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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. my old Nuvi is light years ahead of any app on the iphone, just the touchscreen sucks ass compared the the iphone..actually the nav in my car sucks balls compared to my old Nuvi also..ugh
  2. I was in the AT&T store and the manager told me its an extra $10 for every 1gb you go over the 2gb, so lets figure what a 5gb usb 3g modem thingy and an iphone would of cost you before, $85 ($55 for the usb, $30 for unlimited iphone). now to tether a iphone and have 5gb of data would cost you $75 for both ($25 2gb plan, $20 tether, $30 for extra 3gb). so its $10 cheaper for both a month but you really dont get unlimited on your iphone, and if you dont use 5gb in a month, say only 4gb or 3gb then its even cheaper...not really all that bad if you had a usb modem 3g service and an iphone before...and you dont use lots of data in 5 days of having the unlimited 3g iPad i used 1.5gb sent/received so far...holy shit...and thats mostly using netflix alone..in only 5 days!!! how easy is it to jailbreak a ipad? if i could get tethering for laptop needed usage with "true" unlimited this may be sweet as hell.
  3. incase anyone wants an ipad with the unlimited there still are ways, one easy way to get both is to.. buy a used iPad 3G that is currently under the unlimited plan. go into the "cellar data" section in settings and replace all the current info with yours, like email/password, credit card/name/billing address. say hello to grandfathered in unlimited 3G. may work for an unopened iPad not in unlimited plan but i wouldnt risk the waste of time. i know this works cause thats how i got mine! yayz
  4. It's just sinking in now after it was an amazing night at The bar (I worked that bitch)! Well in two hours i will be picking up my 64GB 3G iPad with two cases, camera connection kit, two year apple care warranty all under a grandfathered unlimited data plan! Think I'm going to give it to the number one blackhawks fan I know,,,my mother! She always wants to browse the net but can't comprend a laptop yet she can use my iPhone perfect ( i think it's because a pc spooks her but the ios is easy for her)
  5. Chicago is going insane, I am in pure shock still,,,,, holy shit Chicago did it!
  6. you could always do this on the iPhone, just like you can be on a call and do internet/3g browse also.. there has to be some way of getting on the ipad $30 plan within the next week, seriously if you bitch enough there has to be a way!
  7. yes it is but it needs lots of work, Cafe World crashes every time!! still i moved everything and setup all my book marks so hopefully this can be my main browser from now on. after using an Apple Keyboard with Safari 5 on my new pc i might as well just buy a macbook pro for my next laptop... ugh!
  8. I found it from my own personal experience and from my thoughts that when you are in a meet esp with HC peeps nothing really matters in terms of any "wrongs" you have, maybe its the weird headphone bond we share and feel comfortable enough for anything else..ummm not sure, but seriously the last group of peeps to give a negative impact on whats one person likes in bed would be headcasers at a meet! personally to me i am asked once a day if i am gay at my bar, you have to understand being skinny, well dressed, goofy, and clean shaven on the south side of Chicago is a perfect stereotype of someone who swings the same sex way to most people. to me i never cared but more importantly i use it to my advantage all the time, really why would a woman ask if i was gay if she had zero interest in me to ask such a bold question? when i am hitting on someones girlfriend by accident the guy looks at me and feels safe so no trouble there, and the best thing about being stereotyped this way is woman want to find out the truth...first hand. of course it sucks cause afterwards they want nothing to do with me but im working on that last one. i didnt get to meet you at the meet but seriously at a meet with hf/hc peeps you should feel 100% comfortable with yourself anyway you are, i would expect nothing less from this community by past experience and personal beliefs myself. i never read your post or maybe cared enough which way you swing, so i never picked up on it then again i never cared to think of you or anyone's sexual stuff. also you may not be the only "queen" as you call it but im the only pretty princess on headcase!
  9. thought it was a bit touching myself, sort of emotionally to much for an ad for a cell phone...me likes! this brings sexting to a new level!
  10. Steve said fall for the ipad in the keynote before this, sucks all the new shiny ipads are going to be behind 3rd gem touches for os...well it sucks for ipad owners
  11. Blackhawks take 3-2 series lead over Flyers :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Blackhawks told you, we have to take out Pronger...and WE did...off his feet and scoring pass him..even Kandy Patty Kane made pronger his bitch tonight by skating around the goon with the puck like nothing! its pretty sad a Stanley cup game is ended with 7 goals on your side after destroying one man on the opposing team. seriously this is what i was talking about the hawks not skating on their heels, they were hungry tonight and there was no stopping them. The flyers had to easy goals from Niemi and two great goals but had a few more chances for easy rebounds that never landed. the ref's were actually fair tonight with both teams getting caught and getting away with evenly. if the Hawks come out this Weds like they did today Philly dont stand a chance, if they skate on their heels the hawks will lose. the flyers defense and offense had nothing tonight besides a few quickies rushes, seriously the hawks destroyed them! i cant wait for weds game but i believe its the Hawks play that will decide who wins the game..
  12. bhd812

