent on the team, esp toews. Sopel is the human shield, all he does is block shots with his body on penalty kills. the man you should be afraid of is my personal favorite on the Team, Dustin Byfuglien is a 6'4 250lb black man standing right infront of the other teams goalie..no one can move him, no one can see around him and he is great with speed and his stick...plus he talks shit to everyone on the ice getting under their nerves (ask Luongo..that piece of shit). i hope Hossa finds his click this series like i said before, he is such a great player to bad he is not showing any of it lately. As long as the wings are not playing them, Chicago is a great team! the hardest team to us is the sharks, so really i am not worried about much more now. i went to every home game when we played the wings or the sharks, such great games to see live! i remember seeing Dustin score right infront of me back in the season (i believe it was against detroit). it was the second period with less the a min left and i was right behind the other teams goalie when i thought to myself "shit i wanted to see my black man score..damn" and then he did...i was so in tears! i love that N****!!! he really is my favorite player of all!!
i don't understand why Dan and Vicky don't want Chicago to go all the way? wait...Aren't you a wings fan Vicky?
not sure what you people are talking about with Africa or Italy but you can buy an iPhone without contract here in the states.. Apple now offering no-contract iPhone option | Phones | iPhone Central | Macworld oops they are still locked just with no contract..
i can see your point here with number three. after doing usb tethering on AT&T for a few days i can see where they think a "unlimited" 5gb limited mobile data plan for computer use to come to $60 a month cause thats what they charge for the laptop 3g service now, so $30 for an iphone and another $30 for use of a laptop would make it line up what other 3g laptop at&T customers pay now. the weird deal now on at&T of course is the ipad's mobile internet but if you want to use a full laptop with flash then you will pay $30 more and have the 5gb limit. if Apple scored a $30 deal with them for ipad i can only hope they scored some deal for iphone customers but we wont know until june on this..
I'm not sure if I understand what these mobile hotspot thingies are, do they just throw out wifi like a wireless router does only using the 3g incoming service??? If so that would be a wild thought the next gen iPhone n90 would have the hardware to do so, no one has really disected the internal chips of the two leaks mules correct?
At&T legit tethering was found in beta 4 that seeded to dev's for os 4.0 earlier this week.. read around the guess price is $20-30 extra a month. we shall know on june 7th! I will be in for an extra tethering plan when AT&T lets it happen in legit form, i tried Clear 4G and found lots of dead spots and trouble with the service..I signed up on the 3g usb card and it worked amazing but i cancelled the second day in hopes of the iPhone doing it.
that would be great for the computer/hdtv user, well it will be better then whats out now. still i would guess the only reason why they have not pushed up resolutions in hdtv cause most people would never use the higher spec, most people are not concerned with the high spec, most if not all the tv/movie has a best of only 1080p, and of course you have to figure the extra stuff in hdtv's cost over the bare monitors.. which brings me to my other thought and why i never really cared for computer monitors in general. the cost for what you get is insane, 22 inches at $150 with two connections and no remote or speakers or tuner? reminds me of Audiophile cable makers. this is why i bought my old Vizio 32 inch lcd in 2005 for a computer monitor, everything else at bb and circuit city was $400 for 19/22 inches where the 32 Vizio was $450-500 with any hdtv tuner, remote, speakers, boat loads more connections and umm a much larger screen size. of course like i said before i dont do any gaming or editing to need the higher resolutions..actually for my normal computer use everyday 1080p is way over kill. once you get used to a larger monitor device you'll never go back to 22 inches..those displays remind of my itsy bitsy net book screen.
true, it sucks why the resolutions can not be higher, personally i would never use any higher resolution myself though. Toshiba's Cell tv may support a 3840x2160 though but price and when it comes out is another question. i also believe most people sit way to far from the set to really notice the difference between 720 to 1080 in their movies.
