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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. Thats to much work man.. should of taken it up the ass a few then got the key and special "bitch" privileges for anytime listening...
  2. why? you want to talk to 12 yrold girls? let me know if you find any...hehehehehe
  3. I think its something to do with reason number two and You really do come off as a dick head on the net man, I mean I am cool with you but your wording does come off as that..(feel the same prob) your dealing with some one's lively hood, there is a way of saying it rite and saying it wrong..you say it wrong. regardless of the truth or lie or positive or negative there is just a way to say something you know? Instead of talking like you did on your apache comment you could say something "well I don't care it as much as I do the B52, but I heard it in a loud meet location and may need a second listen in a quite room like I heard Billys setup.." something like that.
  4. you need to hire some chicas to be at your table dude..really! I mean I was by your table this year...I even tried out your GSX..hell I owned one. oye great location for your table this year..yelperS!
  5. it was awesome fun..there is talk of Chicago doing the next one.. I can not confirm or deny that rite now..soon maybe
  6. i think Steve said at the national meet it will only be records.. i wonder if they are going to do the sinatra and martin stuff cause they are on Reprise
  7. I am the one that tells the other to shut up! MS.powers chick is HOtt http://sjl.funnyordie.com/v1/view_video.php?viewkey=78494e9bc8dd6c3c7104
  8. Spit on the 501's! SPit Spit
  9. maybe the other winner backed out? was there a other winner? or wiener?
  10. those are scary movies right? I don't do good with those movies... Blair witch project fucked me up so bad I won't step foot in a forest at night.. I am more of a comedy guy, maybe a love story..wait
  11. no I never did, knew I was missing something and it was mostly from a movie i seemed to missed. thansk for the X-plain.
  12. free post... umm "me say something on topic",,, have no clue wtf is going on here/// anyone wana talk to me so i can reply back and get more post?
  13. "would be" is not that specific...fuck head
  14. regardless of how ripped i may get for this... a used RSA stealth.. its a great sounding pre and if you pick one up for $1300-$1500 then you can always sell it back and not lose shit..
  15. my sumiko BPS evo3 is nude also.. every time i see her I wander who and when will destroy the nude open tip..
  16. at the bar we use these... http://cgi.ebay.com/RADIO-SHACK-SOURCE-SWITCH-SELECTOR-ADCOM-NAD-ONKYO-JVC_W0QQitemZ170095469710QQcategoryZ14974QQcmdZViewItem not sure about the quality though.. can go the pricey Manley skipjack or have a diyer on here make you one maybe
  17. i have not heard the Dac but the headphone amp was nice. why dont you look at headroom's way also, their Dacs and head amps are nice
  18. Damn you guys suck, My biggest gripe with my amps is driving out 45 mins to get it done that day and come back home with the amp... My worst probelm was a fuse out once, yeah... Edit:worest=worst
  19. put nail polish on the threads where the poles and nuts together then screw them into each other..you shouldnt see it and you can wipe off any that you do you can break the seal anytime easily if you wanted to but vibrartion itself won't. I think there is something called lock tight also which is just the same and cost more, go to your local grocery store and pick up some clear cheap nail polish.. the fucker will never come loose on its own.
  20. My buddy had one of their products for awhile. I went to remove a cd from it one day and it swayed left to right. I asked if he ever thought about the famous nail polish trick to prevent such... "what?" was his response. hope you either of done it or are planning on it soon. nice rack...haha
  21. I wanna hear which amp it is now also... this may get fun, I really have no idea who it could be
  22. Actually when I found out threw the rumor mill about Art and Cattylink I really started thinking of buying a e5..having someone like him to help me if the probelm comes up is great! Phildox i am not surpised that you received a free player also, your thread made the e5 what it is today with people owning them. its not wrong at all actually...hell i would give you a free player for that thread alone. Also SACD you seem pretty hard on Art..wonder why? the only thing he has not stated is weather or not he got any deals or anything like that from cattylink...is that your issue?
  23. yes!!!!!!!
  24. bhd812 joined..or um pending.. so what the fuck is this again? can i hear liek any song me wants to any time and rub me titts?
  25. thank you for the thank you..now take back those mean names you called me, I do have feelings you know.
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