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Everything posted by bhd812
you must really know Ray huh? I never heard him say anything like that..I heard him say "coming out with an amp for iem users only" before.. you people have not heard it, if you do with your high end iem's or customs then talk until then... shut the fuck up! the amp has been designed with a sound in mind and a purpose, all amps are done this way..
thats almost saying why buy an ES-1 when it can not power anything else, people who have money in custom iem's or higher end iem's might just want something like this. after all the custom iems are completely past the point of return. It a good idea to build an amp marketed only towards these as shure and UE are coming out with "higher end" iem's and the market for IEM's are just a tad bigger then regular over ear headphones (iem's are used not only in house but major portable,and pro app also).for people that have money in iem's its the main reason to buy this amp. wait till the impressions later from the new york meet..see what the people say about the tomahawk with some iem's..
besides having long batt life, designed for only iem's,tiny bit smaller the hornet is the better buy cause, it can work with all cans,rechargable saves in the long run,little bigger but who gives a fuck?,and you have a choice between two versions now.... hornet is cool cause I safely can do senn's,grados and sensa's but anything less then the sensas I would be scared rite now to try anything else seriously with the toma. long bat life is cool and would of saved alittle room and thought from my last trip to vegas though..smaller size may have come in handy but comparing to some of the tomas I heard using my sensa's the sound would of easily taken my hornet (at the time un modded)
actually it may be possible to drop actual Diamonds in the Sensa's when they are going thru there molding process... I was looking for some Rhinestone's in bulk form recently, still need to find the time to head out by Hobby Lobby...they should have some. at one time I covered my sr-71 in white Rhinestones for a Jacuzzi shoot, ended up throwing them out..but the pimped Idea is ever still there..hehe
Of course...
remember the days of a balanced HR amp seemed to cost alot of money? these days thanks to custom amp companies or other companies coming out with amps at $7k makes your GSX look Value priced. Tyll has said before when you go balanced expect to pay, and I agree with him. thinking about a true balanced source,true balanced amp,custom cabling and stuff is money. the market for balanced is growing slowly and your GSX fits in perfect,esp when you release the modules you did and it becomes more known.. as far as the B52 I agree with others in saying not alot of headfi'ers are going to do it, then again just because it has the balanced head outs does not mean the buyers tend to use them at all..I would think most people who buy the B52 will be speaker guys using it as a pre. look at the stealth, to a headfi its way overpriced to a speaker guy its under priced.. most headphones users are people with stock Ibuds or close to,my guess would atleast 90% of people in the world using headphones. another 5% maybe would be studios or dj's in the pro market. headfi'ers I cant see making up more then 3 or 4% of the headphone market.. whats even better is the headphone market is a joke compared to the mid to high speaker market, way more money and way more people willing to spend some cash. Like I told you I am not buying the B52 as a headphone amp, why would I need another RSA headphone amp, esp at this cost, its the preamp I want. then again nobody knows what its going to finally cost, its very scary to me now..eekkk! speaking of which when the fuck are you doing the modules? how are they coming along? you better still have my #001 GSX..I am coming back for her
my guess its board mounted? just a guess though.
For IEM"S is rite on the money, god my Sensa's and this amp were amazing together..really nice combo. seen this amp a few times with out the case, this is the first I seen with the case.. looks so small next to the Hornet, wander how small next to the sr-71. oh well I am sure to know in a few weeks.
WTF? you to? lol
yes and no...use it as a base line but dont praise it like a bible.
ok either its a troll or the real tubes... if your a troll then go ahead and start some shit..say anything you want about anything. there is no modding rulers here..your free to say what you want.. the mods will not ban you or get in the way..well one time TKAM grabbed my ass but... if your tubes then stop bullshitting around and prove it! we all gave you many ways to.. and by the way I love when TKAM grabbed my ass...
I owned a Ra-1 and didnt know any better back then, not that I surely do now..j/k The feeling I got when I found out what was inside that amp and how many clones I heard reminds me of when I got that feeling when I found out my Tissot that costs $300 has the same movement by the same company as a $1,500 Tag..well Instead I was on the cmoy end of the deal this time. II think its 90% of watchs made have the movements made by one big company yet the different price ranges are nuts. That block of maghony wood and the Grado stamp is something to be held up high and at one point in my life I thought it was worth enough to buy.
it's not me dude, my style is to rattle you people up using some shit and then back off..not go under fake names. but Thanks for the complient I was at Dominicks from 1230 to 9pm and just got home and on the computer, dominicks Grocery store does not have a internet computer I can use to visit head case..the store has a safeway network but warns you all outside shit is being watched..and being a manager I am not risking my job to act like Tubes. all the computer use i do with head case is from my house on 50th and laramie in chicago...not sure how close you all can locate ip's though. I dont think its tubes though... Tubes would know the liquer store questions easily, so easy its not even funny...