true I agree the local dimming led back lit stuff is considered the flagship of the brands and alot more then what a general Plasma goes for but my reply was to say that LED-LCD has stepped up and in some cases finally taken plasma. also the local dimming led back lit pricing goes up and down often (almost week by week), one week the LG 8500 is $2700 then the next week its $2200 with a free WHDI connection kit, then its $2000, then its back up to $2400..etc also one should expect a top rated picture and a flagship model would cost a bit over the general plasma set's. and when you compare the local dimming led back lit price over the edge lit standard stuff its nothing compared to the price of a Kuro (or any top rated Plasma back in the day) over the general plasma you seen. for example a 6000 series edge lit Samsung is the cheap of the cheap with LED's and it goes for $1600 before tax/shipping, the LG 8500 which is number 3 according to cnet in picture quality, local dimming led back lit, supports WHDI, 240hz, for $2000 if not lower with some price matching from store to store. $400 difference from the junk to the top. compare that to the $10,000 kuro to a 58 inch Panasonic at $3000 a few years back, point is the led's cost alot less to travel from the bottom to the top compared to Plasma. if someone is on a low budget Panasonic is the way to go for general tv use, if you want the best then your going with the Kuro, but if you are using a computer then... Plasma is a no no as a monitor, if i could i would of went with a dual monitor setup with two Panasonic 46 or just one amazing Kuro..of course this is dream world cause damn plasma and its image retention!!! So local dimming led back lit is the only way for me or computer users to go, yet not losing much in picture quality
For the 90+% of LCD-LED tv's you see at big box stores then yes i would not only agre with you but go a step further and just say they are complete shit in picture quality (imo). that 90+% is always going to be "edge lit", which is the cheap and easy way of using LED's. For the fewer then 10% of LED-LCD's that don't use "edge lit" but instead use "local dimming back lit" I would recommend you rethink your opinion on LCD-LED set's, seriously rethink! Very few sets use them but everyone one the sets is very highly rated for picture quality and usually in the top 5 all the best of the best (1, Kuro plasma. 2, Samsung 8500 Backlit led. 3, LG le8500 Back lit led. etc). Back lit led sets will kill a general plasma side by side in terms of black levels and overall pic quality. even the Vizio black lit stuff is amazing and from a side by side comparsion to a new isf calibrated panasonic plasma it still was a big difference in better picture quality. today's buyer seems to be more interested in the thinness of the tv, online feed and widget and apps, and of course the newest gimmick 3D, but very few people really buy a tv today for just picture quality alone. next time your at a local bb or bigbox store look for the LG le8500 (47 or 55) and see what back lit local dimming LED LCD's beauty! i would agree with you the edge lit stuff is nowhere close to plasma but the back lit stuff is really the greatest picture quality stuff out now (excluding the old Kuro)
thank you for letting me know my human rights, i am over joyed you care enough about me to address your feelings/opinion/uselessothershit about what reflects on me in post #1912 of a thread regarding a cell phone.. as far as calls its also your call to umm keep your feelings/opinion/uselessothershit about what reflects on me to yourself on a forum your moderator of, after all it may not reflect well on you..but who am i to say and who are you too even care...probably as much as i do..yeah its like that.
i don't find it odd you "trying" to call me out based on your hf observation, instead ask yourself (based on your hf usage observation) if i really give a fuck about your "odd" finding. was just going to post this! thats so interesting!! i am so into this like a chick is into Gossip Girl!
i find it odd an At&T customer rep will give the tethering date out yet we read nothing about it on the e-blogs..hope so even if its $30 more a month i will do it cause Clear 4G sucks (had it, tried it) and At&T has amazing coverage around here with at times 5 mbps dl speeds (normal 2-4mbps around here, with Clear i was two city blocks away from the closet tower and was lucky to get 2mbps tops!).
not a lawyer (and i dont even play one on tv for that matter) but i would guess with my limited research of Journalist laws would not apply to the raid or the investigation, the question is did Giz knowingly buy a stolen good. the raid would be valid cause the investigation is for the purchasing known stolen property not the "news" reporting Giz did later. if Giz paid $5000 for an exclusive story with pics and video then they would be in the legal clear..but they bought the phone itself and the raid probably seeks evidence pertaining to the transaction/sale of the phone which has nothing to do with the evidence code Giz sited...atleast that's my guess. Apple is waiting on the investigation and state courts before they take any action towards Giz themselves, later on regardless of what the Legal outcome is Apple is pretty much guaranteed to go after with a lawsuit claiming big loss financially cause of the what Giz did, question is how many ways are they going to come up with on how they lost from the whole deal and how much to seek from each way? i am not surprised on the Raid but i cant laugh at Jason for it, still i feel its a weird form of karma in a small way
They Raided Jason Chen's house, full kick down the door warrant and seize style! the story is on Giz now, i'm not linking on purpose.. been threw a warrant search/raid before, (nothing to do with me personally or anything of my property or my previous actions) and i must tell you its a really messed up feeling to have your place raided!
been watching this drama series since engadet posted the first pics..i do check them like 5 times a day on my phone when im bored. i want to preorder the phone now! when Toshiba's 2.5 12mm laptop hdd comes out to buy i will be purchasing my first macbook pro 13 (only 1tb option out in the 2.5 12mm is WD and i cant stand their drives).