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High Rollers
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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. Wheres that Damn Edwood when you need him?
  2. or drugs..
  3. bhd812


  4. GOOD STUFF!!!
  5. there should be pics somewhere.. it was at the nation san jose thingy, atleast it proto form
  6. yummy Breitling Super avenger?
  7. i ordered it!!!!! should be at my house on Jan 16th!!!! yayyyyyyy i am going to walk around naked when i get it in...
  8. That was smooth...
  9. nooooooooo
  10. bhd812

    slow forum

  11. Didn't touch anything last night. 750mg of Levaquin twice a day is the reason...and a damn good one at that.
  12. sold out again.. Damn this watch is harder to get then a Panerai..geezz
  13. amazon sent me email saying the order has been cancelled. damn it.. still was worth a try.
  14. actually the hc of the year should be Kitty
  15. I ordered the silver skeleton Invicta i linked earlier in this thread today. thanks to Dusty for giving me the idea of going to amazon. i hope they ship it cause it says it was out of stock on shopnbc but not on amazon...i will find out in a few days though. of course if i do get it then you know you all will see pics.
  16. Merry Christmas to all of you Headcasers. it's been another interesting year here, sometimes good, sometimes bad. but in the end i think h/c has shown some good...maybe not as much as the bad... yeah yeah "just joking"
  17. no nail polish? wtf?
  18. since we were talking about Skeleton watches in this thread... This is a Invicta skeleton..actually this is one of the best looking skele's i seen. waiting for them to be restocked! if anyone knows where to get one at this price or close let me know.. http://www.shopnbc.com/product/?familyid=J173256&rap=1248&cm_mmc=TL-_-Shopping-_-Engine-_-Froogle
  19. bhd812

    slow forum

  20. as a sprint customer (not by choice, but by nextel switch over) i have a 930 now and was looking to get the iphone in Feb. i was looking at the touch from sprint online the other day cause i believe i could keep my current plan if i get it... have u compared the two?
  21. bhd812

    slow forum

  22. bhd812

    slow forum

    this video is my dj scratching at my bar last summer... you will have to copy the link. i disabled embedding cause of our imposter site we always seem to get... [noembed]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sql8l8Iq4D0[/noembed]
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