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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. Ron can not connect! WTF?
  2. lol
  3. you peeps are like nomads of the message board world..
  4. Yeah That may be something to mark on as near field is amazing in imaging.
  5. bhd812

    slow forum

  6. bhd812

    slow forum

  7. bhd812

    slow forum

    No you guys have to watch it and take it in. this is some 40+ year old dude who claims to be a "normal irishman" most of the time, Fuckin guy gits lit by drinking then has the balls to post this on you tube. funny part is he still has place to complain about something even when he is in his "true" escape from Reality. notice how he smokes and just talks but not to the camera, just to himself yet he gives and intro about whatever the fuck he is about to do. notice the makeup table and think how long it takes for this man to become who he is in the video..It's a masterpiece of someone who could be your neighbor or even a relative in their most private moment.. yeah its fucked but hey its a slow Forum so it fits in. I seen some weird shit on youtube but this is like a real deal natural fucked up video, yet it really has nothing offending in it.. BTW: i found this video searching under the words Sinatra and Sands..
  8. I guess there will be a set of these at the next Event in Chi. I am putting these on my top to listen list for sure! If i like them then I buy them, but Sony has not really wowed me in the past so I don't have high hopes.. willing to try them either way with a open mind.
  9. bhd812

    slow forum

    this is a master piece of...
  10. sounds like the Cigarette industry the way you put it..
  11. i did.. fine 909:2 bhd:0 I will think what I think regardless of what you or anyone says, same goes to you.. my friend..
  12. 909:1 bhd:0 Ray:1 909:0 seriously dude i so think ur pissed about being told no to the Raffle, I mean a hornet would up the anty so much more...hmm oh well less that went to the "Cleaning fees" and "Security"
  13. 909 the proof would be in the threads of the meets no? Ray caught me and Justin trying to sneek some girls in Rays downstairs..well it was all my doing.
  14. oh come on you can come here and out of nowhere list every example of something that is not even in the thread or convo and now you side switch? Come on... Why would you be pissed at Ray? I mean Really why would you be so on him? raffle Raffle?
  15. 909 would you like me to reply to every single one of your bullshit ass "examples" or would you like me to tell everyone here on the boards why you are so Against Ray?
  16. ewwwwww L thats sick, even for me
  17. I tink you want to see him build a better product (in your idea of a better product) which is part of the reason you are on him so much after all you have complimented him a few times before. you totally Heart Ray man..its cool nothing to be ashamed about..(jokes)
  18. Jpak I de-spelled that long ago...use the search button buddy..really. in fact you should and while your at it look at the pics and tell me thats a burn mark and not a grease/oil stain..small difference. You love the Ray KG..I know you do.. Justin, yeah i remember but he still invited you to stay..before the shit
  19. ont he subject as Justin being his son he has said millions that..hell he had justin stay at his own house..
  20. KG.. we have been down this road before have we not? how many times has he made changes to a product before releasing? So far every thing you warned us about as far as safety in any of his products have not happened, maybe there all times to go off at the same moment? maybe..I guess. I believe the only thing you have done with your warnings is spread the word about RSA and as an indirect effect you have sold more of his product..are you two in Cahoots? (joking)
  21. bhd812

    slow forum

  22. bhd812

    new Gahan 10/23

    thanks for the info! I hope they don't really but i am sure not alone on this. DM is great cause when they make a sonic change they still sound like DM..good old DM. postjack did you listen to pta on vinyl? its somewhat better then cd..somewhat.
  23. bhd812

    new Gahan 10/23

    I listen to the tracks on myspace last night. damn dark DM style of course. I can't wait till it comes out! The tracks sound nice! is DM still together or did they split?
  24. bhd812


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klWluYoa0_8 Look at he uses his body and face to show he truly means what he says, almost like its coming strait from his heart.. or how he caress's her face so gently letting her know he will sacrifice every last breath for her... awww fucking Enrique.. :'( umm...w/e
  25. bhd812


    Who wrote it? i noticed most music written in another language has a off style if the translation was done in English. Italian music for example look like a poem more then a song when translated to English. this song sounds like it was written in another language first then worked in to fit the translation. or maybe it was written by someone who's first language is not English. is this band trying to break into the usa seen? if so they will need to vary their hair cuts, the matching clothes is common for boy bands but not a similar style of hair. hair is always different from one member of the band to the other member cause it gives them some separation but the clothes keep them as a group. the suits they worn at the start where nice! damn good fit for those guys and they pulled it off with such natural look.. also they don't show no emotion while they sing, they look like robots just programmed to sing it, like they don't understand they are talking to the girl they love and they want her to know within the deepest of their hearts they know she has a bf...hahaha well seriously. i would not call it shitty or faggot type by a long shot. they show some emotion and cut their hair different then they could be a big seller in the states!
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