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Everything posted by bhd812
not as good as your ....... does
well now you can say you know what it would look like... http://www.break.com/index/what-207-million-looks-like.html that would really suck if some one dropped a lit cigarette butt on it...really suck
fuck drunks...you know how i feel about them. i am not talking about the people who stay in their house and drink alone, but the peeps who go out and get stupid with others, like having beer muscles and shit. i dotn mind a person laughing and loving anything when their drunk but the SOb's who think cause they had a few they could do this or say that to anyone... those people you dont really have to call them any names cause they are drunk..some say the truth comes out when your drunk..
give me an example please...like what would a random person have to do?
i understand what your saying and why it happened,.,., but i still dont see why you think calling him names or grouping up on him will do any good besides inflating your own ego.. I seen you give him advice while not calling him anything..thats the good shit. now its up to him to listen or not.. then just ignore him like anyone else.
well its not...you go around just calling people you dont know names in life to their face?
Reks its from a song by jewel...your killing me smalls.. if you mean it as more of a buddy buddy joke then ok...but calling people names is so not cool...i mean mature..and yeah yeah me not one to talk about it. i understand there is no conspiracy also..just be nice to the Torse, atleast teach him something.... oh man i got pop ups on my pc...virus scan and ad scan here i come. I n
LOL your always the fast one..smoking your cigerettes and talking over coffee.
who said i was surprised and what gave you all the right to treat him like that regardless of how you thought of him or not? all i wanted to do was show you people where not right nor should you of acted that way..remember that for the next roosting i am sure we will all see on here
ummm..you got me...not sure what to say besides send your myspace link.
told you before my point of the "robin hood" issue you brought up... dude just admit (atleast to yourself) you were a bully on someone and treat him or the next person with a bit my respect..thats all.
actually it your posts and your "cool headcase" posts that brought us to this page. I made my point well in one of my first few replies here. after that was a bunch of little personal attacks on me by nicely known members of the group as they always do..and is why i made the point in the first place.
Wow you both called me a Retard actually after Dusty did... again your all grouping up which brings me back to my point.. name calling over the net is just the Coolest thing to do..right
miss quoting is still not going to make up for you or YOUR l"cool head case" "click" any smarter..all your doing is just being a tough guy infront of your friends.. there you are,,,been waiting for you to chime in. thats a great reply! very meaningful.. amazing.. personally targeting me now? oh wait thats what your all about. why not try to address the minor issue I brought up? atleast Dusty attempted to..
again with the names... can't stop it huh?
right dude...
I don't care if you think i am or i am not, nor have i asked for your forgiveness..actually posted it for Boom not you. I realized what I did was completely off and I said I am sorry, not to save face but realized I was wrong..and admitted to it.. maybe You should try doing the same... it's a great place with great people.. but just because of that does not give anyone the right to group up on someone..
again this is not about me..i am showing you all what you really are. a group of bullies..the "headcase cool" "click".. not tough..nor do i need my buddies to come in and group on one person. not standing up to any tough guy here cause all of you only work on group effort..after all, if its not name calling and other shit You and your group did to T then it would not be all the "cool" to do and any single one of you would not of done it. it is..try respecting a person as you would want done to yourself..or better yet like you would respect someone face to face in life. you seemed to miss the point I never did, why would you bring it up of myself having to be "better" then anyone? is that why you did what you did to him? so you call feel like your better huh? you thought what through? what you all got together and planned your attack? the problem is you and all of you that ganged up on him DID NOT THINK.. and who the fuck are you to say what product is "questionable"? just because other people in your group may or may not like it you call it "questionable"? and as far as calling a product Superior with post quantity only shows he is excited about something he has bought. have you not been there the first time you experienced your first good listening session? we all have been there and god damn i wish i could find a product to bring back to that point... why do you feel you need to knwo something? just treat the fucking human like a human..you all could of shown him a different side of things, things he may or may not be able to see over there..grouping up and calling him out is bully "cool headcase" "click" shit. again I am not saying I am this or that..just pointing out how YOU and your "cool headcase" "click" act.. and please i believe you used the name spin doctor already on 909..if your going to call someone a name try to do it with my originality..oh wait you better ask the rest of your group what would be best.
its not robin hood. just showing you what "dear god get the fuck out of here" group up party looks like. and i believe you all need to GET OVER YOURSELVES! I am not here calling people names or ganging up with a bunch on one person...
"i'm just a" is not an excuse, stop playing it off as one. "but headcase makes me"...wow talk about saying you don't have you own back bone huh? again Tough guy...be proud of yourself..don't worry your "click" will still accept you. yeah rite.. but admitting your wrong in the same thread may not make you feel better but it will show who you REALLY ARE...
you don't need an excuse cause you are what you are..tough guy in the "cool headcase" "click"..that's really nice of you to openly called someone a Retard when we all know the definition of a retard is mostly due to someone with a good amount of massive autism...how old are? you understand there is someone sitting on the other side of the net just the same as you? how much in yourself are you missing to openly admit to calling someone names to "pick" on someone? don't use the headcase "SAYTS" as a reason why you have to pick on someone... also playing the role of "not understanding" now when your all over these boards as Mr. Badass know it all does not fit you right. least you admit there is a "group" for handling someone who has no clue what hc is about...the situation huh? lol thats what you call it. nice tough guy.
i am not defending him and you know i am not. i am simply saying what everyone who reads headcase (mostly for a laugh on you all) think. he don't need defense if anything he completely owned you by either screwing with your mind or pissing you off.. i don't know who mark is or "helping him out" (cant remember off the top now) but regardless please don't try to change the subject Tough guy. hell your one of the proudest "head case cool" members we have here..certainly you understand changing the subject I brought up would not work... but don't worry..on the chat channels i am sure you and your tough guy friends can make yourselves feel better then what you show the world from your posts here...
this is what your "head case" cool Group looks like... http://prorev.com/2007/09/high-schoolers-fight-back-against-bully.html sadly what you all shown on Todd was nothing different then what the 6-10 kids did to the one kid... fucked up part is I would place money on most if not all of you where nicely bullied when you where in HS.. be proud of your tough group...keep calling him names or setting his threads to a sticky...keep it up.