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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. then i get confused if you dont...
  2. if you are using two links then type "this and this"...please i would bet that any shaping in the back of the driver would make a sonic difference then without. how much and at what angles would be up to research and Development. maybe starting a thread with the insides of well known headphones in pics and what is in the enclosures and how the material is being used could help us along the R&D.
  3. yelp. i think mine are the rs-2's in the middle..also the gs1000's i think. i forgot.
  4. i have seen many different shades of rs-2's. i think at the last Michigan meet we had three sets of rs-2s all in one pic and all three different shades. i never heard of vintage rs-2's in a different sound signature like the rs-1s have though.
  5. not off the top of my head, weird i never thought of it before. have you searched hf for past topics on this?
  6. bhd812

    email pm notify

    mine works fine..
  7. i always went with Onkyo receivers, tried Denons and Harmon's way back in the day. the Onkyo was always best bang for the buck..not sure what they are these days. i have some old ass dolby surround sound technics crap if you want one..i am talking like 90's vintage..haha vintage
  8. bhd812

    slow forum

  9. I think that would be a wear and tear item, like tubes. so i would think (again its only my thought) the Battery would not be covered cause eventually it will go byebye at some point (how many years is a question) just like tubes will eventually die. i believe the batteries are only $12 bucks or something like that and if ever needed to get replaced then one would just pay for shipping (according to Rays post). Koss and RSA are the only companies i can name off the top of my head with Lifetime warranty. and knowing Ray and his service he probably meant in his or his companies lifetime. the only thing on the amp that could break is the volume pot or mini jacks, and that will happen cause of user error. I have seen the sr-71 go deep in hell and come back still working perfect. i said many times my lighting guys sr-71 is so fucked up its not even worth selling now. still works perfect but it has been crushed and dropped from high catwalks and been threw many foam parties also (think lots of water..lots of times)..i had to give him my extra case cause his was crushed by a lift once. the battery did not blow up though, one was leaking but no bang..and the board was bent in little bit..
  10. oh AND i am joking.,....hahahahahahahahahahahahaha i am at a cafe now and had way to much coffee... oh look a cookie..i am going to eated the cookie!
  11. told you peeps to shut up and don't make your self look so bad calling out Vaporware... and the life time warranty is amazing! like him or not thats a statement! time for lots of you to start sticking your feet in your mouths..
  12. you my friend have gained 10 party points today in this thread.
  13. PhIlO is DoWn WiTh ThOsE PhAtT BaSs BeAtS! did you lay on the floor while people touched your face?
  14. I still have these little yo-yo's i got for a rave i did years back. they are uv so when you twirl them around under black light While Rolling you ass they do look nice. it can give the arms some work while on a tread mill.
  15. i was thinking of what B&W did with the nat speakers as an enclosure on the back of the driver. i think we are thinking along the same lines
  16. like creating a field in the shape of a shell's twirl in or of the actual cup in back of the Driver?
  17. let's take one of the MANY points that will change the sound in a headphone..just one of MANY. the enclosure. think of the Driver being a set of speakers and the Enclosure as the entire room the speakers are in. how the speakers sit on the floor (spikes, wood base, stands,) will change the sound of the entire field (gear and room). where the speakers sit in the room will change the sound, and so will where you sit and how high your ear level is to the speakers. also note what kind of walls you have and how many corners you have will make a difference. what is the walls made of and What is behind the walls (cement behind a wall will sound different then another open room behind the wall.) how much air/ventilation the room has, are the windows open and what the size of the windows, are they covered? will change the sound. remember what a speaker and driver gives is just energy and the energy has to go somewhere eventually (a tiny sealed room will sound different then a room with one small window open would). ANYTHING IN THE ROOM WILL CHANGE THE SOUND, and i mean anything, the pair of shoes sitting on the floor will change, the glass cup on the end table will change the sound (of course how much of a change you will notice is a question but the point is anything does change the room.) now take all of this and put it in a 1 inch enclosure. ms-2 and silver 325's major change is the button on the back, common sense tell you that small button will cause energy to bounce back to the driver which should increase the highs. easy answer for why people complain the silver 325's have screaming highs over the ms2? maybe..probably a bit more tuning *may* go into the drivers also..*may*.
  18. oh man i was hoping to see him go and do it... besides the dampening, dipping, voicing, and closer matched there is really no difference between drivers.
  19. this is an example of tiesto type music. its like Diana krall or Sarah McLachlan jazz mixed with beats. Trance music has lots of remixes from jazz and blues artists like Jacintha for example. this video sounds like crap compared to the cd but you can get the idea of the music. this was a concert tiesto played in front of like 40,000 people or something.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfH9i-C9ico here is another song from the same cd. little harder but the cd has low and high points. the cd this track is off of is "Nyana" and its a double cd set. I have cd 2 on itunes in lossless if there is anyway i cant copy it and send it to you? i never sent a copied music over the net from itunes before...let me know if you want to and if there is a way.
  20. no no techno and trance is like rave music, not club music. there is a difference when your tripping balls in some abandon warehouse with your head against a wall of subs pounding bass beats while you suck on your pacifier and check your glow sticks life length. club music is euro or electro. that's when your at the hottest downtown club in full Guido attire dancing with yourself with the same arm movements over and over. you think your hot cause you just waxed your eye brows, you have a gallon of fake tanner on, and you have more hair gel in your head then there is water in lake Michigan. you also randomly scream out a "yeah" when you get in the zone with a new beat...all while everyone laughs at you. now that's club music.
  21. Devo? I love Devo! i always do the Robot when i listen to Devo, esp in the car. vicki you need some techno music or trance music, that will help get you a bit more pumped and take the hour away. go with the well knowns like Tiesto and djs like that.
  22. well i am not going to say who told me but I don't doubt what the person told me then. of course GL has a history of saying this or that when its been really that or this (nothing wrong with that way of business..i guess). remember when the first ps-1's starting making the headphone section and lots of people emailed grado asking about them? i dont remember the exact quotes but i do remember laughing after hearing the "no such thing exists" emails came back...well something like that. they also had the same type of answer when the first 325i sightings came on the boards... got to love GL..
  23. the rs-1 would be closer tot he sound of your hf-1 so i would focus in trying those first. hf-1's are based off the 225, the 225 and rs-1 are closer to each other in terms of mid range and a few other sonic signatures then any other Grados. the 325's and rs-2's are in the same boat as far as how they share their sonics. another way of putting this is if you like the 325 sound then the rs-2 is your step up, if you like 225's then your step up is rs-1. of course the hf-1 having some wood and being tuned right are closer to the rs-1 then the 225, and unlike the rs-1's and the 225's you don't need flat pads with the hf-1. John ships these cans with the right pads already in place. try out rs-1's but only with flat pads, don't judge them until you heard them the way they were designed to be heard. if you heard the 325/ms2 cans before then imagine that sound a bit more lush and you will have the rs-2. I started my journey with silver 325's so one of my personal favorite is naturally the rs-2's. I never could get into the rs-1's for a long time nor could i get into 225's. but i do love and respect their sound for what they do.
  24. your tongue! Actually what little i have have i just brush it off with the metal green cleaning pad thingy used for dishes.
  25. lol
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