Yeah right tough guys....
your all so tough...
don't worry cause i am sure you impress your own members in you little "cool head case" click..
spoken by HC's two best. better get some of your buddies in here quick, looks like someone just ain't taking your shit today.
Best part is you all talk shit about the kid for months on months before all behind his back..
he signs up and just now innocently finds the place...
then pwn's you all three ways, for one he brings out to the world and public what you and your "cool head case" click are all about here..its not audio its just being the tough guy bully "you don't believe what i believe then i pick on you" ways, he fucks with most of your minds trying to figure out if he is really the real person as on the other board, and to top it all of he pisses one of you off just by joking around.
I can now see why most of you been banned or are to pussy to post at head-fi...cause your all so fucking tough..on the net.
so come on..
make front of me by saying some bullshit about my spelling, or quote parts or me like all you tough guys do..
or maybe just deny any of you "cool head case" click tough guys did any thing wrong..