I remember it being a silver gts viper, hmm... ok well you have to atleast answer the liquer store questions..I mean thats easy as shit.
also... when we where loading the tables in your truck from my parents bar for the meet at Rays house.. why did you check your watch? which way did we carry the tables out? what amps did i talk about? after the meet I held at the bar (last meet with HR).. who did we talk to outside afterwards? (their where four people there, one was me, one was you, who where the other two?) what was the last question or topic did you bring up as you where getting you to your car and as I was walking back towards the bar..you asked something what was it? Record show.. what car did we take notice to in the parking lot (this should be easy..)? why did we go to dunkin donuts? EDIT: what liquer store did we stop at? why did we stop there? who went into the liquer store? what did we go there to buy? only tubes would know these answers...
What turntable where you talking about at Dunkin donuts that you liked? what turntable did you say you only liked the turntables from that company and not the other products at dunkin also? where did we go to eat while our friend was record shopping? what did we eat? what did you drink? who paid the bill? after the record shopping where did we go eat? what brand of watch did I ask you about? what brand did you have on? there is only two people that know the first few questions and three who know the 2nd set... good luck
I see the AT house sound very "down the hall sounding", where I see myself in the middle of a long hall way and the speakers are at the far ends of the right and left side of me. alot of sony headphones remind of this also. I always thought japan just liked it this way. american companies like the bass and french companies love their highs..but thats just me. the l3000 is the one AT can that does not have much of the hall sound to me. and Grawk i don't think you need to spend $1,000 to get good room acoustics, in fact I seen there is really no right way of doing it. my point was speakers can do something headphones can not if you play with the room and placement enough. I did not judge his sound system for anything like we judge our headphone rig's cause I was so blasted by the effect of placement and depth I was just amazed. He had his speakers very near field and if I had to describe what I heard that day it would be like.. imagine every air molcule in that room as a seperate speaker on its own seprate channel working completely different then the next molcule...it really sounded like that..weird like a magic show. of course my room of gear does not sound nothing close to that...arrrrr..lol
Its not your price range, its your room acoustics... when I picked up my room tunes stuff from the Chicago dealer's apartment I listened to his rig (or should I say room?). he had a cheap ass dvd player probably $50-$60,cheap ass solid state no name amp for $200,$6 in cables and he had a set of floorstanders the company he sells for makes (think they were $3,500..but they were truely nothing but wood and one driver) in this meduim sized room with about $1000 in treatments.. I sat down and to be honest, I have heard setups costing shit loads more then the building he was in let alone the rig...wait to be honest I never heard anything like it. it was so 3-d I felt I was in a magic show instead of listening to a 2 channel setup.. room acoustics don't care how much money you put in your rig..
If anyone would go to hurt my dog (when He was alive) I would make sure that tough guy was taken down, if someone comes to kill my dog then I would easily justify that person to die...sorry but fucking with a member of my family let alone trying to kill a member is death no questions asked... yes a dog can easily be a member of the family. to me from the pics I seen on the link is not cruel, shit like these videos is cruel, throwing two animals in a cage for them to fight is not cool at all.. warning Tiger VS lion videos, dont watch if you really love animals.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=O9EiZEVFWB4 http://youtube.com/watch?v=g-Pdj1xqlpo&mode=related&search= there are alot other on there...
when I lasted talked to Ray (two weeks ago I think..) about the power thingy upgrade w/e you call it I asked him if I can have the old power supply board back and he said yes I can..he told me the only parts he uses in the $200 upgrade is the old chasis (power cord never came with any RSA raptor so you would not give him yours anyway..)... The best of what I know about this upgrad or w/e it is, is that only the chasis is used..nothing else..if you dont believe him then ask for it back..fuck after all you are paying him for an all new inside power supply..you have full rite to. the cheaper power thingy upgrade is just the pilton thing dropped in the exsisting chasis and old board..
every proto type ray has had was always in the unfinished silver the b52 is, and you know me and my "must have black" ways so you can all take a good guess the production b52 will be black. not sure if there is going to be a silver ver or what but I do know number one will be black with red leds.. (i might keep the blue..not sure). also not sure if its going to be a two tone like the raptor but who knows.. its just to early to say for price,looks, and of course sound..every ray proto sounds alittle different then production also..the raptor proto was nice but the raptor production was a step above.
As with the B52 price and when its coming I have no clue myself, Hell god only knows what the b52 will look and have when it does let alone the price.. or more importantly the sound. I know Ray is working on alot of stuff and its all about where he wants it to fit in, thats where the price will come in to play. the new power supply means Maybe we owners can get a longer cord so we have more play on where we can put the damm thing.. have not thought about it to much as I have almost no time for audio lately. I hope Ray takes a few more months for the b52 cause I have to pay off a $2,000 credit card bill first...damm Vegas..drinking and buying a Raymond Weil watch does not go together... If it comes down to it I have plently of headphones that have not moved in months to sell so I am in no worries but when Ray calls me saying #1 is ready and burning in then I have to have cash within a week's time (not Ray's rules..my rule). if I have to come up with $5k within a week that will mean a Grado mega Sale..lol
these are being used by alot of big name dj's these days..not sure if its ultra giving them for product placement or the dj's really think something of them. I never listened to them and of course would be up for it anytime but considering dj's are using them tells me there on the sony silver crap v series level...no offense to ultra... then again that holly chick that works for ultrausa is very bang-able