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High Rollers
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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. well my ex is next door from me rite now, i think i drank bad espresso cause my head is fucking boiling and when i seen the pics of those modded sr-60's on this forum i seriously almost puked. i been driving around the city looking for hotel shits..i don't understand why no one allows you to bring your own soda in the meeting rooms fucking $2.50 for a soda..soon as i find a hotel i am going to dig a tunnel from my bar to the place..yeah...no other then that just restate it in different words..
  2. AWWWW Dusty...your so sweet.... dude did you ever get the RSA fanclub christmas card? i dont remember seeing you on the mailing list.. how about this.. i send you a RSA team club touring jacket..how would you like that?
  3. not seeing anything?
  4. just as proportional to the hatred of RSA or anything Ray would be on this board.. two wrongs dont make a right..now wongs on the other hand can have a baby named right..
  5. i always liked the rs-1's..thought they were a retro hot yet natural look. the l3000's are amazing in life! but nothing beats the beauty of my sensa's..oh wait thats because they are on me..but they are not headphones..and you can not have them..
  6. As you can see Headcase is the opposite of the other forum.. many regards to the "supposed" censorship on the other forum silence these boys for their love of the Ray Samuels cock. Don't let them stir you wrong..jealousy is a mother shitter. on there you have the RSA fanboys but on here you have RSA haters. before you listen to one on any forum look into their older posts to see what they always said about this or that to understand either they have personal feelings over their hearing or they don't. take what you read on both forums and mix them..then forget both of them and trust your ears boy...only one who knows what you like or dislike ok boys continue on with the RSA lashing.. i think i will be picking me up an Apache used for half the entry price soon..my wallet thanks you!
  7. gs1000 for me. way to wrong in size and shape as far as looks.
  8. ordered it with the nat king cole lp also..thanks for the infossssss
  9. i had the cd sitting around until todau i put it there a speaker rig with these demo speakers..holy fuck is the cd good for being screwed..if the cd sounds liek this I must have the vinyl...esp off Hoffman...omg can i order it now? is it out yet?
  10. i guess i should laugh at it but i really am not in the mood today.. just giving advice asked..
  11. #2 your and hers body language is more pure..more natural. looks are only a small part, but personality, heart, and what one says without words is more important..atleast to me.
  12. HA HA HA HA....HA HA HA HA yeah you made the offer and i was down for it 110% if hf08 was happening in Chi.. if... if if if get me? if if ok then
  13. bhd812


    i just say COKE..give me a coke..coke... then they say "we dont have coke" and i say what ever you have is good.. or its just a sprite..but not anything else.. Sprite..give me a sprite.sprite.. "we dont have Sprite..We have sierra mist shit" what ever you have is good..even if its lemon lime piss..still sprite to me.
  14. he was working on a lot around that time. the Apache and the b52 where switching names back and forth..but the main idea of a balance amp in both versions were around the time of the Central Ill meet (i think two years ago) when i called out the name "b52"(at least that's the first i heard of balance ss and tube). speaking of which he has been quite lately..little to quite..hmmm i have been preaching "Ray come out with a $200-$300 Phonostage" a lot..in fact its a joke to us now. today on the phone I asked so hows that phonostage coming?..we just laughed...i keep telling him to do something in a Hornet case or some shit..small and cheap. what else is in that price range with phonos? a Valrei?...haha rite (spelled Valwhatever wrong..)
  15. bhd812


    chicago area dude...cool! sup?
  16. of course thats where they are making the profits higher..i still think there would be some sonic change with those.
  17. http://avataracoustics.com/acousticsystem/resonators.php never tried them but I seriously bet they do make a sonic difference in the room..how? cause they use the most important things i learned in my short time with acoustics on hand..Acoustical, Mechanical, and to a smaller extent electrical.. of course these use tiny amounts but i would still bet they do something of a sonic difference.. and no i am not trying these out, my room is tuned so bad now the last thing i need is more shit on my walls. i had a silver shot glass i received as a gift in my room on my computer desk which is to the left of my rig..i did not think much about it till i sat down and listened to the speaker rig as i always do. something this time was off..like really off about the balance. i gave it a few days thinking my ears might of been messing up and mean while i did some shots in my garage with a few friends so i used the metal shot glass to drink. next day speaker rig sounded the way it was supposed to..the only thing in my room that changed was the shot glass not being in the room again. brought it back and played with it while listening..little fucker was like a super tweeter with highs..seriously like it grabbed the highs and threw them all over the place. the shot glass was almost the same shape as those silver bowls on the resonators..its weird how some of the smaller things can have somuch of an affect on acoustics in the entire room..maybe its that fine of a balance i guess.
  18. i rolled input tubes..but always rolled back after..
  19. Ever see their classic gand piano speakers? fucking leather on the front baf with piano black sides..italians always will have the style. i listened to the GP's but they were setup wrong and did not tickle my pickle..would not mind hearing them in house one day. the black and black pic is so nice..really nice
  20. When you start looking again try to listen to some Dynaudio 72se's.. take a listen for the hell of it and maybe an audition in home first though! they have been found new for $1500.
  21. Cause i get to fuck with them..its like headcase drama every night..no i am joking I dont know why I do it, but oddly enough I do love it! I love doing weird shit with them.. This week we have a "Find the mascot for reward" avaible on our myspace page. Basicly if you find this dude hiding somewhere at the bar and write us on myspace and being the first person to write us then you get like free drink or some shit.. well we have not launched it yet but so the details are not worked out.. dont ask why we are doing it cause it has nothing to do with the business but its stupid and funny.. I bought him at a thrift store last week for $1.38, he is so pissed!
  22. sadly yes.. \
  23. I have been trying out studio monitors for the last few weeks now for my office at the bar. I tried the Dynaudios at $500 each but to me they remind me to much of my home rig and are way to much for my use needed. I tried the Event tr8's and either know the have great freq numbers they just don't make the music come out even enough. I tried a few KR or something brand monitors around $500 pair but they sounded to small and well..Small. I decided on the M-Audio bx8a's for the rear ported even sound and crystal clear range. I have them running Balanced from the Dac1 usb and then on to the laptop using Itunes on a external Hard drive. I have Carpet on the walls of the basement as part of the decoration from years back when the basement was used for banquets, so the Acoustics of the place actually is damn good for a Studio type sound. I need to get a desk with a nice monitor placement though cause now everything is on a banquet table. the setup now Sounds amazingly transparent with amazing Speed, detail, and sound stage most high end audio setups dream of..Being the flat type of sound needed for Studios the setup is a far cry from my home rig. this setup puts the sound in ways the G08 and speakers could never do but then again when you take out ic's and 32 tubes out of course you'll hear this type. its not enjoying of relaxing as a high end setup but the flatness just does the spacing awesome! in fact if i had to redo any computer rig i would use the studio monitors for it only, its what they are made for..the near-field evenness. Best part if you want the love of tubes then i can always run a tubed preamp in the line of course.. I plan on bringing my rega p3 as soon as i get a cheap phonostage that can do m/m cart's. after all I have a used record store not more then 30 feet away from me now..yeah baby! any thoughts on the dac1 or studio monitors from anyone else?
  24. you know what grinds my gears? drunks... for the next three hours i am about to deal with little over 100 of them..great!!!! same old tonight, Women will be starting drama and the boys will be Scum..in the mix i think there may be one or two decent peeps.. i could drink and join their mental thoughts and they probably will look better then but i know when i wake up tomorrow at 3-4pm i will regret fulling myself into thinking it was a great night.. oh well...
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