    Canjam 2010.

    The Senn mx500's have always been an amazing $10 earbud, what is this alo product you speak of to grant the Senn's a suck grade? I never heard of this alo thingy??
  14. bhd812

    Canjam 2010.

    I don't believe there was any rainfall before 5-6ish and that was even a few drops, I got there after 4 and drove there with the top down from homer glen, so it couldn't of been any rain coming in from someones hair. If someone spilled some water there would be a good bit of liquid left. Maybe it was someones spit as they were talking with the cans nearby?
  15. bhd812

    Canjam 2010.

  16. bhd812

    Canjam 2010.

    why is there no impression thread on hf?
  17. The ipad only uses wifi or internal 3g. No lan and no Bluetooth
  18. Order an ipad 3g online now and if the wwdc keynote makes you not want it then return it 100% money back when it comes in, in other words don't open it for no restocking fee charge. If the keynote is lame and you want the $30 unlimited plan then just activate when it comes in since AT&T is honoring all purchases before the 7th.
  19. glad no drama happened, what bar where you at? the hotel Bar? you should be ok around the hotels, maybe not the neighborhood dives though.
  20. the Hawks were ok but mostly played like shit, this is Stanley cup Hockey so they better stop skating on their heels or they wont win. Glad to see no Carcillo in tonight's line up, goons have no place in a series liek this..speaking of Goons the Hawks need to take out Pronger early in the next game. i am not talking about putting the man in his place or knocking him on his ass, i am talking about taking him out for the series/season seriously! knock him down and jab his jaw with the butt of the stick, maybe a 80 mph slap shot to his skull. he is the smoothest and most talented goon i seen in recent times, nobody slashes/trips/holds/high sticks as much as he does and gets away with it. the blackhawks will take a major and who ever does it will be suspended the rest of the series, so what.. have one of the minors come in and do the dirty work. the reality of it is the Hawks would never do something like that, to much Class..ok im just really pissed right now...seriously dont wish for any cheap shit go down either way.. Flyer's played good, they deserved to win tonight. either way this is a great series!!! lots of action and hits!
  21. bhd812

    Canjam 2010.

    ww you got me a badge, jesus i was wandering if i was going to get kicked out tomorrow...holy shit you peps are so nice like amazingly perfect timing on the nice too...past 6 monthes been shit of the shit for me on my way up tomorrow i am doing a "johnies Beef" hotdog run, who wants some? just tell me how many Chicago Dogs you want, your getting chicago style and nothing else fancy or custom. it will be a headcase only thing, anyone want any cheap chicago shirts from walgreens? i am picking up a few for Uncle Wilson also
  22. bhd812

    Canjam 2010.

    Holy shit that's some serious smack!
  23. you show as much class as Carcillo does, funny part is you have the mods on your side here just like your "team" has the refs..it's ok I already know you and how you roll headfier of 2008. Tonights game was great! I love games like these, well I don't like the outcome but it's still a great game!!
  24. long time Hockey fan never had interest to talk about it much on a headphone forum, only when my team is going long in the playoffs.
  25. wtf!
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