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Everything posted by bhd812

  1. bhd812

    slow forum

  2. bhd812

    Staying awake

    Junior and Senior year i would stay up from thursday to sunday with no sleep maybe 3 times a month, if i was that lucky to get a sunday off. Thursday mourning i would wake up to get ready for school, after school i would work 8 hours at the grocery store job after that i would shower i do either a rave or a party with the lighting job. come home at 5am and get ready for school on Friday mourning then repeat this till Sunday mourning. all day Sunday i would sleep and if i was awake i was just a zombie. i cut the lighting job down by hiring people when i was 19 so they could do the work for me, at the time i was getting more work almost every month. i probably lived like this from the age 17-19, which now i look back i remember all i thought about back then was the feeling to retire..haha i lost alot of weight at this age and did not have time to drink or do drugs which i guess is a good thing. the important part was having that Sunday to sleep all day, if i did not then the whole week would be seriously messed up and hard even if i would get some sleep in the week. after high school i had a few people working for me often on the weekends but i still had to drive out to either pick up money or the lights themselves at the end of the party. so instead of working the parties directly i would spend most of my time just driving from one to the other. i don't regret it but if i gave advice to a 17 yearold now i would tell them work is important but don't live to work exp at that age. i missed out on alot of crap and fun my friends the same age was doing cause of the work.
  3. i just looked at what bjc cables i ordered last week for my house... it was the hdmi tartan cables, the same product line monster mentions! funny thing is the "cheapo" Tartan cables i got from BJC are seriously amazing in the build of them!! to put it plain and simple why i say the build of them is seriously amazing is because the entire cable is SOLID AS FUCK! thick with great end connections! i opened the box and picked one up and thought "holy shit, this costs $10?".. i never nor will i compare the actual performance VS other hdmi cables but the build of these is just stellar for a $10.00 cable..really (the model i ordered was "Tartan Cable 24 AWG HDMI Cable" in 6 foot length)
  4. bjc is seriously a baddass company! i ordered from them and not only had friends order but even strict none cable believers order...why? cause the bjc way is not bullshit! That letter bjc wrote is almost epic...almost
  5. bhd812

    slow forum

    that was awesome! i need that grill
  6. done deepakx
  7. bhd812

    slow forum

    spiritus and I are breaking up.. stomach is in garbage can... my car is at the bar... never again... never..
  8. bhd812

    slow forum

  9. bhd812

    OICDN Fan

    that seriously made me laugh hardcore! thanks for who ever it is...
  10. bhd812

    slow forum

  11. bhd812

    slow forum

  12. thats why they wanted to buy Yahoo!
  13. bhd812

    slow forum

  14. bhd812

    slow forum

    lol hahahahhahaha
  15. bhd812


    don't worry the teeth, concussion, cheek, and fingers can all be replaced! but i am sorry to hear about the button...damn, nothing is as hard in life as the loss of ones button. seriously glad your alive, what happened? want me to break their legs?
  16. i always loved my rsa solid state amps or my old gsx with 600/650's. i think the reason these cans get labeled for needing tubes is cause they get along so good with them (compared to low imped cans). with the 600/650 you don't need to worry about the amp as much as your source, esp if you heard the headphones with really good sources before. i could live with my lunch box powering them but not my old NAD542 as a source...
  17. i would say the 600 to the 650 is just a different animal, some setups either will sound better then the other. i went thru setups where the 650's rocked the 600's balls but then i had my fair share of setups where the 600's made the 650's looked over bassy and shit. on my current setup with the current tubes the 600 is miles ahead of the 650 in terms of balanced great sound, the 650's are slow, bass humpy, mid happy. all depends on the person and the setup when comparing these two.
  18. i bought my 600's for $160-170 used, messed up part is its the one headphone i use everyday! so i guess i have to say i dont regret buying them at all...
  19. i think the touch and iphone use the same dac? the stock iphone cradle has a mini audio out and its not a bad sound... of course this is for a phone/ipod but still not a bad sound out of it.
  20. bhd812

    slow forum

  21. bhd812

    slow forum

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2josUqMTUmE&feature=related Watch the kid on the right closely, well watch her index,middle,etc fingers on the cross fader.... to say the amazing is an understatement.
  22. lowes 6 gauge wire is amazingly good stuff! i use mit 750 cause it was not that much and has a nice high end
  23. i am also not annoyed, hell i think its a great idea to draw more attention to Canjam!
  24. bhd812

    slow forum

  25. i was just going to say my ex would love that...
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